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21st ASEAN Summit in Cambodia (from Nov. 18 to 20)

Seriously this nine-dotted line is absolutely ABSURD. Just look at the vastness of the claim and how the border claims of China are not making any sense.

how about your master claim Guam?
How about UK claims Falkland Islands?
Seriously this nine-dotted line is absolutely ABSURD. Just look at the vastness of the claim and how the border claims of China are not making any sense.

Yeah, I dont understand how the hell the Chinese people believe the ridiculous map left by Chiang Kai-shek. It is a major cause of tension between ASEAN countries and China.

Anyone with a conscience can easily see the absurdity of China's claim map "nine dotted line" or "nine dash line".
Yeah, I dont understand how the hell the Chinese people believe the ridiculous map left by Chiang Kai-shek. It is a major cause of tension between ASEAN countries and China.

Anyone with a conscience can easily see the absurdity of China's claim map "nine dotted line" or "nine dash line".

When chinese traveled to India, Africa and middle east via south china sea, some neighboring countries of us were still in stone age, how can those undeveloped people find our islands in the SCS?
When chinese traveled to India, Africa and middle east via south china sea, some neighboring countries of us were still in stone age, how can those undeveloped people find our islands in the SCS?

Islands belong to us Viet Thuong (Champa first). China called our Sea "Jiao Zhi" Sea in ancient time. Bussiness men from India, Middle East has been vesseled as free navigation in our sea from ancient time.
I reminder you that Zheng He was Musslim Arabish, no Chiense and didn't found nothing bececause Islands is available in our Sea.
Islands belong to us Viet Thuong (Champa first). China called our Sea "Jiao Zhi" Sea in ancient time. Bussiness men from India, Middle East has been vesseled as free navigation.
I reminder you that Zheng He was Musslim Arabish, no Chiense and didn't found nothing bececause Islands is available in our Sea.

Obama is black but he serves USA.
BTW, JIaozhi is a province of China. I dont want to troll. if you have guts, just fire firstly

Islands belong to us Viet Thuong (Champa first). China called our Sea "Jiao Zhi" Sea in ancient time. Bussiness men from India, Middle East has been vesseled as free navigation.
I reminder you that Zheng He was Musslim Arabish, no Chiense and didn't found nothing bececause Islands is available in our Sea.

Obama is black but he serves USA.
BTW, JIaozhi is a province of China. I dont want to troll. if you have guts, just fire firstly
Obama is black but he serves USA.
BTW, JIaozhi is a province of China. I dont want to troll. if you have guts, just fire firstly

Obama is black but he serves USA.
BTW, JIaozhi is a province of China. I dont want to troll. if you have guts, just fire firstly

He served for Yuan, Mongolian Kingdom, not Chinese.
But he didn't found nothing in our sea, just vesselled throughly. Islands are available in our sea before us.

Jiao Zhi Sea belong to Jiao Zhi People. There was ancient time before Chinese invaded in to Viet. We regained our independece from China over thousand year ago.
Obama is black but he serves USA.
BTW, JIaozhi is a province of China. I dont want to troll. if you have guts, just fire firstly

Obama is black but he serves USA.
BTW, JIaozhi is a province of China. I dont want to troll. if you have guts, just fire firstly
China the one that's starting wars around the Asian. Ignorant Chibot like you is failing this society. before that, are you not a Chinese ultra-nationalistic sympathizer living the Siam?
When chinese traveled to India, Africa and middle east via south china sea, some neighboring countries of us were still in stone age, how can those undeveloped people find our islands in the SCS?

Typical Chauvinistic Chinese who look down on others culture...:azn:

Chinese civilization never was a maritime based culture, in fact Chinese was the late comer to explore the sea....

The supposedly "stone-age" people from your neighboring countries had already explored as far to Madagascar to the west and Easter Island to the east long before the Chinese had. They have even sailed to Australia and had a contact with Australian Aborigine pople.

If we applied the Chinese logic of "historical / traditional fishing ground", the Austronesian people from Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia must have been the most rightful owner of the South China Sea!:azn:
Typical Chauvinistic Chinese who look down on others culture...:azn:

Chinese civilization never was a maritime based culture, in fact Chinese was the late comer to explore the sea....

The supposedly "stone-age" people from your neighboring countries had already explored as far to Madagascar to the west and Easter Island to the east long before the Chinese had. They have even sailed to Australia and had a contact with Australian Aborigine pople.

If we applied the Chinese logic of "historical / traditional fishing ground", the Austronesian people from Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia must have been the most rightful owner of the South China Sea!:azn:

Amen epic fail again china please take you coco logic some place else !
Typical Chauvinistic Chinese who look down on others culture...:azn:

Chinese civilization never was a maritime based culture, in fact Chinese was the late comer to explore the sea....

The supposedly "stone-age" people from your neighboring countries had already explored as far to Madagascar to the west and Easter Island to the east long before the Chinese had. They have even sailed to Australia and had a contact with Australian Aborigine pople.

If we applied the Chinese logic of "historical / traditional fishing ground", the Austronesian people from Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia must have been the most rightful owner of the South China Sea!:azn:

show evidence.
show evidence.

You are lack in education. Do you know where is Madagasca ? near by Africa.

Initial human settlement of Madagascar occurred between 350 BCE and 550 CE by Austronesian peoples arriving on outrigger canoes from Borneo. These were joined around 1000 CE by Bantu migrants crossing the Mozambique Channel. Other groups continued to settle on Madagascar over time, each one making lasting contributions to Malagasy cultural life. The Malagasy ethnic group is often divided into eighteen or more sub-groups of which the largest are the Merina of the central highlands.

Vietnamese, Malayo, Indoneseian ... we belong to Austronesian people.
ASEAN: A Diplomatic Dead End?
By Trefor Moss
November 23, 2012


The President of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino, has a reputation for being a lackadaisical leader in his home country, where Filipinos have embraced the term “noynoy-ing” – coined from Aquino’s nickname, Noynoy – as an irreverent phrase for “doing nothing.”

Perhaps it was Aquino’s sleepy reputation that this week emboldened the Cambodian leadership to push an exclusive agenda at the end of an ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting. Cambodia, as the ASEAN chair, was hosting the event when its officials announced that ASEAN had reached a consensus on an important aspect of the South China Sea disputes involving China and several ASEAN members, namely that the interested parties would not seek to internationalize their disagreements. It sounded fine, except for one small problem: The consensus was a fiction.

Noynoy, to his credit, refused to "noynoy." The following day he interrupted Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen to insist that no such consensus had been reached, and that, contrary to the Cambodian position, the Philippines – no doubt like other ASEAN members – reserved the right to deal with sovereignty issues in whatever way it pleased.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang, when asked about these events, repeated the Cambodian formula that ASEAN had reached this non-existent consensus. It was clumsy, and obvious. China and Cambodia had attempted to impose on the other ASEAN leaders the conclusion they wanted, rather than the one which really existed, regarding the non-internationalization of disputes. They had twisted the language of diplomacy, changing the meaning of “consensus” from “what we all think” to “what we’re telling you to think.” And the Philippines called them on it.

The ASEAN members with a stake in the South China Sea are now under no misapprehension that ASEAN is a diplomatic dead end; even now that Cambodia has handed over the chair of the association to Brunei for 2013. Now, at last, they have done what they should have done a long time ago: Ditched the ASEAN formalities, so far as the South China Sea issue is concerned, and gone their own way.

On December 12, representatives of Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam – the four countries that dispute South China Sea possessions with Beijing – will meet in Manila to discuss the way forward. Originally, handling these matters collectively through ASEAN made good sense, since in theory it would have given the smaller Southeast Asian countries strength in numbers when negotiating with China, the regional powerhouse. But then it became clear that the countries with no direct stake in the South China Sea would not back them up as fellow ASEAN members. Indeed, some, notably Cambodia, would actively side with China against the other southeast stakeholders, even though that meant flouting the non-interventionist ASEAN Way.

The South China Sea disputes have always been complicated by the confusing maze of claims and counterclaims that have made them seem practically unsolvable. At the Manila meeting, the four countries could start to cut through all that. They should start negotiations with a view to settling their disputes amongst themselves, to produce a situation in which only one Southeast Asian country disputes territory with China.

They could then set up a new regional body to negotiate with China and to deal collectively with this and other issues of concern in the interests of the member states. They could call it the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It sounds like something the region could use

Yes, ASEAN as a discussion forum for the SCS dispute is a dead end for the group of 4s, namely Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei. That´s because of Chinese policy of obstruction, supported by Cambodia. Once again. That´s not a good day for all ASEAN states. I don´t think it is not good for China in the long term, either.

China as a serious partner is disqualified. Just see its latest provocation by putting disputed areas on the new passports.
show evidence.

Austronesian peoples migrated southeast to the rest of the Philippines, and into the islands of the Celebes Sea, Borneo, and Indonesia. The Austronesian peoples of Maritime Southeast Asia sailed eastward, and spread to the islands of Melanesia and Micronesia between 1200 BC and 500 AD respectively. The Austronesian inhabitants that spread westward through Maritime Southeast Asia had reached some parts of mainland Southeast Asia, and later on Madagascar.[13][15]

Sailing from Melanesia, and Micronesia, the Austronesian peoples discovered Polynesia by 1000 BC. These people settled most of the Pacific Islands. They had settled Easter Island by 300 AD, Hawaii by 400 AD, and into New Zealand by about 1280 AD. In the Indian Ocean they sailed west from Maritime Southeast Asia; the Austronesian peoples reached Madagascar by 0-500 AD.[16][17]

[13]Gray, RD; Drummond, AJ; Greenhill, SJ (2009). "Language Phylogenies Reveal Expansion Pulses and Pauses in Pacific Settlement". Science 323 (5913): 479–483. doi:10.1126/science.1166858. PMID 19164742.
[15]Pawley, A. (2002). The Austronesian dispersal: languages, technologies and people. In P. Bellwood & C. Renfrew, Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis (p. 251-273). Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
[16]Dewar, RE; Wright, HT (1993). "The culture history of Madagascar". Journal of World Prehistory 7 (4): 417–466. doi:10.1007/BF00997802.
[17] Burney DA, Burney LP, Godfrey LR, Jungers WL, Goodman SM, Wright HT, Jull AJ (2004). "A chronology for late prehistoric Madagascar". Journal of Human Evolution 47 (1–2): 25–63. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2004.05.005. PMID 15288523.

Yeah~ these are "stone aged" and "undeveloped" people that could sail to Madagascar and New Zealand :cheesy::cheesy:
Maritime disputes with China have divided ASEAN


For the first time, an annual ASEAN meeting ended last week without a joint statement. A draft was prepared and approved by other ASEAN member-nations but was essentially vetoed by host Cambodia, a close ally of China. The draft has not been made public but could have contained references to disputes in the West Philippine Sea. Manix Abrera
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