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2 minutes of mourning to be observed tomorrow throughout India

Aman ki asha is just asha and i don't think that "asha" is going to convert into reality anytime soon, until and unless pakistan undergoes a complete cultural change.
Too much to expect, lets just focus our energies on protecting our nation from such attacks in the future.
We stand with the kids and their families but lets just not turn this in to another Aman ki Asha attempt. It won't be long before India suffers an attack and we will have some people rejoicing from across the border. Let them take some concrete steps to tackle groups attacking India, lets not forget what we suffered at the hands of non state actors.

The reaction from India is reasonable, understandable and justified because it is the right thing to do at this moment. I am sure most Indians sympathize with the parents of those innocent children that got killed yesterday. However, the main issues remain as it is. I, for one don't see any change in Pakistan's selective approach to fight terror. India-centric terrorist groups would continue to receive both monetary and ideological support from the state of Pakistan and the majority of its citizens.
The reaction from India is reasonable, understandable and justified because it is the right thing to do. I am sure most Indians sympathize with the parents of those innocent children that got killed yesterday. However, the main issues remain as it is. I, for one don't see any change in Pakistan's selective approach to fight terror. India-centric terrorist groups would continue to receive both monetary and ideological support from the state of Pakistan and the majority of its citizens.
If this incident doesn't push Pakistan to turn a new leaf, than I am sorry what Indians feel about this attack doesn't matter much to Pakistanis.
Unless we use our brains we will not be able to comprehend where the problem lies.

Blaming all ills upon another comes naturally to us S Asians, only when we chose to accept our problems and only when we stop denying that it exists in the first place shall we begin to move from this state.

In this moment of sorrow in our region we need for once to put aside our natural instincts .

Pervez Musharraf blames India for Peshawar attack, says RAW trained Taliban commander Fazlullah
and it goes on and on....even on THIS thread!

Can you not just please agree to differ occasionally. I have seen some lovely tributes that are helping to restore my faith in humanity (and it's tired) but this constant ream of accusations is just wrong atm and not helping.

I respect what the Indian schools did today and I really hope it will be worldwide as there has to be a time or point for reconciliation and it would be an even bigger tragedy if these children's lives went for nothing and people still argue over semantics.

Sorry for the MLK moment. I just despair at times is all...
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I can't point a finger to it. The Chechens too had killed Russian students but I didn't feel as bad. Perhaps it is the proximity. Perhaps it is because the Pak kids look like Indian kids. Perhaps it is because we belong to the same civilization and despite our differences we do share common cultural traits. Either way, it was revolting and shocking. I kinda expected Pakistanis to blame India for this - but am surprised that the % of people blaming India is lesser than I expected. I hope whoever did this is brought to justice. And if there is an Indian hand, please expose it.
Despite our differences at this time of crisis every Indian stands with Pakistanis

Thank you brother!

from the bottom of my heart, you and your countryman's kind words mean a lot!
Whoever is, was behind these attacks will be punished in the court of GOD. But apart from the least we can do is to offer full support to those families who lost their lovely children. I wish if I had the powers I would had erased this terror from the face of earth no matter whoever they are and wherever they are. It just so heinous to attack children. I pray for their soul peace, and their families get the strength to overcome it.
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