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20 members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards killed in suicide attack in country's southeast - FARS

More Sunni terrorists funded by Wahhabistan and given refuge in Pakistan.

Only the region next to Pakistan. Quite strange.
One other thing you have to consider is the impact Afghanistan might have on this. Afghanistan has long sheltered and supported terrorists in Baluchistan, giving sanctuary to leaders of terrorist organizations like Bugti. They've also sheltered terrorist groups like the TTP. Given Iran's long border with Afghanistan as well as continued support from Afghanistan for terrorist groups in Pakistan, it is possible that the Baluch terrorist groups that Afghanistan is supporting against Pakistan are collaborating with the terrorist groups targeting Iran.
Terrorist attacks exist all over Pakistan, not just in Balochistan

And what's your excuse for terrorists handler having Iranian passport, or spy entering into Pakistan from Iran? Pakistan never stopped Iran to build wall/fence or setup more border posts and patrol the border to protect herself if she thinks it's from Pakistan, After all securing Iran isn't Pakistan's responsibility. You should have been protecting your soft belly on priority because your country is involved in direct and indirect conflict all over middle east and it's foolish to think that same game can't be played against you.
Mullah terrorise other countries, so Arabs are paying Sistani Balochs to do their bidding.

@Arsalan @Slav Defence plz tame sectarian barbarian badmouthing Sunni Muslim and Blaming Pakistan without any investigation?
Terrorist attacks exist all over Pakistan, not just in Balochistan.

It is a fact that these terrorists have refuge in Pakistan, usually even Pakistanis on here admit this.

Not my problem if you prefer to be blind to reality.
You Khomeini was the biggest terrorist who caused death of tens of thousands in Iran via orchesterated Riots .
He was a French Stooge living in France and ordering his followers to go rioting in Iran. I was old enough at the time to remember the horrendous pictures of dead bodies your Khomeni caused.

then how will they blame Pakistan and Sunnis?
Thankfully we are now going ahead with Including Saudi Arabia in CPEC.. No wonder Iranian Arses are on fire, while they saw nothing wrong with sucking Indian 8888 and handing over strategic port of Chah-Bahar to our enemies.
Terrorist attacks exist all over Pakistan, not just in Balochistan.

It is a fact that these terrorists have refuge in Pakistan, usually even Pakistanis on here admit this.

Not my problem if you prefer to be blind to reality.
Kulbhushan Yadav is also a fact!

On Topic; its quit strange that whenever Pakistan approaches Middle East in some way Iran cries about terrorist Attack. This is really turning out to be a foul play.
You Khomeini was the biggest terrorist who caused death of tens of thousands in Iran via orchesterated Riots .
He was a French Stooge living in France and ordering his followers to go rioting in Iran. I was old enough at the time to remember the horrendous pictures of dead bodies your Khomeni caused.

Thankfully we are now going ahead with Including Saudi Arabia in CPEC.. No wonder Iranian Arses are on fire, while they saw nothing wrong with sucking Indian 8888 and handing over strategic port of Chah-Bahar to our enemies.

Pakistan all neighbors including India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Hate Pakistan

Bhutan, Maldive, Nepal are with India

Due to our worst Foreign and Strategic Policies and We are going with Saudi Badus who are real enemy of Iran, Shia (and Sunni/Sufi too), and i hope in future Iran will do the same....

In years ago we sent Raheel Sharif for Riyal in so- called Saudi Led Islamic Alliance, in the name of War Against Terrorism, and now that Alliance is fighting only against Houthis in Yemen.

I hope Pakistan End is near like East Pakistan due to Our Politicians and Armed Forces Worst Polices

Kulbhushan Yadav is also a fact!

On Topic; its quit strange that whenever Pakistan approaches Middle East in some way Iran cries about terrorist Attack. This is really turning out to be a foul play.

This is because Saudi Badus are real enemy of Iran and Shia

Kulbhushan Jadhav was arrested in 2016, but BLA is attacking Iran from Last Decade

In the same, Zia ul Haq and ISI fully made Taliban who are Wahhabi and were butchering Shia in Afghanistan, but were fully supported by all
Pakistani Politicians and Establishment, Iran opposed Taliban due to their behavior against Shia but Pakistan ignored them

All of our neighbors are against us due to Pakistan worst policies, One day will came when we loose whole Pakistan like East Pakistan, Siachin and Hyderabad
Pakistan all neighbors including India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Hate Pakistan
Bangladesh isn't exactly a neighbor and their 'hatred' of Pakistan is largely confined to one political party that is still stuck in 1971.

Afghanistan: they've never really reconciled themselves to the fact that Pakistan exists in her current form and have done their own fair share of stoking violence, terrorism and separatism in Pakistan, which Pakistan has paid back with interest.

India, well, do I really need to explain why India and Pakistan don't get along?
I said many of these terrorists have refuge in Pakistan, and this is a documented fact and not even usually disputed by Pakistani people on PDF before.

Where do you think these Sunni groups are based exactly?.

Pakistan suffer from terrorism sponsored by India via Afghanistan. Most active terrorism is in Balochistan and FATA region which are next to Afghanistan. Why do you think India came to chahbahar? That's to create unrest in Balochistan. Blame goes to Iranians for inviting them there. It is like Pakistan inviting Israel next to your border.

@Topic very sad. Rest in heaven to martyrs.
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I can see he's implying that Pakistan might be responsible in some way, but as you can see from my post, I pointed out to him why the terrorist attacks in Iran appear to be largely concentrated in that region bordering Pakistan, and what potential solutions Iran and Pakistan can discuss to minimize the blame game.
I have only seen balming them Pakistan,when people's like Uzair have been caught with passports provided by them.
is a fact that these terrorists have refuge in Pakistan, usually even Pakistanis on here admit this.
We have asked you,stop them when they cross over from Iran into Pakistan.
All of our neighbors are against us due to Pakistan worst policies,

In ko bhugtna ho ga agr okaat m nahi rhy gy. Masla policy ka nahi masla mufta khatam honay ka ab visa lgvana parta hai tax pay krna prta hai hm jaysay Kaalay masulmano ko hamara firqa koi b hota in k masla nahi khatam honay ty
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