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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

Ok, there are different meaning in Nationalism by scholars. Lets not get into it. But Islam does support Statehood or in other word Administrative territory.

A good example is observing festivals and Ramadan according to the lunar calendar. The rule says, if the moon is sighted in any part of the administrative territory then it should be taken as it is seen for the entire administrative territory. Thats why we celebrate Eid in different days than the Saudi Arabia.

Nowhere in Islam it said that all Muslim country should form a confederates.
Ok, there are different meaning in Nationalism by scholars. Lets not get into it. But Islam does support Statehood or in other word Administrative territory.

A good example is observing festivals and Ramadan according to the lunar calendar. The rule says, if the moon is sighted in any part of the administrative territory then it should be taken as it is seen for the entire administrative territory. Thats why we celebrate Eid in different days than the Saudi Arabia.

Nowhere in Islam it said that all Muslim country should form a confederates.

So they have different interpretations of nationalism? Oh boy...
Nationalism has nothing to do with Islam.

Ideally nationalism doesn't exist in Islam. Muslims controlled land should be home for all Muslim. How do you think SA was Islamized? However, we do not live in ideal world.

United Pakistan had a lot of issues but still doesn't justify the separation, islamically.

As a kid, I read a story about a dying old wise man, his sons and his last wish. It used to be thought in primary school: While the old man was dying, he called for all of his sons(5) and gave them one stick each, he told them to break the stick, they broke the stick easily. The old man gave them another five stick and told them to bind all the stick together and then break it. Sons couldn't broke the binded sticks. Wise old man message to his was that stay together and united thus you will be strong and no one can hurt you but if the you go your separate ways then you will be weak and vulnerable.

Story of united Pakistan and then bloody separation, and the old wise man message is just that. Dada India doing what ever it wants with Bd because it's knows it well that Bd can not retaliate against it's aggression however united Pakistan would have been different all together.
Ideally nationalism doesn't exist in Islam. Muslims controlled land should be home for all Muslim. How do you think SA was Islamized? However, we do not live in ideal world.

United Pakistan had a lot of issues but still doesn't justify the separation, islamically.

As a kid, I read a story about a dying old wise man, his sons and his last wish. It used to be thought in primary school: While the old man was dying, he called for all of his sons(5) and gave them one stick each, he told them to break the stick, each son broke the stick easily. The old man gave them another five stick and told them to bind all the stick together and then break it. Sons couldn't broke the binded sticks. Wise old man message to his was that stay together and united thus you will be strong and no one hurt you but if the you go your separate ways then you will be weak and vulnerable.

Story of united Pakistan and then bloody separation, and the old wise man message is just that. Dada India doing what ever it wants with Bd because it's knows it well that Bd can not retaliate against it's aggression however united Pakistan would have been different all together.

Genghis Khan.

One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible.

Ideally? Saudi Arabia was named after a family. It was the Arabs who sided with the British against the Ottoman empire. There was no Syria, no Lebanon, no Iraq, no Saudi Arabia, etc.

And now we see all those little guys flying their own flags along with their national anthems. That and American spoon feeding with big toys. Iran got under Uncle Sam's nerves pretty quick :lol:

And just how are those guys any better? :lol: They, along with countries like Malaysia and Indonesia do not see us Bengali Muslims well. This is from my experience.

A culture based on religion alone is never sufficient. A culture is always necessary.

We are Muslim and we have a Bengali culture. We are neither Arab, Chinese or South East Asian. Perhaps to India, but there are many sub-cultures there.

We are unique. Too unique. And does it matter if we are actually Bengalis in the eyes of others? To them, yes. Because that's how it is!

You see, in places like the UK and the US, Bangladeshis have done well compared to living in the brethren lands. Those Syhetis in the UK are tremendously successful. And I am not just talking about those curry houses. Did you know that those Sylheti curry houses are literally changing the eating habits of the English people? It's happening!

Some people like Konnie Huq are even celebrities. And ironically, they all came from religious family backgrounds.
British Bangladeshi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many Bangladeshis work in highly intellectual fields in the US. And I think you already know that.

Surely, both you and I will be proud and happy for them.

And success as a Bengali Muslim. The thing is, they never would have been that successful in their own countries and let alone doing so in Muslim-majority countries. Why? The others simply do not see us as equal even though it contradicts with their own religion.

And ironically, all that in the infidel West! :confused:

This just shows that the Western World are far more tolerant than the Muslims and the entire South Asia combined. I am not even going to mention those Middle Easterners! They are as slippery as eels!

I understand the issue of the Ummah. But then, would they respect the commitments? And honor that commitment? Our forefathers did agree to be with Pakistan in order to avoid Hindu domination. And yet the mainland was over 1000 miles away!

The Bengalis never got a fair share of the GDP, and the East Pakistan front wasn't particularly well defended. Very few Bengalis actually spoke Urdu. Of-course, India would want to smash Pakistan into two, but that is a different issue.

What we failed back then is to have a united stand. And neither did the West Pakistani leadership did the job properly.

Was the breakup Islamically justified? Perhaps not. Was it culturally and practically justified? Considering the factors present and the dangerous compromises made to suit West Pakistani leadership desires back then; yes.

Yaha Khan and Bhutto should have shared power with Mujib. The latter would have fallen in a month anyways. And there was absolutely nothing the Bhartis could have done to actually control the balance of power in Pakistan.

India's grand plan, Bengali sentiments, combined with the stupidity of the West Pakistani leadership only spell doom on the nation of Pakistan.

Perhaps it would have been better if we had our very own Muslim Bengal, living in peace with both India and Pakistan in the first place.

I do not agree with the AL's misuse of history. They merely misusing the past for their own benefit. And frankly, I cannot say anything better about Jamaat. The BNP has now merely become a shadow of the great Zia Rahman.

The sad fact is, Bangladesh never actually got that freedom it fought for. We are not living under just one dictator. We are in fact living under two of them. The Liberation War was an unfinished revolution. Of that, I have no doubt. We have to remove the two ruling family dynasties to actually have any change. The only persons who actually did some work were Zia and Ershad.

Perhaps that's why there's nationalism among various Muslim groups based on ethnicity and culture. So my friend, culture is a huge part of one's identity, along with religion. Because that's just how it is in the physical realm.
We are the Bangladeshi Nation. We hate all Pro Indian and all Pro Pakistani or Pro Satan collaborators to the Nation. They are not part of us. They are the animal fed by the foreigner. As a Bangladeshi, I enjoy the fun by observing the quarrel between those collaborators. True teaching of Nationalism may cure them to turn back them into true track. They are very few in number. But they shout much by making noise, organizing quarreling between them. They want to term the Nationalism as the extremism.

If those can be identified, We the Bangladeshi Nation are ready to crush those animals to the rightful places as they are betrayer.

We also hate the misinterpretation of the Islam. When the evidence of the Al Qur'an is given to them, they want to ignore that. They want to ignore the Nations of the world which are the creations of the Almighty. Those are sure followers of the Satan, who are the follower of the Zionist(Destroyer of the Nation).

Collaborators to the Nation must be punished in earth and after-earth. It is obvious.

Every true Muslims are Nationalist. But all the Nationalists are not Muslim. Muslims Nationalists are assets of the world, those are the builder of every true Nation. Nations are the creation of the Almighty.

This is the simple equation. The people who doesn't follow that are must the collaborators. Those must be punished.

Shame on the collaborators!!

We are the Bangladesh. We are the eighth largest Nation of the world which has distinct ethnicity with the certain geographic territory. We are confident enough to be the true Bangladeshi Nationalist by the grace of the Almighty.
I cant continue this bs anymore..... Whatever cool avatar Zabanya bro!!!!!!!!!
Very long post but I take it as you disagree. Fair enough.

I wonder why Muslims goes to Makkah and Madina though. Many wish to die there. Must be crazy or something.
You are supporting the Zionist One Nation theory. The Almighty Allah is directing that, Nations and Tribes are created by the Almighty.The Almighty Allah also explained the reason for the fragmentation into different Nations. It allows the Human being to acknowledge each other. It is the wish of the Almighty. Any sensible people can understand that by understanding the full and real meaning of that Ayat. The person who is against the Ayat of the Almighty are of course the follower of the Satan. I have nothing to say anymore about those Zionist Agents. We should follow the real teaching from the Almighty to get real peace in the earth and the after earth. We must protest all the Zionist Agents to establish the wish of the Almighty.


bro, have you heard all muslims are like a part of single body. If one part is hurt, then rest shoud respond the way our's does. Or the hadith where Prophet Muhammad (S) asked Allah not to punish muslims from heaven or from earth and keep them united. Well, Allah accepted the first two but not the union one. So it says, Prophet Muhammad (S) wanted one body. Brother Sheikh, I know the ayah you mention of creating mankind into different nations and tribe. Now, did Allah anywhere says that we have to be into separate nations, in Qur'an? Answer me. Remember, Prophet Muhammad (S) spoke nothing but the orders of Allah. It seems that you are creating segmentation in Islam. Reference to Muhammad (S), jews have 72 groups and muslims will have 73 groups. Only 1 will go to heaven, Only Allah knows who falls into that group. Aren't u creating a segmentation in Islam? Actually now, I am doubting that if you are a muslim or not or even bangladeshi. Because, we bangladeshis don't talk like that. I am a bangladeshi. My dad was a recruiter of Mukti Joddhas. And I am Muslim first from anything. What do u have to say?
O by the way, if you search history, you'll see many nations living under one ruler. Under Prophet Muhammad (S) there lived the Meccans and the Ansars, also jews, perfectly in harmony. Later, under ottoman empire muslims and non-muslims lived in total freedon and harmony. Under Mughals lived whole south asia. Under Naoab Sirajjouddola lived bengalis, biharis and orissa people or may be more. What do u have to say to that?
bro, have you heard all muslims are like a part of single body. If one part is hurt, then rest shoud respond the way our's does. Or the hadith where Prophet Muhammad (S) asked Allah not to punish muslims from heaven or from earth and keep them united. Well, Allah accepted the first two but not the union one. So it says, Prophet Muhammad (S) wanted one body. Brother Sheikh, I know the ayah you mention of creating mankind into different nations and tribe. Now, did Allah anywhere says that we have to be into separate nations, in Qur'an? Answer me. Remember, Prophet Muhammad (S) spoke nothing but the orders of Allah. It seems that you are creating segmentation in Islam. Reference to Muhammad (S), jews have 72 groups and muslims will have 73 groups. Only 1 will go to heaven, Only Allah knows who falls into that group. Aren't u creating a segmentation in Islam? Actually now, I am doubting that if you are a muslim or not or even bangladeshi. Because, we bangladeshis don't talk like that. I am a bangladeshi. My dad was a recruiter of Mukti Joddhas. And I am Muslim first from anything. What do u have to say?

You are saying about the Muslim Ummah. As a Muslim I must support the my Ummah. There is no confusion. Bangladeshi Nation is my Kaom. Muslim population of the world is my Ummah. I am member both of them. Kaoms are the pillars of the Ummah. Without true Nations the Ummah will fall down. Nations are the creations of the Almighty. Bangladeshi Muslim Nation is my identity and I am also the member of the Ummah. There is no confusion. Those are complementary to each other. The entity who want to destroy the true Nations is of course the enemy of the Ummah as that entity is trying to destroy the units of the Ummah. There is no confusion.

We are the Bangladeshi.We are the Bangladesh. We are the eighth largest Nation of the world which has distinct ethnicity with the certain geographic territory. We are confident enough to be the true Bangladeshi Nationalist by the grace of the Almighty.

As a Muslim, I want to say, We are the Muslim. We are the part of the Ummah. Follower of the Din which is granted by the Almighty Allah. We are confident enough to be united and do the best rightful activities as per the wish of the Almighty Allah.
We are the follower of the true Din, surrendered to the Almighty Allah to get the peace in Earth and the After Earth.

There no confusion at all.
O by the way, if you search history, you'll see many nations living under one ruler. Under Prophet Muhammad (S) there lived the Meccans and the Ansars, also jews, perfectly in harmony. Later, under ottoman empire muslims and non-muslims lived in total freedon and harmony. Under Mughals lived whole south asia. Under Naoab Sirajjouddola lived bengalis, biharis and orissa people or may be more. What do u have to say to that?

While it's true that islam in past treated minorities better than their abrahamic brothers, but in todays world minorities want equal right, not just a protectorate status.

You might know of the incident when some christian group in arab wanted to pay double the money, if khalifa considers it as alms instead of jijiya, and the khalif obliged. None likes the tag of second class citizen, those christian had money, they got away, those who didn't have money or power just accepted it.

Indians lived under mughals or bengali/bihari/oriyas lived under siraj because they had no other choice. Do afghans or iraqis love american military camp in their land?
bro, have you heard all muslims are like a part of single body. If one part is hurt, then rest shoud respond the way our's does. Or the hadith where Prophet Muhammad (S) asked Allah not to punish muslims from heaven or from earth and keep them united. Well, Allah accepted the first two but not the union one. So it says, Prophet Muhammad (S) wanted one body. Brother Sheikh, I know the ayah you mention of creating mankind into different nations and tribe. Now, did Allah anywhere says that we have to be into separate nations, in Qur'an? Answer me. Remember, Prophet Muhammad (S) spoke nothing but the orders of Allah. It seems that you are creating segmentation in Islam. Reference to Muhammad (S), jews have 72 groups and muslims will have 73 groups. Only 1 will go to heaven, Only Allah knows who falls into that group. Aren't u creating a segmentation in Islam? Actually now, I am doubting that if you are a muslim or not or even bangladeshi. Because, we bangladeshis don't talk like that. I am a bangladeshi. My dad was a recruiter of Mukti Joddhas. And I am Muslim first from anything. What do u have to say?

Brother, Listen one thing, Nobody has power to make the segmentation in Islam. The out trackers are easily identifiable.

As a Muslim, We can follow the true Din to get the real peace. There is nothing to make anything by any entity. Islam is absolute. There is no confusion. Nobody can do anything with that. It is only granted Din from the Almighty. There is no confusion. The solutions of all the problems of the mankind are provided in the Din. There is no confusion.

The 72 out trackers are not part of the Muslim Ummah. You can easily identify them, who is making confusion and trying to destroy the Muslim Nations of the world by taking different Names.

Be careful for own survival.

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