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21st ASEAN Summit in Cambodia (from Nov. 18 to 20)

Yes, ASEAN as a discussion forum for the SCS dispute is a dead end for the group of 4s, namely Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei. That´s because of Chinese policy of obstruction, supported by Cambodia. Once again. That´s not a good day for all ASEAN states. I don´t think it is not good for China in the long term, either.

China as a serious partner is disqualified. Just see its latest provocation by putting disputed areas on the new passports.
Money talks, and that's one thing you Viets never had, don't have and never will have. We'll try not to lose sleep over Vietnam and Philippines disqualifying us, since the two of you ALMOST have same size economy as my home provinice. We'll be so sad.
Napoleon used to say this about China: "quand la chine s'éveillera, le monde tremblera" (when China wakes up, the world will shake).

It is China destiny to rule Asia & let us hope the Giant will be merciful on its rule.

bla bla bla i disagree

this thread is hot so calm down
Money talks, and that's one thing you Viets never had, don't have and never will have. We'll try not to lose sleep over Vietnam and Philippines disqualifying us, since the two of you ALMOST have same size economy as my home provinice. We'll be so sad.

So you admit to sabotage ASEAN man thank you for your honesty! i wish you were in the CCP so that like Nazi German china would be became a Democratic country. Wow your province must be the riches in your country because my country economy is one of the best preforming economy this year>?
So you admit to sabotage ASEAN man thank you for your honesty! i wish you were in the CCP so that like Nazi German china would be became a Democratic country. Wow your province must be the riches in your country because my country economy is one of the best preforming economy this year>?

His country "Sabotage" ASEAN. China using politic, bribery & deceit to achieve their goal, but that is what politic is all about. Getting a leg up from the competitor.

What make you think a Democratic China pose any less a threat than a Communist China? So does mine, but it still doesn't change the fact that that our country still making "peanut" compare to the Chinese economy.

Indonesia Economy grow by 6%

Philippines economy is predicted to grow to 6%

Philippines economy fall to 5.9%

Cambodia GDP predicted at 6.5%
The Asian Development Bank ( ADB) predicted that Cambodia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will grow 6.5 percent this year, 0.3 percentage point lower than that of 6.8 percent last year.
Interesting articles must read..it's related to this thread

Asia Times Online :: Post-US world born in Phnom Penh

I dont want to post the long article...take your time to read

It is hard to fathom just what President Obama had in mind when he arrived in Asia bearing a Trans-Pacific Partnership designed to keep China out. What does the United States have to offer Asians?
It is borrowing $600 billion a year from the rest of the world to finance a $1.2 trillion government debt, most prominently from Japan (China has been a net seller of Treasury securities during the past year).
It is a taker of capital rather than a provider of capital.
It is a major import market but rapidly diminishing in relative importance as intra-Asian trade expands far more rapidly than trade with the United States.
And America's strength as an innovator and incubator of entrepreneurs has diminished drastically since the 2008 crisis, no thanks to the Obama administration, which imposed a steep task on start-up businesses in the form of its healthcare program.

Washington might want to pivot towards Asia. At Phnom Penh, though, Asian leaders in effect invited Obama to pivot the full 360 degrees and go home.

That's hilarious, Americans are just newbie on diplomacy...they're belong to beginer group...try to take an 101 lesson on diplomacy before come to challenge China
So you admit to sabotage ASEAN man thank you for your honesty! i wish you were in the CCP so that like Nazi German china would be became a Democratic country. Wow your province must be the riches in your country because my country economy is one of the best preforming economy this year>?
Sabotage ASEAN? We don't need to sabotage anything. If you can't offer other countries anything besides empty words, then you won't have any influence. It's called realpolitik.

A poor man bragging about making 100 dollars to a millionaire is simply laughable. Not counting Indonesia, I bet my home province has higher GDP than the entire ASEAN put together.

GDP 2011:
Philippines - $224.75 Billion
Vietnam - $123.96 Billion
Guangdong -$838 Billion
Sabotage ASEAN? We don't need to sabotage anything. If you can't offer other countries anything besides empty words, then you won't have any influence. It's called realpolitik.

A poor man bragging about making 100 dollars to a millionaire is simply laughable. Not counting Indonesia, I bet my home province has higher GDP than the entire ASEAN put together.

GDP 2011:
Philippines - $224.75 Billion
Vietnam - $123.96 Billion
Guangdong -$838 Billion

Very good I hope each country GDP in Asia to grow even further, but Remember GDP means nothing if you can't provide for your people.
Sabotage ASEAN? We don't need to sabotage anything. If you can't offer other countries anything besides empty words, then you won't have any influence. It's called realpolitik.

A poor man bragging about making 100 dollars to a millionaire is simply laughable. Not counting Indonesia, I bet my home province has higher GDP than the entire ASEAN put together.

GDP 2011:
Philippines - $224.75 Billion
Vietnam - $123.96 Billion
Guangdong -$838 Billion

Yes, your country is quite rich today, so why it continues to keep a covetous eye on EEZs of poorer countries in ASEAN?
Yes, your country is quite rich today, so why it continues to keep a covetous eye on EEZs of poorer countries in ASEAN?

LOL are you serious man LOL That's the most funniest thing I heard today LOL

.... Okay I'm serious now maybe this "feller" in the picture will tell you the reason why the rich wanted to become even more rich

Scrooge McDuck - Disney Wiki
Yes, your country is quite rich today, so why it continues to keep a covetous eye on EEZs of poorer countries in ASEAN?
First of all, it's our sea, but we can debate that for eternity and not have any result. So I am just going to jump to a more practical discussion. China needs resources and access to ocean in order to grow stronger. You can choose to hitch a ride on our wagon or get crushed by standing in our path.
Big Summits, Old Problems

November 28, 2012
By Luke HuntAbout


The ASEAN and East Asia summits ended with little progress having been made on the bloc's most contentious issues.

Outgoing Chinese Premier Wei Jiabao returned to Beijing this week office after disappointing ASEAN and East Asia summits that failed to live-up to years of diplomatic posturing and positioning, designed to protect his country’s territorial ambitions in the South China Sea.

The pro-Beijing lobby will no doubt praise his efforts in Cambodia where China successfully thwarted attempts by Southeast Asian countries to unite on the South China Sea issue.

But behind closed doors the honest power-brokers will be forced to admit that at best Beijing achieved a year-long stalemate before a significant political shift within the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), which will not be to its liking.

Wen’s departure also signaled an ignoble end to Cambodia’s controversial year as chair of ASEAN, marked by Prime Minister Hun Sen’s extraordinary efforts to please Beijing that exposed deep and acrimonious divisions within the 10-member bloc.

China has invested heavily in Cambodia with Chinese companies investing $8.2 billion in the poverty-stricken country since 2006 alone, not to mention the billions in aids and soft loans that Beijing has given to Hun Sen’s government with no strings attached.

Such magnanimity is rare but seemed questionable over the last six months with China leaning on Phnom Penh to protect Beijing’s interests within ASEAN on the thorny issue of the Spratly and Paracel islands.

China claims almost the entire resource rich South China Sea, including the Paracel islands, which are also claimed by Vietnam. The Spratly Islands and the sea lanes of communications, where half the world’s trade passes, are claimed in whole or in part by China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Brunei and the Philippines.

From the outset Cambodia tried to paper over the cracks that first appeared at an ASEAN summit in July by publicly announcing that Southeast Asian delegates had early on unanimously agreed to not “internationalize” the festering dispute.

read more: Big Summits, Old Problems - The Diplomat

...hhhh. Let's hope Next year negotiation in Brunei Darusalam will be more "Productive":undecided:
First of all, it's our sea, but we can debate that for eternity and not have any result. So I am just going to jump to a more practical discussion. China needs resources and access to ocean in order to grow stronger. You can choose to hitch a ride on our wagon or get crushed by standing in our path.

No need to rub it in their faces. :nono:
Sabotage ASEAN? We don't need to sabotage anything. If you can't offer other countries anything besides empty words, then you won't have any influence. It's called realpolitik.

A poor man bragging about making 100 dollars to a millionaire is simply laughable. Not counting Indonesia, I bet my home province has higher GDP than the entire ASEAN put together.

GDP 2011:
Philippines - $224.75 Billion
Vietnam - $123.96 Billion
Guangdong -$838 Billion

You´re right.

I think it is time that rich China begins to give some money back to the world. Lets begin with your poor brother Vietnam! You are welcome to donate, the more money you give us the more cheers I give to you, agreed?
First of all, it's our sea, but we can debate that for eternity and not have any result. So I am just going to jump to a more practical discussion. China needs resources and access to ocean in order to grow stronger. You can choose to hitch a ride on our wagon or get crushed by standing in our path.

Why your sea? Based on what? :coffee:

LOL are you serious man LOL That's the most funniest thing I heard today LOL

.... Okay I'm serious now maybe this "feller" in the picture will tell you the reason why the rich wanted to become even more rich

Scrooge McDuck - Disney Wiki

but not by robbing from others.
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