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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

Perhaps it would have been better if we had our very own Muslim Bengal, living in peace with both India and Pakistan in the first place.

Spot on!!! With due respect to Hossain Suhrawardy, A K Fazlul Haque, They will always remain a bit guilty to me for the correction in Lahore Resolution, making it from "more than one Muslim nations" to "only one Muslim nation"!!
Jaziya was more than twice of Zakat, apart from this head of the family has to come on food to pay the tax personally. Apart from Jaziya and extra Pilgrimage tax, merchant tax.

Zakat is in addition to what Muslim paid to the government. Jazyah was 10% of the produced paid to the government.
I have given the reference of the Sura Al Hujurat , Ayat:13, of the Holy Al Qur'an in my previous post.

That shows how the Nations are created by the Almighty, and what is the reason for the creation of different Nations. There is no confusion at all as the Holy Al Qur'an is a simplified one which is the grace of the Almighty Allah.

Yes, Islam is the only Din for the Ummah. Ummah is like one body. Those Nations are the part of that body.

This is clear. There is no confusion at all.

You have taken the ayah fully out of context. If that is so, I can take an ayah out of context from the same surah and say to you here it is, an english translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali:

The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: so make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers, and fear Allah, that you may receive Mercy.(Ayah:10, Surah Al Hujurat)

You took the aya out of context the aya does not say that we have to create separate nations following islam. If you so like to be a single dravidian nation, buy an island and go live there.
Spot on!!! With due respect to Hossain Suhrawardy, A K Fazlul Haque, They will always remain a bit guilty to me for the correction in Lahore Resolution, making it from "more than one Muslim nations" to "only one Muslim nation"!!

It was actually, your own reative Khaja Nazimuddin who opposed the idea of Independend secular Bengal. He was too conservative, too hatefull towards Hindu. He even opposed the inclusion of Tripura when the queen of Tripura waited 15 days in Dhaka for a positive nod from Mr. Nazimuddin. Later she gone back and joined India.
It was actually, your own reative Khaja Nazimuddin who opposed the idea of Independend secular Bengal. He was too conservative, too hatefull towards Hindu. He even opposed the inclusion of Tripura when the queen of Tripura waited 15 days in Dhaka for a positive nod from Mr. Nazimuddin. Later she gone back and joined India.

Doesn't matter, put him in the list as well, BTW, he's already a culprit to me for opposing the language movement!! But, as far as I know, the nawab family is not really hateful towards Hindus, many Hindus took shelter in Nawabbari during the liberation war!!
Spot on!!! With due respect to Hossain Suhrawardy, A K Fazlul Haque, They will always remain a bit guilty to me for the correction in Lahore Resolution, making it from "more than one Muslim nations" to "only one Muslim nation"!!

Suhrawardy was the paid servant of the congress to destroy the United Bangladesh. This Suhrawaria Sufist are always against the Sunni populated Bangladeshi Nation. I am astonished how these foreigner Sufist become the leader of my Nation. He was the initiator to destroy my Nation by uniting us with the Pakistan. He is of course the betrayer. Lahore was gained by the Punjabis, but we lost the Kolakata. The Punjabis and the Aryans are successful to destroy the United Bangladesh. Punjabis are enjoying the Lahore and the Aryans are now enjoying the Kolkata. We lost everything, every false commitment. Now , We are trapped in small region with the huge population due to the conspiracy of the Congress and the Punjabis with the help of the collaborator Suhrawardy. Suhrawardias are the stand against the Sunnis and motivated by the Zoroastrians wearing the mask in the face!!

Sher E Bangla Aboul Kashem Fazlul Haque has tried his best to gain the United Bangladesh along with us. But we were tragically failed. It is the tragic story of history of the Bangladeshi Nation. We were combined attacked by the Aryans, Punjabis along with the local collaborators.

Shame on the collaborators.

But, We are not a myth. We must stand by proving our own merits by the grace of the Almighty. We must spread all over the world to provide the better services to the world. We are proud to the Bangladeshi.
Anyways yu forgot about mandatory Zakat muslim hast to pay!!! 20% of the grain if not irrigated or 10% of the grain if irrigated. Then again 1/40 th of the unused money and gold in every year.

In addition to what you said, all the muslims had to join a military expedition whenever called upon, and die whenever needed. But, non-Muslims had to pay only a small amount of Jijiya and they were not obliged to take part in a military expedition. The Jijiya law seems to have favoured the non-muslims. Only a small money for a longer life!
Zakat is in addition to what Muslim paid to the government. Jazyah was 10% of the produced paid to the government.

"20% of the grain if not irrigated or 10% of the grain if irrigated" It is the normal tax paid by all Hindus, Sikh and Muslims but I don't know exact percentage for Hindus and sikhs . Jaziya was 10% extra tax but Zakat was only 2.5%. Apart from 10% extra tax, all Hindus have to pay extra Pilgrimage tax to visit their holy sites and double tax for merchants(2.5% for Muslims and 5% for Hindus)
The motive of Zakat was good intention to help the poor Muslims but intention was Jaziya was to humiliate Hindus, the taxpayer had to appear personally and often abused and beaten up by tax-collector.

I am a secular person but it doesn't mean that I will accept big lie of equality during Islamic rule in India. Our Somnath Temple was demolished 5 times during this period, Bakhtiyar Khilji set Nalanda University and Vikramshila University on fire. The Sanskrit College of Ajmer was demolished and "Dhai Din ka Jhopda" was raised over there.

I also found this, similar story written about Jaziya tax in India. In 1894 jizya was still being collected in Morocco; an Italian Jew described his experience there:
The kadi Uwida and the kadi Mawlay Mustafa had mounted their tent today near the Mellah [Jewish ghetto] gate and had summoned the Jews in order to collect from them the poll tax [jizya] which they are obliged to pay the sultan. They had me summoned also. I first inquired whether those who were European-protected subjects had to pay this tax. Having learned that a great many of them had already paid it, I wished to do likewise. After having remitted the amount of the tax to the two officials, I received from the kadi’s guard two blows in the back of the neck. Addressing the kadi and the kaid, I said” ‘Know that I am an Italian protected subject.’ Whereupon the kadi said to his guard: ‘Remove the kerchief covering his head and strike him strongly; he can then go and complain wherever he wants.’ The guards hastily obeyed and struck me once again more violently. This public mistreatment of a European-protected subject demonstrates to all the Arabs that they can, with impunity, mistreat the Jews.
First of all yes this is racism ,
second how could you label whole population of not being creative , and being a coward ? , being hungry boars ? any proofs of you statement?

Aryan supposed to be settled thousand of years before are the,
how people living current era considered to be so called "devil" ?

you are talking to murder a full population ?

Instead of spreading racism you should be focusing on equality and justice without prejudice .

We the Dravidians are the cultivators of our own territory. Aryans are the invader who came from the Eastern Europe. Aryans are not the race. It is the cluster of the Hungry hounds. There are not more than two or three percent of Any Aryan led Nation.

Those are the organizer of the worst oligarch-ism to destroy Nations. Those should be removed from any Nation for the betterment of that Nation. There is no alteration of that for the betterment of that country. We the Bangladeshis are free from any type of oligarch-ism and so called Aryanism. Aryans are isolated, those clusters should get the rightful place. At first , the mass people should learn the true Nationalism.

So, there is no confusion. Suppressing the aggressive hound clusters is not the racism. It is the struggle to save the mass people from being tortured by Cruel Animal Clusters. Aggressors are always isolated. It is the advantage for every Nationalist.

We are not the planner of the mass Killing. History has proved that, Who is the mass killer like animal? Still those killers are killing own territory members as a agents of the foreign aggressors. I have nothing to say about that. We know them well by sacrificing our lives very tragically at different times. There is no need of repeat of that.

Shame On the all racists. Shame on the all Aggressors. Those must be crushed by Pure Nationalists(true defender of the Nation).

---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 PM ----------

First of all yes this is racism ,
second how could you label whole population of not being creative , and being a coward ? , being hungry boars ? any proofs of you statement?

Aryan supposed to be settled thousand of years before are the,
how people living current era considered to be so called "devil" ?

you are talking to murder a full population ?

Instead of spreading racism you should be focusing on equality and justice without prejudice .

We the Dravidians are the cultivators of our own territory. Aryans are the invader who came from the Eastern Europe. Aryans are not the race. It is the cluster of the Hungry hounds. There are not more than two or three percent of Any Aryan led Nation.

Those are the organizer of the worst oligarch-ism to destroy Nations. Those should be removed from any Nation for the betterment of that Nation. There is no alteration of that for the betterment of that country. We the Bangladeshis are free from any type of oligarch-ism and so called Aryanism. Aryans are isolated, those clusters should get the rightful place. At first , the mass people should learn the true Nationalism.

So, there is no confusion. Suppressing the aggressive hound clusters is not the racism. It is the struggle to save the mass people from being tortured by Cruel Animal Clusters. Aggressors are always isolated. It is the advantage for every Nationalist.

We are not the planner of the mass Killing. History has proved that, Who is the mass killer like animal? Still those killers are killing own territory members as a agents of the foreign aggressors. I have nothing to say about that. We know them well by sacrificing our lives very tragically at different times. There is no need of repeat of that.

Shame On the all racists. Shame on the all Aggressors. Those must be crushed by Pure Nationalists(true defender of the Nation).
In addition to what you said, all the muslims had to join a military expedition whenever called upon, and die whenever needed. But, non-Muslims had to pay only a small amount of Jijiya and they were not obliged to take part in a military expedition. The Jijiya law seems to have favoured the non-muslims. Only a small money for a longer life!

Joining as a soldier is not considered as Tax because soldiers got every facility and they used to get share in the booty they plundered during war expedition. Also, I never heard of any peasant revolt against Sultans such move because serving the Sultan for a war had always been considered great deed among people.
"20% of the grain if not irrigated or 10% of the grain if irrigated" It is the normal tax paid by all Hindus, Sikh and Muslims but I don't know exact percentage for Hindus and sikhs . Jaziya was 10% extra tax but Zakat was only 2.5%. Apart from 10% extra tax, all Hindus have to pay extra Pilgrimage tax to visit their holy sites and double tax for merchants(2.5% for Muslims and 5% for Hindus)
The motive of Zakat was good intention to help the poor Muslims but intention was Jaziya was to humiliate Hindus, the taxpayer had to appear personally and often abused and beaten up by tax-collector.

I am a secular person but it doesn't mean that I will accept big lie of equality during Islamic rule in India. Our Somnath Temple was demolished 5 times during this period, Bakhtiyar Khilji set Nalanda University and Vikramshila University on fire. The Sanskrit College of Ajmer was demolished and "Dhai Din ka Jhopda" was raised over there.

I also found this, similar story written about Jaziya tax in India. In 1894 jizya was still being collected in Morocco; an Italian Jew described his experience there:
The kadi Uwida and the kadi Mawlay Mustafa had mounted their tent today near the Mellah [Jewish ghetto] gate and had summoned the Jews in order to collect from them the poll tax [jizya] which they are obliged to pay the sultan. They had me summoned also. I first inquired whether those who were European-protected subjects had to pay this tax. Having learned that a great many of them had already paid it, I wished to do likewise. After having remitted the amount of the tax to the two officials, I received from the kadi’s guard two blows in the back of the neck. Addressing the kadi and the kaid, I said” ‘Know that I am an Italian protected subject.’ Whereupon the kadi said to his guard: ‘Remove the kerchief covering his head and strike him strongly; he can then go and complain wherever he wants.’ The guards hastily obeyed and struck me once again more violently. This public mistreatment of a European-protected subject demonstrates to all the Arabs that they can, with impunity, mistreat the Jews.

Indian story is not related to Bangladesh. We had separate Independent Sultanate.Just search the history in Google. Your gossips of India are not related to our people at all. You should consult with your own people about those.
We the Dravidians are the cultivators of our own territory. Aryans are the invader who came from the Eastern Europe. Aryans are not the race. It is the cluster of the Hungry hounds. There are not more than two or three percent of Any Aryan led Nation.

Those are the organizer of the worst oligarch-ism to destroy Nations. Those should be removed from any Nation for the betterment of that Nation. There is no alteration of that for the betterment of that country. We the Bangladeshis are free from any type of oligarch-ism and so called Aryanism. Aryans are isolated, those clusters should get the rightful place. At first , the mass people should learn the true Nationalism.

So, there is no confusion. Suppressing the aggressive hound clusters is not the racism. It is the struggle to save the mass people from being tortured by Cruel Animal Clusters. Aggressors are always isolated. It is the advantage for every Nationalist.

We are not the planner of the mass Killing. History has proved that, Who is the mass killer like animal? Still those killers are killing own territory members as a agents of the foreign aggressors. I have nothing to say about that. We know them well by sacrificing our lives very tragically at different times. There is no need of repeat of that.

Shame On the all racists. Shame on the all Aggressors. Those must be crushed by Pure Nationalists(true defender of the Nation).

Ok just cool down take a glass of water , i told you all about facts ,
No one supports mass murders neither any sane person should do that.

My comments are based on facts and in favor of humanity in general if you read them carefully.
kee sheikh saheb no answer to my last post. I am eagerly waiting what u have to say.

I have nothing more information about that. You should understand the confirmation of the different Nations and the reasons behind of that from the Ayat of the Holy Al Qur'an. You should understand that Ummah is the single body. Muslim Nations are pillars of the Ummah.

Come out from the Vondo Maododism(Congress agent, Anti Muslim League, misuser of the Islamic cloth, Indian by origin who believe in Pan Indian-ism for this reason, He spread the confusion to destroy the Muslim Nations of this region, a paid servant, killers of the Muslim).
"20% of the grain if not irrigated or 10% of the grain if irrigated" It is the normal tax paid by all Hindus, Sikh and Muslims but I don't know exact percentage for Hindus and sikhs . Jaziya was 10% extra tax but Zakat was only 2.5%. Apart from 10% extra tax, all Hindus have to pay extra Pilgrimage tax to visit their holy sites and double tax for merchants(2.5% for Muslims and 5% for Hindus)
The motive of Zakat was good intention to help the poor Muslims but intention was Jaziya was to humiliate Hindus, the taxpayer had to appear personally and often abused and beaten up by tax-collector.

I am a secular person but it doesn't mean that I will accept big lie of equality during Islamic rule in India. Our Somnath Temple was demolished 5 times during this period, Bakhtiyar Khilji set Nalanda University and Vikramshila University on fire. The Sanskrit College of Ajmer was demolished and "Dhai Din ka Jhopda" was raised over there.

I also found this, similar story written about Jaziya tax in India. In 1894 jizya was still being collected in Morocco; an Italian Jew described his experience there:
The kadi Uwida and the kadi Mawlay Mustafa had mounted their tent today near the Mellah [Jewish ghetto] gate and had summoned the Jews in order to collect from them the poll tax [jizya] which they are obliged to pay the sultan. They had me summoned also. I first inquired whether those who were European-protected subjects had to pay this tax. Having learned that a great many of them had already paid it, I wished to do likewise. After having remitted the amount of the tax to the two officials, I received from the kadi’s guard two blows in the back of the neck. Addressing the kadi and the kaid, I said” ‘Know that I am an Italian protected subject.’ Whereupon the kadi said to his guard: ‘Remove the kerchief covering his head and strike him strongly; he can then go and complain wherever he wants.’ The guards hastily obeyed and struck me once again more violently. This public mistreatment of a European-protected subject demonstrates to all the Arabs that they can, with impunity, mistreat the Jews.

Well brother, I understand what you are saying, as you are against Jazyia. Well as a citizen you suppose to pay taxes and the tax should had been imposed evenly and more transparently. I can lecture you whole night long that at the end of the day Muslim did not pay any less, but you wont buy it as it was done in different manner and applied differently among muslim and non muslim. It was the failure of the then ruler that they could do it in a humane and transparent manner.

According to Islam, Muslim has to pay Osul (20% of the produced) and Zakat also any tax imposed upon them by the government and take part in military. For nonmuslim it is Zajiya (10% even) to the state in return they will be protected and not bound to take part in military. Now other than Zakat and Osul which is the personal responsibilty of the Muslim, the state can and free to apply taxes to its own citizen whatever suits them. If Zajiya had a negative implication then the ruler should had taken a more popular approach where majority of the citizen were non muslim.

PS: Muslim pays pilgrimage taxes while going for Hajj in Mecca to the saudi government. That probably prompted Moghul to earn few pennys from Hindus as well. LOL
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