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23 Egyptian Soldiers including Colonel reported killed in Sinai attack

Egyptian should come to Pakistan army anti terror school learn tactics. Otherwise they will keep on take beating from these terrorist. Pakistan army has 20 years of counter insurgency experience in urban area.
Egyptian should come to Pakistan army anti terror school learn tactics. Otherwise they will keep on take beating from these terrorist. Pakistan army has 20 years of counter insurgency experience in urban area.
Excuse me? Egypt should come to Pakistan and ask for experience? How can Pakistan, country with daily terror-related attacks on its soil offer any advice ?
Excuse me? Egypt should come to Pakistan and ask for experience? How can Pakistan, country with daily terror-related attacks on its soil offer any advice ?
Pakistan still facing insurgency due a whole face of Afghanistan border is open and left insecure by Afghan govt. Insurgent easily enter exit through this border. We don't claim that terrorism is over, but lots of pockets been cleaned.
Thank you for the well considered reply. You are a very civil poster, a rarity on PDF.

My bad I did not elaborate my question well.

I dis not mean false pride at all. There are very sound reasons why most countries find the idea of foreign troops on their soil abhorrent.

1 you DO lose credibility internationally

2 foreign countries with troops DO get leverage in running your country - dimished sovereignty

3 foreign countries have agendas. You welcome them to implement them inside your country

4 no example of a foreign force successfully defeating an insurgency

I understand your post somewhat covers all of this in a different way, as in you said all these and such issues will have to be understood BEFORE such troops are allowed.

But I think militariyl Egypt is strong enough. It is intelligence thats needed to defeat an insurgency like yours, otherwise you are loaded with weapons. so I think it will be a horrible idea.

Thanks. You are a civil poster as well, it works both ways.

The false pride comment was just a reflection on my own personal views, and that I try not to be influenced by it. I didn't think you insinuated it at all. Objectivity is the only way to critique one's self or country. No worries.

The IA is something Egypt is a part of, so it's not necessarily a "foreign" country by definition. There would be less of a sting, I would think. Either way, it would only be a tool for consideration since something drastic needs to happen. The number of soldiers killed in the past 4 years is frightening and alarming. The cause should be very concerning and shouldn't be dismissed without self evaluation as to the performance of the entire chain of the Egyptian command that is tasked to fight this terrorism. It's very obvious that the current methods and procedures are failing miserably. The problem is much deeper than a quick solution or simple change can fix. It goes as far as the entire concept of how Egypt is fighting terrorism inside the country, from top to bottom. There are too many difficult procedural and tactical components that are not working. It's not something that can be solved immediately but it needs to be drastically shaken up.
Thanks. You are a civil poster as well, it works both ways.

The false pride comment was just a reflection on my own personal views, and that I try not to be influenced by it. I didn't think you insinuated it at all. Objectivity is the only way to critique one's self or country. No worries.

The IA is something Egypt is a part of, so it's not necessarily a "foreign" country by definition. There would be less of a sting, I would think. Either way, it would only be a tool for consideration since something drastic needs to happen. The number of soldiers killed in the past 4 years is frightening and alarming. The cause should be very concerning and shouldn't be dismissed without self evaluation as to the performance of the entire chain of the Egyptian command that is tasked to fight this terrorism. It's very obvious that the current methods and procedures are failing miserably. The problem is much deeper than a quick solution or simple change can fix. It goes as far as the entire concept of how Egypt is fighting terrorism inside the country, from top to bottom. There are too many difficult procedural and tactical components that are not working. It's not something that can be solved immediately but it needs to be drastically shaken up.

You are totally wrong. I am not a civil poster at all. This is a Pakistani forum and I am Indian and being civil is not an option :)

I hope you are right and you are able to defeat this evil soon.

Out of curiosity, how many troops have you lost to such attacks last 4 years?
You are totally wrong. I am not a civil poster at all. This is a Pakistani forum and I am Indian and being civil is not an option :)

I hope you are right and you are able to defeat this evil soon.

Out of curiosity, how many troops have you lost to such attacks last 4 years?

I don't know the exact number off the top of my head, but between police and soldiers, it's easily over 100 since 2013. There's also the ones who've been maimed and wounded who might've survived the attacks but later died or have been severely disabled etc.

no one deserves to be killed , specially in the sinai desert .
Which bubble do you live in?

The purpose of the alliance is to fight terrorist groups, and its not likely they are going to deploy into Iraq and Syria. It makes more sense to fight in friendly member states like Egypt.
I don't, they just don't have that capability..
Are you confusing Egypt with Algeria.. I know Algeria does not have that capability.. Egypt has it (more than 200 F-16s up to block-52), they have proved it in Libya and Sinai many times..

The purpose of the alliance is to fight terrorist groups, and its not likely they are going to deploy into Iraq and Syria. It makes more sense to fight in friendly member states like Egypt.
That is if Egypt needs it and asks for it..
Are you confusing Egypt with Algeria.. I know Algeria does not have that capability.. Egypt has it (more than 200 F-16s up to block-52), they have proved it in Libya and Sinai many times..

That is if Egypt needs it and asks for it..
You can't compare an army of the 21st century that kept a country with 7 instable borders unmolested,to an incapable army of thugs...
What did those dust up F16 from the Arizona desert against ISIS..? Walou!
What did those F16 accomplished in Western Egypt ..Nada!
They are just like tits on a wild boar...useless..
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