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2 Syrian jets shot down by Turkey

33 turk soldiers killed few days back and today 3 syrian jets shot down. zionists must be very happy. stupid leaders of muslim world.

What a very odd world view you have. So Syria attacks Turkey, Turkey retaliates and you're most concerned with how Israelis are feeling?

And what's this about the "Muslim world". There's no such thing. Christian nations fight wars against each other, what's so special about Muslims?
I agree we need and end to this brainless escalation and peace should prevail cause Syrian losing 2 jet is nothing to the problems that civilians will face on ground due to this escalation. I hope some ceasefire is achieved.

In the wake of current events in my opinion I hold Assad responsible for this new shit show. For past few days Syria was become a some what stable and then suddenly news came about SAA just 800 meters from Turkish post and then it all started. I agree it is Syrian land and turkey should withdraw but turkey has stakes in Syria which are real stakes and those stakes cannot be denied. Those are Turkmen and they should be defended from precicuation. There has to be a diplomatic way to this all. Taking over with war is no solution which SAA thinks it can achieve.
We tried all other solutions,this is the only way left.
I know these are Syrian owned air defence systems and the Russians have already made their money from them, but if all of their air defence systems are being destroyed um...from the air....this is massively embarrassing and could cost Russians millions/billions in future sales.
Funny that you guys suddenly come up with peace, where have you been for weeks when defenseless Turkish soldiers were attacked?
It is not just us who are asking for ceasefire but Turkish president him self is also looking for ceasefire. The cost of this war will be more paid by civilians who are Muslims.

We tried all other solutions,this is the only way left.
Agreed after deterance Assad will accept ceasefire. He needs a reality check.
The main problem is not Syrian jets. The issue is Russian jets. So no fly zone is difficult.
Well russia wouldnot have stepped in if NATO was backing turkey.
USA was eager to go into syria if it had support tyrkey lost that window in 2013-2014
It is not just us who are asking for ceasefire but Turkish president him self is also looking for ceasefire. The cost of this war will be more paid by civilians who are Muslims.
Its the timing thats odd.
It is not just us who are asking for ceasefire but Turkish president him self is also looking for ceasefire. The cost of this war will be more paid by civilians who are Muslims.

Agreed after deterance Assad will accept ceasefire. He needs a reality check.
Its not Assad,forget him.
Its Putin.
if it manage to go back to the base , I doubt it's dead

Look like Russians are acting like Russians ... what you think ... !? I think, if we need to do something, we should completely ignore Russians or best we should keep on eye on them because they will gladly act against us if they think there is some kind of benefit for them ...
Asshead had it coming.

Want a repeat of Cyprus.
I agree we need and end to this brainless escalation and peace should prevail cause Syrian losing 2 jet is nothing to the problems that civilians will face on ground due to this escalation. I hope some ceasefire is achieved.

In the wake of current events in my opinion I hold Assad responsible for this new shit show. For past few days Syria was become a some what stable and then suddenly news came about SAA just 800 meters from Turkish post and then it all started. I agree it is Syrian land and turkey should withdraw but turkey has stakes in Syria which are real stakes and those stakes cannot be denied. Those are Turkmen and they should be defended from precicuation. There has to be a diplomatic way to this all. Taking over with war is no solution which SAA thinks it can achieve.
Sorry but Asshead's genocidal regime needs to go. The "stability" you are talking about was nothing but that psychopath clinging to his throne by bombing his own people, reducing his own country to a rubble, evicting people from their homes and turning them into refugees and mass murdering his own people.
Iran and its proxies along with Russia also have their hands red with the blood of Syrian people.

Its sad to see people supporting Iran and her ally just because of sectarian affiliation. Had KSA been doing what Assad/Iran did, you would've been condemning it.
Read the tweet again buddy, focus on it, don’t you think, deep down, Russia wants the same for Turkey as USA wants ? I pretty much believe that is the case. Both want to destroy Turkey !!
S-400 sale was nothing but a business and a drama by Russia.

Doubt the Americans want to destroy the Turks. The Americans are manning an x band radar in kurecik in turkey that is powerful it can detect ballistic missile launches in Iran.

all erdogan has to do when it comes to America is throw that thrash s400 joke system, buy patriot batteries that actually will link with turkeys nato systems.
Get the f35s you payed for including Turkish military industry going back to f35 supply chain

That’s it
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