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1965 WAR- The Inside Story by R.D. Pradhan


PA blew Pakistani flag at Rajput castle in Krishan Garh, Rajisthan


Indian 'shaktiman' seized by Pakistan Army

Munabao railway station occupied by PA


India's dream :lol:
I don't wish for superficial peace - i wish for 'real peace'. We do want to go and see India for ourselves but it doesn't seem possible even though we have a 2000km+ border.

Between us we have more ethnic & cultural similarities than any other nation on this planet. In fact, apart from religion there is hardly any difference. That's why in pdf also we engage with each other more than with any other nationalities. How much different Pakistanis would be from my Muslim friends here in India?
If we put honest efforts, than real peace and friendship won't be impossible. :)
And the weaker souls converted to islam and later demanded a separate state. :D

"Weaker souls"? Whatever console your humiliated ego..

Muslims were always superior in military prowess, global influence, economic output, industrial output etc...not only to indians..but to whole world during that era (from start of Islam to 18th century..Islamic World remained the superpower of the world with empires all over the known world in Europe, Africa, Asia, Subcontinent etc etc )...

Also, weaker/oppressed souls of our ancestors got liberation when they receive the light of Islam. Arabs were weak, uncivilized before Islam...and look how Islam transformed them into world superpower!!! Islam also uplifted the weak of Indian society, who were facing the discrimination of hindu caste system....and transformed into new people!

Thats why when your numerically superior brahmin hindu army came to us, we battered their a$$ and left them humiliated and they retreated with tails in their a$$es...to this day, you, even though being 8 times larger, could not subdue us! While we contained india by cutting it off from central asian lands...sad for you ;)

Converting to Islam does not make you weak, It made us realize the truth and stay away from idol worshipping cow drinking racist and women burning lunatics that live in "india" . We stood up for what's right us Muslims who were outnumbered vastly managed to secure our selfs our own country our own identity, Thats something we are proud of.

:rofl: :rofl:
"Weaker souls"? Whatever console your humiliated ego..

Muslims were always superior in military prowess, global influence, economic output, industrial output etc...not only to indians..but to whole world during that era (from start of Islam to 18th century..Islamic World remained the superpower of the world with empires all over the known world in Europe, Africa, Asia, Subcontinent etc etc )...

Also, weaker/oppressed souls of our ancestors got liberation when they receive the light of Islam. Arabs were weak, uncivilized before Islam...and look how Islam transformed them into world superpower!!! Islam also uplifted the weak of Indian society, who were facing the discrimination of hindu caste system....and transformed into new people!

Thats why when your numerically superior brahmin hindu army came to us, we battered their a$$ and left them humiliated and they retreated with tails in their a$$es...to this day, you, even though being 8 times larger, could not subdue us! While we contained india by cutting it off from central asian lands...sad for you ;)

:rofl: :rofl:

Thanks for destroying this thread. :no: I bet you don't know the significance of 18th September. Mulk aur Mazab ki tarafdaari karne nikle! Tarikh ka ilm hona zaroori hain.


Indian Tank in Pak Custody



The tank in question is a 'Sherman'. That is a WW2 relic. :)


Indian weapons which were occupied in Fazilka sector

You really need to see Patton Nagar :) But its nice you post pictures to soothe your pain. If it helps you, its good for you. Either way, we only get amused.

I don't have heritage on the Indian side of the border. My clan has lived here in the Jehlum/Chenab river delta region for over a millennium. However, its been always my great wish to be able to freely travel to India and see the nation for myself. I have an Indian to beat up in S.India - only if i could go there.

@seiko :whistle:

You are always welcome. I don't think Pakistanis are barred from coming to India. Many come here, and in fact some of the famous personalities from film & music industry have settled here also. Hope we can become a sub-continent union someday like EU. If you come to Kolkata, then I will treat you with authentic Bengali food and fantastic Calcutta biriyanis! :D

@seiko I have invited aeronaut to India, he will beat you up a little, thodasa sah lena bhai, oh bhi to bhai hai hamara! :D
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You are always welcome. I don't think Pakistanis are barred from coming to India. Many come here, and in fact some of the famous personalities from film & music industry have settled here also. Hope we can become a sub-continent union someday like EU. If you come to Kolkata, then I will treat you with authentic Bengali food and fantastic Calcutta biriyanis! :D

@seiko I have invited aeronaut to India, he will beat you up a little, thodasa sah lena bhai, oh bhi to bhai hai hamara! :D

Abe, dont invite him, we can go to his place in Lahore and eat all the foods there.. He offered me that he will pay all the bills.. Nothing tastes better than the food friends pay for :bounce:
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The thing with Hindus/Indians is that they are just not great warriors.

The balance between Pakistan & india is hugh

They are about 4 times bigger then us in land mass with alot of depth compared to Pakistan
They have 6-8 times our population at least

If Pakistan fought e.g uzbekistan I am sure they would put up a fight but ultimatley being the much larger nation I would expect Pakistan to over run them or have a clear cut victory atleast...

The Indians being massive compared to us have been very poor militarily, Muslim victories in the Indian sub continent through out history have generally involved smaller muslim armies destroying much larger Hindu armies

It reminds me of a story

5 Indians get involved in a brawl, afterwards they are walking home
1 Indian has a black eye
1 Indian has had some teeth knocked out
1 Indian has had his nose broken
1 Indian is walking with a limp
1 Indian has broken his arm

They talk and smile to each other & say "man did you see that Pakistani we fought we punched him straight in the face"
Thanks for destroying this thread. :no: I bet you don't know the significance of 18th September. Mulk aur Mazab ki tarafdaari karne nikle! Tarikh ka ilm hona zaroori hain.

Array bhai ap bata do k kya galti ki hai mein ne apni tarikh mein? I'll be happy to improve..
Right. Brilliant. Did the nurse forget to chain you today? :azn:
The thing with Hindus/Indians is that they are just not great warriors.

The balance between Pakistan & india is hugh

They are about 4 times bigger then us in land mass with alot of depth compared to Pakistan
They have 6-8 times our population at least

If Pakistan fought e.g uzbekistan I am sure they would put up a fight but ultimatley being the much larger nation I would expect Pakistan to over run them or have a clear cut victory atleast...

The Indians being massive compared to us have been very poor militarily, Muslim victories in the Indian sub continent through out history have generally involved smaller muslim armies destroying much larger Hindu armies

It reminds me of a story

5 Indians get involved in a brawl, afterwards they are walking home
1 Indian has a black eye
1 Indian has had some teeth knocked out
1 Indian has had his nose broken
1 Indian is walking with a limp
1 Indian has broken his arm

They talk and smile to each other & say "man did you see that Pakistani we fought we punched him straight in the face"
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