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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

There is no such thing as having different meanings of secularism.
the idea varies from people to people. For example- Expert on Islam such as Alems or whatever discourage secularism where as you moderate Muslim believes Islam approves it.

Where did you get this?
Ben Ali Banned Mosque in Cantonments.

What is an Islamist? Good God...

Islamism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Islamists claim victory in landmark Tunisia vote - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - msnbc.com

Can you name any government after the end of the Ershad era that can at least run the country properly as a government should? The answer is only half way.

visit any Bangladeshi Hindu website. They will have statistics or articles on it................

Best not to listen to those Hiz-ut-Tahir nutjobs.
I listen to Quran and Hadith.... Sorry i cant redesign them according to my conscience or modern values and norms.......
Founder of Jamati Vondo , Vondo Maododi is the congress agent. He formed the Jamati Vondo in 1941 in Lahore to oppose the Muslim League, Lahore Proposal( Basis of Muslim states in this region) raised by Sher - E - Bangla Aboul Kashem Fazlul Haque. The origin of this Jamat is not Islamic at all. For this reason I have not mentioned them as the Islamic. They are Congress Agent (Aryan Agent). Agents to misguide the Muslim Nation and making confusion, maker of plots for enemy

Here is some proof of that:

Maududi was the most vociferous opponent of Muslim state Movement. I reproduce here some of his referenced works here from his “Muslims and the Present Political Turmoil” (Vol.III) First Edition published from Delhi. Maududi described the idea of Muslim Nationalism as unlikely as a ”chaste prostitute”. Here he wrote:

” Who are the Muslims you are claiming to be a separate nation? Here, the crowd called Muslims is full of all sorts of rabble. There are as many types of characters in this as in any (other) heathen people”. (Vol. III, P.166)

“If you survey this so-called Muslim society, you will come across multifarious types of Muslims, of countless categories. This is a zoo with a collection of crows, kites, vultures, partridges and thousands of other types of birds. Every one of them is a ‘sparrow’. (Ibid. P.31)

Maududi again wrote:

“Pity! From Muslim League’s Main Leader down to the lower cadres, there is not a single person who has an Islamic outlook and thinking and whose perspective on matters is Islamic“. (Ibid. P.37)

This is proving his congress's servant characteristics.

“To pronounce these people fit for leading Muslims for the simple reason that they are experts of Western type politics and masters of Western organizational arts, and are deeply in love with their people, is a manifestation of an unislamic viewpoint and reflects ignorance of Islam”. (Ibid. P.70)

“Even with a microscopic study of their practical life, and their thinking, ideology, political behaviour and style of leadership, one can find not a trace of Islamic character.”

This Son of a B***h again said:

“In no Muslim League resolution, or in a speech by a responsible leader of the League it has it been made clear that their final goal is of establishing an Islamic system of government. Those who believe that by freeing Muslim majority areas rule of Hindu majority, an Islamic government will be established here in a democratic set up, are wrong. In fact what will be achieved will be a heretical government by Muslims, indeed worse than that.” (Ibid. P.130-32)

If the above plan would get any success we would live in India, suppressed by the Aryan cluster.

He wrote:

“For these reasons, the great numbers (of Muslims) that we find. (listed) in the census records has become worthless for purposes of Islam. Anything done on the strength of these numbers will result in acute frustration.” (Ibid. P.56)

The root of Jamat and Maododi, Jamati Vondo is Pro Indian, Pro Aryan, Pro Satan. They are the conspirator. Now they are in the mask in the Anti Indian Mask. In fact they are anti Bangladeshi, doesn't believe in Bangladeshi Nationalism. Those are clown of Aryan to reduce the Nation is slow position by using the mask. They did everything for the breakdown of Pakistan( though Independent and Separate Brihot Bangladesh was the hope of every Dravidian Originated Bangladeshi Muslim root in 1947) in 1971. They are against Islam and human and the stooges of the Aryan cluster. I have found all the Jamatis love Indian culture, love Indian actress, listen Hindi songs, witness Indian Cricket Match and always talks about India. They don't believe in Bangladeshi Nationalism. Yet they have the hope to be united with their masters. They are the destruct er of the Bangladeshi Nationalism.

True teaching of Nationalism may help us to get rid from that.

Vashani shows us how to be a Nationalist as well as Muslim at the same Muslim. People from other religion may be a Nationalist.

Jamati Vondos are the enemy to the proper development of the great Bangladeshi Nation.

Our people should be free from the conspiration of Maododi, which is historically true and the other Aryan conspiration and invasion.

Proper teaching of Nationalism is must necessary.

We are not a myth. We are the Bangladeshi Nation.

At some level, nationalism goes out the door from an Islamic point of view. Nation-state concept was sort of alien to Muslims prior to the rise of the European powers. Thus you will always find Islamic scholars who could care less about the national identity.
At the very simplest in my opinion, the only way to lay this one to rest is to essentially do a referendum and ask the people what system of governance they desire. Once the verdict is out, then that system should be implemented. If this is not done, there will be continuous upheaval in all of the Muslim majority countries.

My view is that people should get what they ask for, live through it and then be able to judge what made the most sense for them.

When outsiders interfere with this process then things become more complicated leading to extremism etc.

That is what i was trying to say. If they want to turn Bangladesh into a secular one... extremism will follow and Hindus will have to pay the price. There is very good reason behind Hasina's move to keep Islam as state religion......

---------- Post added at 02:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 AM ----------

At some level, nationalism goes out the door from an Islamic point of view. Nation-state concept was sort of alien to Muslims prior to the rise of the European powers. Thus you will always find Islamic scholars who could care less about the national identity.

I was a Hard-core nationalist. Even joined BNP out of that attraction.... But my earth turned upside down when i came to know about " nationalism in Islam" ..... This idea is only 200 years old... and people worship it..........
At some level, nationalism goes out the door from an Islamic point of view. Nation-state concept was sort of alien to Muslims prior to the rise of the European powers. Thus you will always find Islamic scholars who could care less about the national identity.

This is a ball ant lie. Nationalism is the part of Iman. Nation is created in certain geographic region as a grace and the wish of the Almighty. As a Muslim, I can say Nationalism and Islam are always complementary. People from other religion may have another view point about Nationalism.

Almighty has created different Nations, it is true. Muslim People from different Nations constitute the Ummah not the Nation. Islam does not allow to make the destruction of the Nations as all Nations are created as part wish of the Almighty. Destruction of a Nation is UnIslamic. Punjabis wanted to make the destruction of Bangladeshi Nation, that was crime and UnIslamic in 1971. We should come out from the UnIslamic idea and sin work(destructing the Nations). History proves the truth thing.

But , Be aware of Maododi( Anti Muslim League, Anti humanity, Anti Islamist, Pro Congress, Pro Satan, Mis User of Islamic Cloth, Religion trader, enemy of Islam and humanity). Jamati Vondo is a historically proved crime organization. Animals feed by the Aryan Cluster.
At the very simplest in my opinion, the only way to lay this one to rest is to essentially do a referendum and ask the people what system of governance they desire. Once the verdict is out, then that system should be implemented. If this is not done, there will be continuous upheaval in all of the Muslim majority countries.

There you have it. Key word is referendum but our government always try to shove their party agenda on the nation. Recently, Hasina slash Dhaka city in to two without asking people opinion. As a matter of fact, almost 100% against this decision but Awami has no time respect people opinion or feeling. Main reason they have done it because fear of loosing mayoral election as Awamis popularity sunk. This kind of unilateral, undemocratic decision create more problem than solution.
This is a ball ant lie. Nationalism is the part of Iman. Nation is created in certain geographic region as a grace and the wish of the Almighty. As a Muslim, I can say Nationalism and Islam are always complementary. People from other religion may have another view point about Nationalism.

Almighty has created different Nations, it is true. Muslim People from different Nations constitute the Ummah not the Nation. Islam does not allow to make the destruction of the Nations as all Nations are created as part wish of the Almighty. Destruction of a Nation is UnIslamic. Punjabis wanted to make the destruction of Bangladeshi Nation, that was crime and UnIslamic in 1971. We should come out from the UnIslamic idea and sin work(destructing the Nations). History proves the truth thing.

But , Be aware of Maododi( Anti Muslim League, Anti humanity, Anti Islamist, Pro Congress, Pro Satan, Mis User of Islamic Cloth, Religion trader, enemy of Islam and humanity). Jamati Vondo is a historically proved crime organization. Animals feed by the Aryan Cluster.

Silly. You are explaining something and you dont have any idea about that. I didnt bother to read following links. If they support your claim please let me know. I will read then.

Islam and Nationalism

Silly. You are explaining something and you dont have any idea about that. I didnt bother to read following links. If they support your claim please let me know. I will read then.

Islam and Nationalism


Those are confusing thread to misguide the Nationalists. We have the definite source of Knowledge. Why are we not searching those?

We should brand the Nationalism with our belief, not of the views of Satan.We should define that from our teachings not from others. It is inherent, given by the Almighty since the ancient time. Those threads are actually made for making the destruction of the Muslim Nations of the world.They want to make the Muslim as Nation-less. After that, they want to crush all the Muslim people.

Never be confused with those. Those are destructive to your own Nation.

At first Keep your own Muslim Nation alive, then you will be able to contribute to the Ummah. Nation is your home. Ummah is your world. You should behave with the people of other religion according to the teaching of your Knowledge source and belief.

This will check your goodness.
Explain it.
Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “He is not one of us who calls for asabiyyah, (tribalism/nationalism) or who fights for asabiyyah, or who dies for asabiyyah.” [Abu Dawud]
Explain it.

It is prohibiting to make false proud about the birth history, as any type of false proud is not granted by the Almighty.

But from the holy Al Qur'an we know that, From the Sons of Adam different Nations are created. What will you say about ?

We should follow the justice of the Almighty. We should not destroy the Nations of the world as those are creation of the Almighty as it is stated in the holy Al Qur'an. Destruction of the Nations is the Satanic work. Kaom is equal to the Nation not the Ummah. The total Muslim Population is the Ummah as whole not a Kaom(Nation). You are confusing about that.

I am not encouraging the false proud or opposing the co-operation of the Muslim Ummah. Muslim Nations are the pillar of the Ummah. Without the pillars the Ummah will fall down.

Never be confused.
This is a ball ant lie. Nationalism is the part of Iman. Nation is created in certain geographic region as a grace and the wish of the Almighty. As a Muslim, I can say Nationalism and Islam are always complementary. People from other religion may have another view point about Nationalism.

Almighty has created different Nations, it is true. Muslim People from different Nations constitute the Ummah not the Nation. Islam does not allow to make the destruction of the Nations as all Nations are created as part wish of the Almighty. Destruction of a Nation is UnIslamic. Punjabis wanted to make the destruction of Bangladeshi Nation, that was crime and UnIslamic in 1971. We should come out from the UnIslamic idea and sin work(destructing the Nations). History proves the truth thing.

But , Be aware of Maododi( Anti Muslim League, Anti humanity, Anti Islamist, Pro Congress, Pro Satan, Mis User of Islamic Cloth, Religion trader, enemy of Islam and humanity). Jamati Vondo is a historically proved crime organization. Animals feed by the Aryan Cluster.


I am not a religious scholar so I cannot address all of the issues you have raised. What I do understand is that Prophet Muhammad is called "mercy for all of mankind" in the Quran. Which to me means that Islam would look beyond limiting the ummah to a specific nation or tribe(s) or identifying ourselves along ethnic, tribal lines.

I think the Islamic ideal transcends colour, creed and ethnic backgrounds and actually frowns upon such divisions.
It is prohibiting to make false proud about the birth history, as any type of false proud is not granted by the Almighty.

But from the holy Al Qur'an we know that, From the Sons of Adam different Nations are created. What will you say about ?

We should follow the justice of the Almighty. We should not destroy the Nations of the world as those are creation of the Almighty as it is stated in the holy Al Qur'an. Destruction of the Nations is the Satanic work. Kaom is equal to the Nation not the Ummah. The total Muslim Population is the Ummah as whole not a Kaom(Nation). You are confusing about that.

I am not encouraging the false proud or opposing the co-operation of the Muslim Ummah. Muslim Nations are the pillar of the Ummah. Without the pillars the Ummah will fall down.

Never be confused.

Satan is also a creation of Almighty. Twenty people couldnt solve dravidian problem with you. I donot stand any chance against you. Replying you will be waste of time....

btw give me links by any islamic scholar supporting your claim or is it your brain child?
Satan is also a creation of Almighty. Twenty people couldnt solve dravidian problem with you. I donot stand any chance against you. Replying you will be waste of time....

btw give me links by any islamic scholar supporting your claim or is it your brain child?

AlHamdulillah, I have found the greatest evidence. I don't need anything other than that. Yes I have got the evidence from the Holy Al Quran:

Sura: Al Hujarat

Ayat: 13

English Translation: . "O mankind!

We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other).

Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you.

And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)."

Brother, Please,observe that , Nations are created by the Almighty and those are creations of Almighty for our betterment.

So, there is no confusion. Nation is acknowledged by the Almighty.

Never be confused. Never destroy Nations like the Satan.

May Allah Save and Grace us all.
Pakistan should forget about East Pakistan and try have a union with Afghanistan, Bangladesh chapter has been closed it's over however the Islamic Republic of Pakistan & Afghanistan seems likely.
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