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20 members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards killed in suicide attack in country's southeast - FARS

Pakistan all neighbors including India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Hate Pakistan

Bhutan, Maldive, Nepal are with India

Due to our worst Foreign and Strategic Policies and We are going with Saudi Badus who are real enemy of Iran, Shia (and Sunni/Sufi too), and i hope in future Iran will do the same....

In years ago we sent Raheel Sharif for Riyal in so- called Saudi Led Islamic Alliance, in the name of War Against Terrorism, and now that Alliance is fighting only against Houthis in Yemen.

I hope Pakistan End is near like East Pakistan due to Our Politicians and Armed Forces Worst Polices

This is because Saudi Badus are real enemy of Iran and Shia

Kulbhushan Jadhav was arrested in 2016, but BLA is attacking Iran from Last Decade

In the same, Zia ul Haq and ISI fully made Taliban who are Wahhabi and were butchering Shia in Afghanistan, but were fully supported by all
Pakistani Politicians and Establishment, Iran opposed Taliban due to their behavior against Shia but Pakistan ignored them

All of our neighbors are against us due to Pakistan worst policies, One day will came when we loose whole Pakistan like East Pakistan, Siachin and Hyderabad
You hope for the end of Pakistan? It could have been possible if you were in Majority, but by the Grace of ALLAH TAA'LA , we are in majority here and we know how to defend our Motherland. All the Irani *** loving C**nts should move to Iran before cursing Pakistan. We dont know KSA we dont know Iran, Pakistan is the only thing we know. There is no Power on earth that can undo Pakistan.
May Allah swt give Jannat ul Firdous to the Shuhadah and sakinah (peaceful contentment) to the families.

Very sad to hear the death of these young men, may the guilty ones be brought to justice.

We faced similar losses of our forces from terrorism, and grieve together with our Iranian brothers and sisters for their loss.

I hope Pakistan End is near like East Pakistan due to Our Politicians and Armed Forces Worst Polices

Koi ghairat o haya rahe he?

In the same, Zia ul Haq and ISI fully made Taliban who are Wahhabi and were butchering Shia in Afghanistan, but were fully supported by all Pakistani Politicians and Establishment, Iran opposed Taliban due to their behavior against Shia but Pakistan ignored them

Relax, Taliban and Iran have no problems anymore.
More Sunni terrorists funded by Wahhabistan and given refuge in Pakistan.

Only the region next to Pakistan. Quite strange.
so what if even Pakistan is supporting it? doesnt Iran support anti Pakistan elements all the terrorist attacks in Balochistan in Pakistan have traces in Irans its just our govt is mature enough to raise it diplomatically and who can forget Indian terrorist Kulboshan was he on Vacation in Iran when ISI caught him red handed?

you should be ashamed of it instead of blaming Pakistan.
From pakistan
May they all go to jannah. Get the bas turds that did this.
Not my problem if you prefer to be blind to reality.
the idiotic and sectarian behaviour of Iranian has make hem blind they can't even see the politics in play and the players but idiots like you are ready to blame Pakistan

See these pics do some research about the current Baloch insurgency at both side of boarder what AREA they are claiming, whom they are defaming, who are their allies, supporters and sponsors, from where they are operating and this just ONE such organisation and stop bitching about Pakistan

Baloch Want-1.jpg


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RIP to the fallen ones.

Message being sent to Iran ? That too when real boss is coming to town.
May Allah swt give Jannat ul Firdous to the Shuhadah and sakinah (peaceful contentment) to the families.

Very sad to hear the death of these young men, may the guilty ones be brought to justice.

We faced similar losses of our forces from terrorism, and grieve together with our Iranian brothers and sisters for their loss.

Koi ghairat o haya rahe he?

Relax, Taliban and Iran have no problems anymore.

The bloody sectarian tards mostly from Pakistan and some from Iran ruined this somber thread Balochistan in Iran for the most part has been safe for a decade during the 2000s the Jundullah bastards were bombing Zahedan and other cities in the region then the Iranians buffed up and caught their leaders and then executed them we need to co-op more we share the same region Balochistan and we will inshallah
the idiotic and sectarian behaviour of Iranian has make hem blind they can't even see the politics in play and the players but idiots like you are ready to blame Pakistan

See these pics do some research about the current Baloch insurgency at both side of boarder what AREA they are claiming, whom they are defaming, who are their allies, supporters and sponsors, from where they are operating and this just ONE such organisation and stop bitching about Pakistan

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This is what India is doing in Europe while Iran is giving them space in Chahbahar.
Pakistan all neighbors including India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Hate Pakistan

Bhutan, Maldive, Nepal are with India

Due to our worst Foreign and Strategic Policies and We are going with Saudi Badus who are real enemy of Iran, Shia (and Sunni/Sufi too), and i hope in future Iran will do the same....

In years ago we sent Raheel Sharif for Riyal in so- called Saudi Led Islamic Alliance, in the name of War Against Terrorism, and now that Alliance is fighting only against Houthis in Yemen.

I hope Pakistan End is near like East Pakistan due to Our Politicians and Armed Forces Worst Polices

This is because Saudi Badus are real enemy of Iran and Shia

Kulbhushan Jadhav was arrested in 2016, but BLA is attacking Iran from Last Decade

In the same, Zia ul Haq and ISI fully made Taliban who are Wahhabi and were butchering Shia in Afghanistan, but were fully supported by all
Pakistani Politicians and Establishment, Iran opposed Taliban due to their behavior against Shia but Pakistan ignored them

All of our neighbors are against us due to Pakistan worst policies, One day will came when we loose whole Pakistan like East Pakistan, Siachin and Hyderabad
Now I dont get pissed easily but gtfo. You're a disgrace to the nation.
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