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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

@ Why you are blaming him alone, Bhutto was also responsible for a greater extend. As per my assessment Yahya did the following mistake:

1. Ayub did not handed over power to Yahya peacefully rather it was a silent military coup. During that period I was at Rawalpindi near GHQ, Margella Bracks though I was kid.

2. What I realized once Ayub was shot at Peshawar soon People's Party came out on the street. Bengalees in East Pakistan lately realised and they also started agitating against Ayub. I remember, I saw one " Jalush" which started from our college on the "Mal Road" and hit at the Continental Hotel. All the glasses of the hotel were broken. On the way all street light were broken. That was the first "Jalush" I saw for the first time in my life. The slogan was some thing, " Ayub ***** Hai, Hai ". In fact in this particular day we were supposed to take "Tika" (some sort of anti-viral injection). We were the line but suddenly it stopped some senior student came from the college and said not to take the injection as it is being planted to kill all students by Ayub. All medicines of the compounder were broken. Soon , Ayub fell sick and he was sick for a month. During this 30 days he was completely isolated from the media and TV. Soon he went for treatment in UK and after some days he came back fresh. But by this time "Kella Fete". His grip on the administration and Army was lost. During the long agitation many people were killed. During those bad days no second politician(Convention Muslim Leaque) was available to lead the nation. The young cadres of Butto and Mujib were too strong and within a short spun of time everywhere they had a strong grip.

2. So, Yahya captured power and declared Martial Law. He also abrogate the constitution of 1962. He should have restored the constitution of 1956.

3. Yahya immediately sacked some 500 central CSP officers believed to be supporter of Ayub. Probably he also frozen the bank accounts of 22 families(industrial elites).

4. Yahya at once freezes the central fund of Convention Muslim Leaque. During those days ML was divided into 3 groups. Counsil Muslim Leaque, Convention Muslim Leaque and Qaumi Muslim Leaque. Yahya and its intelligence group wanted these Muslim Leaques to remain devited so that they donnot form majority and come to power. He was afrid of ML as they came to power by force. Other pro-Pakistani political parties(rightist) like Pakistan Democratic Party, Nijame Islami, and Jammat-i-Islami were also not united. ( May continue if public wants)

Interesting...you should continue. I wonder how old are you :undecided: .
@ Why you are blaming him alone, Bhutto was also responsible for a greater extend. As per my assessment Yahya did the following mistake:

1. Ayub did not handed over power to Yahya peacefully rather it was a silent military coup. During that period I was at Rawalpindi near GHQ, Margella Bracks though I was kid.

2. What I realized once Ayub was shot at Peshawar soon People's Party came out on the street. Bengalees in East Pakistan lately realised and they also started agitating against Ayub. I remember, I saw one " Jalush" which started from our college on the "Mal Road" and hit at the Continental Hotel. All the glasses of the hotel were broken. On the way all street light were broken. That was the first "Jalush" I saw for the first time in my life. The slogan was some thing, " Ayub ***** Hai, Hai ". In fact in this particular day we were supposed to take "Tika" (some sort of anti-viral injection). We were the line but suddenly it stopped some senior student came from the college and said not to take the injection as it is being planted to kill all students by Ayub. All medicines of the compounder were broken. Soon , Ayub fell sick and he was sick for a month. During this 30 days he was completely isolated from the media and TV. Soon he went for treatment in UK and after some days he came back fresh. But by this time "Kella Fete". His grip on the administration and Army was lost. During the long agitation many people were killed. During those bad days no second politician(Convention Muslim Leaque) was available to lead the nation. The young cadres of Butto and Mujib were too strong and within a short spun of time everywhere they had a strong grip.

2. So, Yahya captured power and declared Martial Law. He also abrogate the constitution of 1962. He should have restored the constitution of 1956.

3. Yahya immediately sacked some 500 central CSP officers believed to be supporter of Ayub. Probably he also frozen the bank accounts of 22 families(industrial elites).

4. Yahya at once freezes the central fund of Convention Muslim Leaque. During those days ML was divided into 3 groups. Counsil Muslim Leaque, Convention Muslim Leaque and Qaumi Muslim Leaque. Yahya and its intelligence group wanted these Muslim Leaques to remain devited so that they donnot form majority and come to power. He was afrid of ML as they came to power by force. Other pro-Pakistani political parties(rightist) like Pakistan Democratic Party, Nijame Islami, and Jammat-i-Islami were also not united. ( May continue if public wants)

Please continue; you MUST continue.
Please continue; you MUST continue.

My Memories of United Pakistan-Part-Two

Hi Joe Shearer, I find you are very much interested about the military development and related political history of Pakistan and Bangladesh. I know many thinks as because my father servered in Pakistan Army as such I along with our family were in Pakistan in various Cantonments. In 1965 war we were in Pakistan at Noshera, so I saw some little bit aerial warfare. So, I was talking about General Aga Muhammad Yahya Khan. It was immaterial whether Yahya was a drunker ed or not. In those days in Pakistan cent % Armed Forces were habituated in Alkohal and these were all available in the Officer's Messes and too cheap. What I am going to write were what I saw, what I heard and lately compared and what I read and finally my opinion.

@ General Yahya was "Shia" and his blood came from Persia so he came from minority group. He got his commission during British time and was very professional officer. During Second World War he fought in African Campaign and was captured by the Axis Forces. But soon he escaped from prison. During the partition period he was the senior directing officer at Staff College at Quitta. He played a very key in preservation of this only institution from the hands of British and Indian officers. After independance once he was the Commanding Officer(GOC) of Eastern Wing for a short duration. Here he could extract the teste of "Tari"(local made wine from the juice of pam tree). He was he who took the initiative to make the Dacca garrision to look like Military garrission. He search, he brought and place the "Two Pounder Pom Pom Anti-aircraft Gun" and placed in front of his office and residence and other places of Dacca Cantonment. These guns are still almost in the same place.

@ Just after 1965 war he was made the C in C of Pakistan Armed Forces. He fought in 1965 War as Divisional Commander. He was always loyel to Ayub. It was said that in the late fifties during the "Rawalpindi Conspirency" he was with Ayub. That was the main reason he was made the Chief though there many good and vetern Panjabi officers in Pakistan Army. Soon he concentrated for the development of Pakistan Army specially East Pakistan. Soon the intake of Bengali Officers and Jawans were increased almost doubled. FM Ayub was little bit relactent about the Bengalees. Many a times I shoke hand with this General Yahya and saw his son. In each "Eid" I used to offer player at the GOLF Ground besides GHQ where Yahya also came.

@ In those days we the Bengalees in West Pakistan were in better position. In the classes we could easily dominate. Our pronouncation both Urdu and English were exellent. People used to take extra care about us. After the war of Lahore(1965), our prestige was elevated in Lahore. Whenever while coming to East Pakistan once we went for marketing at Lahore market and if some could smell that we are Bengalee you had it. They will look at your face, they will look as if you are a beautiful lady standing infront of him. They will have so much of respect for the Bengalee people which cannot be expressed in words. The reason was that during the 65 war there was one east Bengal Regiment located at Lahore sector and they fought with the Indian Army. All the common people of Lahore had the feeling that it was for this Bengali troops that Punjab was saved. I am telling you literally they never took money from us whatever may be the amount. They just will look at you and politely will say," Ap log mashreki Pakistan ke rehene warle hai na", "Ji, qui koi problem", "nai, nai koi bat nahi, ap log kia khaiyen ge, thanda yia garam". But hardly we had any time to talk with these people, we have to board on at the "Trident PIA Aircraft". In those days "Trident" was a Chinese made Boing which used to run from Dacca-Lahore and Karachi Lahore. On the aircraft, the Pakistani air hosted to say, " Khawatin o Hazraat, assala---- Pakistan International Air----, Bhudro mohilla and Bhudro mohadoy------- amra ar kichu khun er modh dhe dhaka tejga biman bondor e obotorun korbo-----".
I am hugely interested. What you are doing is recording oral history (even though you are writing it down). This account is very very useful.

What you say agrees with the viewpoint of military experts that Yahya had dissolute personal habits but was a good soldier and good for the Army.

Please continue. The waiting is painful.
I am hugely interested. What you are doing is recording oral history (even though you are writing it down). This account is very very useful.

What you say agrees with the viewpoint of military experts that Yahya had dissolute personal habits but was a good soldier and good for the Army.

Please continue. The waiting is painful.

My Memories of United Pakistan-Part-Three

Hey Joe Shearer, are you not one of those who trained 100 RAW trained Commandos and infiltrated inside Bangladesh like "Inside enemy Territory or like Behind enemy lines" ?????

@ Now, let me tell something about the development of Pakistan army in East Pakistan. In 1947, there was only one skeleton Divisional HQ located here having only one Punjab Battalion and some Ordinance and other Corps elements. Most of the element of this probably 20/16 divisional elements opted for India. In thoses days there not a single Bengal regiment in Pakistan army due to mutiny of 1857. So, soon some regiments came from west Pakistan and a Full fleged Brigrade was raised at East Bengal. By 1948 East Bengal regiments were raised under the leadership of Major Goni and a Bengal training Centre was establised at Chittagong Notun Para Cantonment. By 65 once the war broke out East Pakistan had only three Brigrades located at Rangpur, Commilla and Jessore. Some Divisional elements were located at Dacca. But Pakistan army had huge Mujahids and Ansars in this wings. East Pakistan Rifles was also well trained by this time.

@ In fact Pakistan gave more inportance to West Pakistan than East Pakistan. Actually Pakistan army was in hurried position what to do ? How to defend Pakistan from Indian hand. Side by side in those days Indian Army was also no that strong. She also did not had the capability to fight in two fronts. It was absurt. In East Pakistan, Pakistan had one strong PAF fighter squadron of Australion made Sabre Jet. In those days that was the best. This lone squadron played a havoc in Eastern Zone. It carried out raid at Bagmara, Hashimara and other Indian airfields and destroyed 16 to 20 Indian aircrafts as claimed by Pakistan. In Western sector in all most 27 airports Pakistan carried out a simultaneous air raid and Commando attack by the SSG under the Dynamic leadership of General Mitha though it was a sucidal. Hardly any Commando people returned back safe and sound in Pakistan. But you see you have to judge their spirit for fighting. This General Mitha fought during Second World War in Burma Campaign specially in "Chindid Operation", a war behind the enemy line. Indian air raids at Dacca, Chittagaon, Lalmonierhat and Thakurgaon was not that effective. One SSG Company was deployed at Thakurgaon in order to cut off "Silliguri Corridor". However, no frontal fighting took place. I heard from a reliable source that during this time some riot took place in Dacca between Hindus and Muslims. Many properties of Hindus were snacked away and they to India emty hand. Soon Pakistan Govt proclaimed the "Enemy Property Act". By this those who flade to India their properties were confiscated by the Govt of Pakistan.
At that time, Munaem Khan was the Governor of East Pakistan. He huriedly called for a special Cabinet meeting where all political leaders were brought. It was said that here Sk Mujib openly suggested Governor to revolt against Central Govt and declare independence. What a mad character, he was !!!!!!!

@ Comparatively in 1965 War Pakistan army was much much stronger than Indian Army. There were many reasons for that. Nehru never believed for strong Indian Army. He always wanted a good relation with China. He was vocal about Non-Alignment Movement. Pakistan took this oppurtunity and quickly joined CENTO and SEATO. Pakistan also made a defence pact with USA. In those days Pakistan used to get lot of military aid from Australia, USA, and other Western Block countries. On the other hand poor India already lost a war with China in 1962. There was country to help India for modernisation of their Army. However, after 1962 America came forward and gave a huge military armament. Pakistan strongly objected it and said that these same armament would be used against Pakistan.

@ During the 65 war although USA did not helped Pakistan but it got huge help from Iran, Turkey and Indonesia. Iran even supplied many Airforce Pilot. Indonesia send many war planes. All logistic back up were helped by Iran. Pakistan was a member of RCD which stand for Regional Coperation For Development. Besides Pakistan, Iran and Turkey was its members.

@ After the war once Pakistan realised that Western World did not came to help Pakistan it tilted towards China and constructed the famous "Karakorum Highway Road". Many Bengalee Engineer Officers and troops joined in it. Now, in East Pakistan more 4/5 Bengal Regiments were raised and their military strenght was increased. Now, they have 4 Infanyrt Brigrade with one Tank regiment stationed at Rangpur with some elements at Dacca and Hathajari (Chittagong). China also built armament factory one at Wah(West Pakistan) and one at East Pakistan. Now(before March 1971) Pakistan Army had some forces to fight against India. But in the true sesnse after 1965 there was nobody to help Pakistan to build its armament other than China. Ayub tried his best to get some thing from USSR, even one consignment reached to Pakistan also but it was no use. Under these circumstances Yahya was in a complete delima what to do ? On the other hand India was moving very fast along with America and Socialist Block countries. America was not happy with Ayub as he already eveicted the American base at Peshawar. Ayub already tilted towards China and Third World Countries. During these period CIA and RAW made a secret alliance how to break Pakistan and finally came the "Agartolla Conspiracy" supported by India and USA. So, Sk Mujib became the most lubricate target !!!!!

It sounds like you are stopping here, which will be a pity. No chance of any more, I take it?
Akmal sahib you must continue ! Its always a pleasure to hear a first-hand account from someone who was there when history was being made in contrast to hearing someone who got his history by reading a couple of books and filling in the blanks himself through some creative historiography !

My respects to you sir ! And a question, if you will : Punjabis are always blamed more so than any other ethnic group in Pakistan for most of the ills of the country (Yes..Mr.Shearer I read the article and I don't agree with it in its entirety !); one of the raison detre of BD's creation is often cited as Punjabi's racist and imperialistic attitude ! I have always found this to be far too difficult to believe because, if I may say so, if there is one province in Pakistan that characterizes the very best of 'Brotherhood', its Punjab where millions of Non-Ethnic Punjabis; Punjabi Kashmiris, Punjabi Puktoons, Punjabi Sindhis and so and so forth have settled down for decades (some for centuries) and they've been so washed away by Punjab's culture of inclusivity that many have actually forgotten their mother tongues and adopted Punjabi or Urdu instead ! My own family are ethnic Kashmiris who've lived here in Punjab well before the Partition and we don't know a word of Kashmiri (Kosur) but we speak Punjabi quite fluently; I've got Sindhis, Urdu-Speakers and Pukhtoons, who've lived here in Punjab, as my family and friends and not once have either of us been ever thought of as 'the others' by our fellow Punjabis ! Heck...Punjab doesn't even have a 'Punjabi Nationalist Party', unlike those in some of our other provinces and not once have I ever seen a Non-Ethnic Punjabi (in my 21 years of life and 50+ of my father's) ever facing even an implied discrimination in Punjab ! So...whats your take on it ? Were Punjabis really to blame for the '71 ? I haven't seen anything to suggest this but then again I've heard a couple of BDs and some of my own countrymen assert as such ? But then again it could be because I'm a proud Punjabi-Kashmiri and a lover of all things Punjabi, and I can't see something right in front of me ? So really Sir, what is your take ?
Akmal sahib you must continue ! Its always a pleasure to hear a first-hand account from someone who was there when history was being made in contrast to hearing someone who got his history by reading a couple of books and filling in the blanks himself through some creative historiography !

My respects to you sir ! And a question, if you will : Punjabis are always blamed more so than any other ethnic group in Pakistan for most of the ills of the country (Yes..Mr.Shearer I read the article and I don't agree with it in its entirety !); one of the raison detre of BD's creation is often cited as Punjabi's racist and imperialistic attitude ! I have always found this to be far too difficult to believe because, if I may say so, if there is one province in Pakistan that characterizes the very best of 'Brotherhood', its Punjab where millions of Non-Ethnic Punjabis; Punjabi Kashmiris, Punjabi Puktoons, Punjabi Sindhis and so and so forth have settled down for decades (some for centuries) and they've been so washed away by Punjab's culture of inclusivity that many have actually forgotten their mother tongues and adopted Punjabi or Urdu instead ! My own family are ethnic Kashmiris who've lived here in Punjab well before the Partition and we don't know a word of Kashmiri (Kosur) but we speak Punjabi quite fluently; I've got Sindhis, Urdu-Speakers and Pukhtoons, who've lived here in Punjab, as my family and friends and not once have either of us been ever thought of as 'the others' by our fellow Punjabis ! Heck...Punjab doesn't even have a 'Punjabi Nationalist Party', unlike those in some of our other provinces and not once have I ever seen a Non-Ethnic Punjabi (in my 21 years of life and 50+ of my father's) ever facing even an implied discrimination in Punjab ! So...whats your take on it ? Were Punjabis really to blame for the '71 ? I haven't seen anything to suggest this but then again I've heard a couple of BDs and some of my own countrymen assert as such ? But then again it could be because I'm a proud Punjabi-Kashmiri and a lover of all things Punjabi, and I can't see something right in front of me ? So really Sir, what is your take ?

@ I was in Peshawar, Noshera in the NWFP almost 3 years from 1964 to 1967. I mate lot of Pathan people. We used to visit villages besides the Kabul river. We were very fond of "Machlee", so we used to call the boatman who used to fish on the centre of river. Once we used to call him he hurriedly wears the shelwar and comes to the side of the river and says " Kocha tup ko kitna muchlee chahaiy." We used to say 2/3, he used to give as many as we can carry and in return just a tips of money. These Pathan people are very very simple hearted and most of them are illiterate. I used to study in a English Mediem school, named ," Cantt Public High School,(Noshera) on the road Sharai Shershah. Behind the college the officers club on the bank of river Kabul. In the front I guess the Artilley Centre and School. Noshera was a very important place during the British time. The town was a garrison. There was a Armoured School at the centre. Armoured Training school for the officers. Rasalpur was across the river which had a PAF taining centre. There were lot of urdu medum school in and around. Their standard was much below. All urdue medum school boys used to carry one "Tekhti" in one hand and one home made oven on the other hand during the winter season.

@ Politically Pathan people were not that active but they had a facination for separate "Pukhtoon".Most of these Pathan people did not supported the British and revolted against them. I have not seen any other people settled there other than Pathan. Pushtu is really a difficult language. This NWFP along with Punjab remained outside British Empire till 1846 when Ranjit was defeated by the Britishers. During the "Sepoy Mutiny" these Pathan people became too loyel to the British and as such many Pathan people were enrolled in the British Army. My experiences with the Pathan students in the class two/three, like this, " Bangalee babu aiya, morgi churake laya, morgine mara punja Bangalee babu bungia ganga".

@ Now "Punjabi", people and their attitude towards Bengalee. Among all ethinic people of Pakistan these Punjabi people were very proud of their service in the Army and Civil service during the British times and were in far better position than the Bengalees in East Bengal. As a result once Britisher left India there were many Civil Service men and Armed forces officers in Pakistan. On the other hand there were not a single ISP officer from the Bengalee muslim. As a result all civil serevent in the East Pakistan came from Punjab/Urdu speaking. This Punjabi people had a very cordial relation with the local Bihari people. This was not liked by the local Bengalees in this area. But I tell you it was this Punjabi force which was only formidable force stationed in East Bengal and it with this force who evicted the members of Congress who raised the flag of India at Rangamati on 16 August 1947.Had this Panjabi organised force not there at that critical time Chittagong Hill Tracts would had gone under Indian hand for ever. Still there is a place known a Panjabi Para in Khagrachori.

@ So just after independence Panjabis had a great influence in the civil as well in military administration . This was not liked by the Bengalees. Once the Punjabis were there in East Pakistan they used to behave like lords in the Civil administration. Side by side the urdu speaking people also joined with them. These urdu speaking people were more dengerious than even the Punjabis. all these collectively started hating the Bengale black people like the British. So now they became the "Gora Sab" in East Pakistan. So now the rift between the Bengali and Punjabi started. actually once the Pujabi officers were posted in Bengal in an isolated place the local Bihares started making love with them with their language as such the Punjabis also started liking them and took all the privileges forgetting about the greater population. Punjabis were more patriotic than the Sindhis and Pathans considering the case of liberation war. The most harmful were the urdu speaking people(Hindustani) in the armed forces. During the war of 1971 they almost lost all the spirit of fighting in this wing. It was only General Niazi in the true sense was highly determined to fight till the last. and I tell you that was the right decision. There were many many supporters of Pakistan aemy even during this critical stage. may be that was not visible. The Chakma lots along with MIzo Brigrade were whole heartedly supporting the Pakistan cause. East Pakistan was separated mainly by the propaganda of India and their all out support along with the people who migrated to India in 1947 and 1965. They invested heavily here. By the way during the liberation war of 1971 I was here in East Pakistan and closely observed the situation. well done red, green is the winner.
@ I was in Peshawar, Noshera in the NWFP almost 3 years from 1964 to 1967. I mate lot of Pathan people. We used to visit villages besides the Kabul river. Behind the college the officers club on the bank of river................East Pakistan was separated mainly by the propaganda of India and their all out support along with the people who migrated to India in 1947 and 1965. They invested heavily here. By the way during the liberation war of 1971 I was here in East Pakistan and closely observed the situation. well done red, green is the winner.

I don't know what to say, Akmal Sahib, except that I do apologize for the behavior of my Punjabi brethren ! But I've never known anything but Love and Inclusivity living here in Punjab and so its very hard for me to digest that my Punjabis could be responsible for such racism because it goes against every thing that the Punjabi Culture stands for ! I do, however, agree about the Civil Services part...even here in Lahore, the Civil Servants behave more like the last vestiges of Colonialism then true servants of the People ! By the way, my Grandfather was posted in Chittagong and then someplace called MymenSingh, as part of the MES (Military Engineering Services...I think !), and he was tasked, as a Civil Engineer, to build Army Cantonments in East-Pakistan (and all over Pakistan...from the Tribal Areas to Lahore, before that). In fact, my paternal uncle (taya...if you know what that means) was born in Dhaka in the '50s ! My Grandfather was there in Dhaka in '71 as part of some construction work for the MES and he along with his family escaped when the blood-shed started ! He used to tell some gruesome tales about how officers would come home to find their families slaughtered or poisoned by their Bengali domestic help and then those officers would go on a killing spree out in madness and kill innocent Bengalis ! But these were of course isolated events ! He always maintained that the Bengalis only wanted greater Provincial Autonomy and had Bhutto (and Yahya) relented, there wouldn't be a Bangladesh today !
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