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22-year-old martyred Kashmiri Army officer's first leave became his last

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Feb 24, 2015
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Martyred Lieutenant Umer Fayaz
  • Umer was picked up from his house at Harmein in Kulgam. Locals said two masked men entered the house at 8pm and asked him to accompany them
  • He was fired at from a close range, and the bullets had hit his head and stomach or chest region
SRINAGAR: His first leave home became his last. A wedding gathering that he wanted to join turned into his funeral procession.

Martyred Lieutenant Umer Fayaz, 22, from the troubled region of Kulgam district, had joined the Army after being commissioned in December last year.
Fayaz studied at Navodaya Vidyalaya, a branch of government schools for gifted students, at Ashmuquam in South Kashmir. He belonged to the 129th batch of cadets from the prestigious Pune-based National Defence Academy.

He was posted with 2 Rajputana Rifles and had applied for leave to attend a cousin's wedding.

This was for the first time that he had taken leave after joining the Army, a senior official said. He was supposed to have returned to his unit in the Akhnoor area of Jammu on May 25.

But that was not to be. Umer Fayaz was kidnapped and killed by terrorists in a dastardly act.

Umer was picked up from his house at Harmein in Kulgam, 60 kilometres from here, on Wednesday night. The body of the young officer was later found three kilometres from his house.

Locals said two masked men entered the house at 8 last night. The men asked Lt Fayaz, who was unarmed, to accompany them, and warned the family not to inform the police.

He was fired at from a close range, and the bullets had hit his head and stomach or chest region.

The autopsy report showed marks on his body, indicating that he had resisted the suspected terrorists who had abducted him.

The killing caused anger among locals who demanded that the men responsible be identified and punished.

Major General BS Raju, the General Officer in Command of the Victor Force, responsible for counter-terrorism in South Kashmir, has directed all its units in and around the area to launch a manhunt for the killers.

The body of the officer was laid to rest with full military honours. His funeral was attended by several people from his village.

Defence Minister Arun Jaitley described the abduction and killing as "a dastardly act" of cowardice.

"This young officer from J&K was a role model," Jaitley said in a tweet


Fuc**ng c*nts will pay for this!
Few "kashmiris" threw stones at his funeral.

Time to put president rule.Enough bullshit have been taken ,its time for strict action.
How many Kashmiri Muslims are there in the Army?And how many JK Police outside Jammu and Ladakh?
How many Kashmiri Muslims are there in the Army?And how many JK Police outside Jammu and Ladakh?
Seens many of them in the CISF and other paramilitary type forces, the state of unemployment in kashmir has led to many kashmiris joining armed forces. In this video a kashmiri general also say many kashmiris join army and other paramilitary organizations.
Seens many of them in the CISF and other paramilitary type forces, the state of unemployment in kashmir has led to many kashmiris joining armed forces. In this video a kashmiri general also say many kashmiris join army and other paramilitary organizations.

I visited Kashmir 4 years ago,our taxi driver's brother worked in JK Police and sometimes couldn't return to home for weeks due to death threats
few days ago nvdt article showed story if two funerals. a cop funeral with only family while a freedom fighter who died in same incident funeral attended by thousands.
India already lost Kashmir valley just needs to do few things start to supply heavy arms to militants and help Sikhs to start fresh struggle for independent Khalistan.
It would still be a thousand times better than it is now.
I am in a holiday spot of India at the moment.
Complete line of shops is owned by muslim kashmiris in the prime area.
They will value what they are missing once the become a part of the islamic republic.
I am in a holiday spot of India at the moment.
Complete line of shops is owned by muslim kashmiris in the prime area.
They will value what they are missing once the become a part of the islamic republic.

You are just trolling since whole world knows how much Kashmiri people enjoying on streets of Kashmir.
Doubtful as the locals come out for stone throwing if army is involved in any action in the area.
This is how terror groups maintain their hold on local populas. Intimidation through murder.


You are just trolling since whole world knows how much Kashmiri people enjoying on streets of Kashmir.
Just google kashmiri shops in india.
Dont have to trust me.
Kashmiris come to our houses for selling carpets door to door in the north.
I am in a holiday spot of India at the moment.
Complete line of shops is owned by muslim kashmiris in the prime area.
They will know value they are missing once the become a part of the islamic republic.

If things get better between India and Pakistan you should visit Azad Kashmir and witness the true happiness on the face of Kashmiris.
I am a Kashmiri myself but I feel more connected to Pakistan thn India and Its not only because of religion there are several factors .. Major one is the treatment of Kashmiris in the hands of Indian army.It is just even after you and I die, struggle for freedom in Kashmir will live on.
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