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21st ASEAN Summit in Cambodia (from Nov. 18 to 20)

And I totally agree with this perspective, Indonesia, Singapore, and another ASEAN countries that have nothing to do with the claim shouldn't take sides. ASEAN is not a military bloc, it is only an association, was created so that each government can focus on nation building and creating conducive situation in the region by respecting each others. Taking sides is a little bit too much for an association.
They are small in front of china, want to tie ASEAN up with them to serve their benefit, they do not care about benefit of other ASEAN countries, they want to play ASEAN, they think they are smart.
Neglect them, what are they? I do believe ASEAN countries know the answer.
Ohh... for god sake man, your country started this and because of this the whole group is tearing each other apart. They are actually the Victims here, but we have to find a compromise that satisfy each group in the SCS right now.
Sorry sir, you said we started these.
Don't know whether you know the country behind the affair, Just Like Diaoyou Island dispute, all are American work!
And, now, China are much focus on economic development, we need a peaceful environment, why should we ignite the dispute to distract, is unresonable!!!
Whatever, the USA ignite these, Viet and Phillipphine want get benefit from these, about other countries, do in your benefit, we will do based on ours. it is game, some countries want to play, we will play with them, see who is smarter and stronger, jungle rule still apply to the modern world..
Such wishful thinking but then that's your business with others, we are not taking sides.

Ha ha ha...wasn´t Singapore who supported our and Phillipines position of multilateral approach during the summit?
Sorry sir, you said we started these.
Don't know whether you know the country behind the affair, Just Like Diaoyou Island dispute, all are American work!
And, now, China are much focus on economic development, we need a peaceful environment, why should we ignite the dispute to distract, is unresonable!!!
Whatever, the USA ignite these, Viet and Phillipphine want get benefit from these, about other countries, do in your benefit, we will do based on ours. it is game, some countries want to play, we will play with them, see who is smarter and stronger, jungle rule still apply to the modern world..

Nine Dash line. "Jungle rule" doesn't apply in the modern world, but it is governed by a much worse rule, a "Civilized rule." Although the Indonesian doesn't support your claim we hope for the SCS issue to be resolved peacefully that can satisfy each group.
Ha ha ha...wasn´t Singapore who supported our and Phillipines position of multilateral approach during the summit?

You've saying a lot of things lately without backing them up. BTW how do you solve sovereignty disputes multilaterally? Aren't most such disputes are between two countries?

No matter, here is what my President's final view on SCS:

South China Sea issue should not define ASEAN-China ties, says PM Lee

PHNOM PENH: Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has made a strong call to both ASEAN and China that the South China Sea issue should not define ties between the 10-member grouping and China.

He said it is important to maintain confidence in East Asia and noted that territorial claims have heightened tensions in East Asia and dominated the news this year.

Mr Lee was speaking during the ASEAN-China Dialogue, attended by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and ASEAN leaders.

Mr Lee cautioned that prolonged tensions will affect investor confidence in the region and therefore it is important to ensure that regional discourse is positive.

Turning to the South China Sea disputes, Mr Lee called on all parties to the Declaration of Conduct to implement the provisions in entirety and said it is a good step towards building trust and confidence amongst the countries.

He noted that the informal consultations between ASEAN and China on a Code of Conduct have already started and urged that formal discussions on the Code should begin soon.

Mr Lee said this would signal ASEAN's and China's resolve to maintain peace and stability, and show the international community that both sides can work together even on difficult issues.

He also urged all parties to exercise maximum restraint and refrain from provocative actions or the use of force.

The South China Sea issue was a sticking point in July during the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Phnom Penh, which led to the ASEAN foreign ministers not issuing their communique.

South China Sea issue should not define ASEAN-China ties, says PM Lee - Channel NewsAsia
You've saying a lot of things lately without backing them up. BTW how do you solve sovereignty disputes multilaterally? Aren't most such disputes are between two countries?

I am just a bystander, and does not sit in the government. relax!

Vietnamese strategy is both: bilateral and multilateral. Bilateral negotiation with China to solving the dispute, multilateral approach to reaching the new binding code of conduct.


Their latest diplomatic confrontation occurred a few hours before Obama touched down Monday in the Cambodian capital, when Hun Sen announced as he was closing a meeting that all ASEAN leaders have struck an agreement to limit discussions of the divisive issue within the 10-nation bloc’s talks with China.

Alarmed, Aquino raised his hand, stood up and objected to Hun Sen’s statement, saying his country, which plans to bring the disputes before a UN tribunal, was not party to any such agreement. It was a blunt gesture in the usually servile ambiance of the conservative bloc, an unwieldy collective of rigid, authoritarian regimes and nascent democracies.

After a brief lull, Hun Sen recovered and said Aquino’s remarks would be reflected in the record of the meeting. Still, Cambodian and Chinese officials insisted that the agreement stood. Tensions intensified Tuesday when the Philippines was joined by Vietnam and Singapore in objecting to a plan by Cambodia to state in a post-summit statement by the host country that there was indeed such an agreement, Philippine diplomats said.
Nice :tup: but do you guys invest in the same amount as China in Cambodia? :what:

So is it really important? The Important thing is the human aspect are helping for the sake of helping or helping for the sake other thing? Helping has no amount its not a loan its matter going the right thing. China can fill them with gold but is it to help them or control them?
So is it really important? The Important thing is the human aspect are helping for the sake of helping or helping for the sake other thing? Helping has no amount its not a loan its matter going the right thing. China can fill them with gold but is it to help them or control them?

Spoken like a true bleeding heart. Don't get me wrong I applaud the Philippines contribution to help another country, but to give aid is pretty much a wasted effort. If you want to truly help the country & the people living in it you need to Invest in the country.
Spoken like a true bleeding heart. Don't get me wrong I applaud the Philippines contribution to help another country, but to give aid is pretty much a wasted effort. If you want to truly help the country & the people living in it you need to Invest in the country.

We are investing too but its too small the fact remains that china is not doing this out the kindness of their hearts its ruse to help with their Imperial ambitions am sorry if its no obvious to you but its obvious to all that it was a sellout by Cambodia i hate to say but its the truth because she been getting huge money and items from china.
Nine Dash line. "Jungle rule" doesn't apply in the modern world, but it is governed by a much worse rule, a "Civilized rule." Although the Indonesian doesn't support your claim we hope for the SCS issue to be resolved peacefully that can satisfy each group.

"Nine dash line" violates the territorial waters of Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and it also violates to exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Indonesia, namely EEZ of Natuna Islands. Chinese only pretend to ignore this, but someday they will dispute with your country about this issue if they succeeded in bullying the ASEAN countries above.

We are investing too but its too small the fact remains that china is not doing this out the kindness of their hearts its ruse to help with their Imperial ambitions am sorry if its no obvious to you but its obvious to all that it was a sellout by Cambodia i hate to say but its the truth because she been getting huge money and items from china.

Then invest more if a country is dominated by a single power whether its culturally & economically will be dangerous for the Region. "China is not doing this out of the kindness of their heart" LOL hey everyone look at Zero_wing write LOL, seriously dude this is politic, no country ever done anything out of their kindness of their heart China invest in Cambodia to win their heart & earn a profit while doing so. The same can be said to Philippines, your investor invest in order to earn profits. I already tell you their motives I won't explain it again

"Nine dash line" violates the territorial waters of Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and it also violates to exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Indonesia, namely EEZ of Natuna Islands. Chinese only pretend to ignore this, but someday they will dispute with your country about this issue if they succeeded in bullying the ASEAN countries above.


Natuna Island is not in disputed territory, so we're pretty much cool (for the moment)
Natuna Island is not in disputed territory, so we're pretty much cool (for the moment)

Yes friend, Natuna Islands is clearly not in dispute, but its exclusive economic zone overlaps with China's ridiculous claim "nine dash line".
Currently, China is pretending to ignore the overlapping area with Natuna's EEZ.
Please try to guess why and what is their purpose?
Then invest more if a country is dominated by a single power whether its culturally & economically will be dangerous for the Region. "China is not doing this out of the kindness of their heart" LOL hey everyone look at Zero_wing write LOL, seriously dude this is politic, no country ever done anything out of their kindness of their heart China invest in Cambodia to win their heart & earn a profit while doing so. The same can be said to Philippines, your investor invest in order to earn profits. I already tell you their motives I won't explain it again

Natuna Island is not in disputed territory, so we're pretty much cool (for the moment)

No just heart true but was refereeing to intent and timing
"Nine dash line" violates the territorial waters of Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and it also violates to exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Indonesia, namely EEZ of Natuna Islands. Chinese only pretend to ignore this, but someday they will dispute with your country about this issue if they succeeded in bullying the ASEAN countries above.

Seriously this nine-dotted line is absolutely ABSURD. Just look at the vastness of the claim and how the border claims of China are not making any sense.
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