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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Then your conclusion is wrong and there’s zero evidence of this anywhere on any media platform.
It's what you say and you may be right, but my point was that mods should be more tolerant.
Pakistan says has only one downed Indian pilot | Reuters
Pakistan’s chief military spokesman said on Wednesday the Pakistani army currently had only one downed Indian pilot in custody, having previously said two pilots had been captured, one of whom was wounded.

My point was that instead of negative rating my comment, answer above paradox, do you know what that news means?
Is it too much demand in a discussion?!
You are wrong. I suppose any fighter jet should be able to shoot down a drone.
I will enjoy any advancement by Pakistan.
hey stronk P.P I forgot ………… You have worlds best Radars and EW eqm.. Why not you ask you mullah to show the data of Pakistani F-16 going down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't tell me you are not able to pick that up...…..
Dont tell me your Stronk Air defence failed...…….. If you cannot pick up Pakistani Jets what will you do with your girl friend (Isreali) Jets...….
1.Indian published the dogfight clip plus that F16 ID picture.
2.Pakistanis stories of the three captured pilots and false claims of shooting down the Su30 and MIG29 hugely discredited them.
That's how I reached this conclusion.
Where is the f16 id picture, stop lying.
It's what you say and you may be right, but my point was that mods should be more tolerant.
Pakistan says has only one downed Indian pilot | Reuters

My point was that instead of negative rating my comment, answer above paradox, do you know what that news means?
Is it too much demand in a discussion?!

A plausible explanation, since IAF refuses to accept the 2nd loss, Pakistan can keep the injured pilot and torture/interrogate him in Pakistan, without any public backlash. Thus, by declaring that he does not exist, and nobody to object that declaration, Pakistan can do whatever they want with him.
Everything is relative, they could have been very close to LOC, assuming the video is valid. From your, the viewers perspective, the planes are far and are falling almost parallel to the direction of your sight, in such a case, you cannot tell how far a plane goes, and only tell how low it goes.

I agree. Infact both the planes are flying away from the viewers. and am not even surprised both fell on Pakistani side.

According to the website, the serial is 78-0269, not 80269. And also, according to the database, it is in ACTIVE use of the Jordanian Air Force. The website has several abbreviations mentioned.

[act] Active
[i/a] Instructional Airframe
[sto] Stored (e.g. at AMARG)
[cld] Cancelled Order
[msh] Involved in Mishap
[w/o] Write-off
[con] Converted
[o/o] On Order
[des] Destroyed (drone)
[pre] Preserved (museum, gateguard)
T/V LM Aero Type/Version (Construction) number
[emb] Embargoed
[scr] Scrapped
Photo Available

It is listed clearly as [act] with JRAF since 2009.

Its pictures: http://www.f-16.net/aircraft-database/F-16/airframe-profile/269/.

Lastly, that's a F-16B Block 20 MLU. Pakistan doesn't operate those.

Check this. Search for 78-0269, no result.


I am lost how to upload the damn picture, so I simply attached it here below.

S/N are in the 5 digits, the S/N of the accused aircraft is J-269. As you can see, all Aircraft no. are In the 6 digits with a dash.
Also, https://www.scramble.nl/index.php?option=com_mildb&view=search&Itemid=60&af=pk. You can search for both codes, on the website under Pakistan category. Results are nil.

For further clarity, the F-16B MLU refers to F-16BM, Pakistan doesn't operate MLU's. Pakistan doesn't possess any F-16AM's or F-16BM's; F-16B and F-16BM are two different variants.

EDIT: FURTHER PROOF; http://www.f-16.net/aircraft-database/F-16/airframe-profile/269/, in the pictures you can CLEARLY see that it is a twin seater fighter jet. Doesn't align with the Indian narrative that the 2nd pilot we claimed to have in custody is our own, one pilot doesn't fly a twin seater.


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So you are also one of those idiots that believes you have shot down a F16 :lol:

I am more interested in tracking down idiots who belive in your ISPR who said 2 then said 1 pilot. Are you one of em intelligent ones ?
1 pilot with us...2 burnt in IOK...you can ask India :enjoy:
Funny thing is , Indian just remove parts of one jet from near LOC …… No one asking them ! Which jet it was ? And how that felllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Nearrrrrrrrrrrrrrr LOC...…………. lol Not even sronk Persian parsis..
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