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23rd March 2015 - Parade and Celebration

It was on show in the rehearsal...no idea why it didn't come today.
yes it was, cant figure out what happened!

The biggest let down however was UAV and Hover Crafts mounted on other platforms rather then flying or HOVERING by themselves. The hover crafts could have easily moved on the parade ground, just like all other platforms. Same goes for UAV, Uqaab UAV fly past filled in the gap some what but it would have been great to see some of the other UAVs in fly past. Only Shahpar and Burraq participated in true sense!

All said, it is good that we had this celebration at least after such a ling gap.

We never show all weapons
bahi but we should them all right, just that they were mounted on trucks and jeeps do not make them any more secret!! Do you really consider Ghauri missiles something that is worth keeping a secret by not showing any more??
the only thing is that we meant to deceive the enemies that these hovercrafts and UAV can work actually because they were there in plain sight, only that a more active participation and display ould have helped that much more. Same goes for A100, hundreds of images are available, the army have confirmed there induction, these were in the rehearsals so don't know what we are tryiing to hide about them now :)
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Can someone summarize the parade
1 Saab aewcs 1no.s
Pics of the above
2 P3C orion 2no.s
3 ZDK 03 1no.s
Like above.

Would make an informative post
The solo flight demonstration by fighter jets and the cockpit camera from Air Chief's jet was GREAT!! :)
You posted an Old pic ....This time SSG had M-4 Carbines !
Thanks for Noticing .... I'm just going to change the Shell Helix HX7 E
Shell Helix HX7 E motor oil can improve engine efficiency by providing up to 1.8% more fuel economy compared with 15W-40 mineral oil.
Was it because of Engine or oil :what: ?

Alhumdolillah... Alhumdolillah... Alhumdolillah...

Today we witnessed Defence of Pakistan....

Alhumdolillah... Alhumdolillah... Alhumdolillah...

and I watched T-37s doing aerobatics live ....:pakistan:
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