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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

Exactly, the Sylhetis are believed to be the most pious Muslims in Bangladesh, but then again you will find number of Hindus in that region living peacefully!!

I am from Sylhet and this why we usually do not go out side of our district to get married. Main reason is that we find you guys very unislamic. :lol:

Yes, we do have Hindus in our district but there is no reason for me to become Bengali culture secularist. No reason for me to believe that Bengali culture is mine and Islamic culture came from outside. In Sylhet, we also have secular minded people who love Hindu culture, like my friend Iajdani here but there number is in few. They are minority. :flame:
majority is secular minded?? where did you get that?? last time when secularism was talk of the country.... I used to follow popular facebook groups and polls...... Always seemed to me Islam vs secularism ratio 60:40.

P.S> our mainstream media and civil society is secular. and that may give you wrong impression.

Nope, its very much clear that the majority are secular minded, I've given few examples as well!! And the group wouldn't be even the 1% of Bangladesh!! So how can you judge it??
Nope, its very much clear that the majority are secular minded, I've given few examples as well!! And the group wouldn't be even the 1% of Bangladesh!! So how can you judge it??

Sampling is a term used in statistics...
I am from Sylhet and this why we usually do not go out side of our district to get married. Main reason is that we find you guys very unislamic. :lol:

Well, there's nothing to do with those who live in delusion!! If someone doesn't match with your opinion, then he's unIslamic?? Even Prophet (PBUH) has said to let the non-Muslims to practice their own religion, don't force Islam upon them, doesn't it seem a secular minded opinion?
Nope bro, even the JI leaders have been and will be seen in Puja Mondob during Durga Puja while being in the power, that's because the majority of the population wants a secular nation!! They may have expressed their vision to make Bangladesh an Islamic republic but its known to them also that its not possible since the majority are secular minded!! And I don't see any harm in that, doing that we wont turn into Kafirs, it will just ensure the right of practicing everyone's religion!!

Going to Puja Mondop and wish them is one thing but calling their God as ma durga is haram every possible ways. A secular minded people will say it and will make them Mushrik.

Most Bangladeshis aren't secular minded rather moderate minded. If we all were secular then why do you think Awami kept Bismillah and state religion Islam in the constitution. Although I believe it's deception and pure munafiqi but this actually prove majority Bd isn't secular. As a matter of fact, when BNP come to office, they will amend the constitution and Islamize it again.

Secularism may not make you Kafir but it will make you less Islamic in loger process.
Going to Puja Mondop and wish them is one thing but calling their God as ma durga is haram every possible ways. A secular minded people will say it and will make them Mushrik.

I consider myself as secular-minded, but still always believed in Allah only, and all the secular minded people are the same!!

Secularism may not make you Kafir but it will make you less Islamic in loger process.

Its up to you, how strong your imaan is!! If your imaan loosen up, you will be non-Islamic no matter if you are secular-minded or not!!
Well, there's nothing to do with those who live in delusion!! If someone doesn't match with your opinion, then he's unIslamic?? Even Prophet (PBUH) has said to let the non-Muslims to practice their own religion, don't force Islam upon them, doesn't it seem a secular minded opinion?

You are confused between secularism and moderation. Islam tell us to be moderate. Neither too extreme nor too loose. Secularism mean: you are neutral when comes to religion. Simply mean there is no difference between religions. All are same. You are not taking any particular side. But, a Muslim can not believe that there are other true religion beside Islam. Islam is the only true religion and Qur'an is the true words of Allah(s.w.t). Another word, if you believe that Hinduism a true religion then you are no longer Muslim because you have deviated from fundamental faith of Islam that la ilaha illa allah. I hope I made it clear.

Please read Surah Kafiroon with meaning to understand what I am trying convey here.
Well, there's nothing to do with those who live in delusion!! If someone doesn't match with your opinion, then he's unIslamic?? Even Prophet (PBUH) has said to let the non-Muslims to practice their own religion, don't force Islam upon them, doesn't it seem a secular minded opinion?
That depends on the definition of secularism. At present secularism in Bangladesh means less islamisation..... Whereas Islamic Secularism means non muslims have every possible rights which was maintained by muslim rulers always ........ Secularism in a muslim country will never work. Wearing scarf was banned in Turkey, army officers in Tunisia were not allowed to pray. Now they both voting for islamists.......... You cant rename a 'jele polli' just because a kumar or kamar lives there. You just cant impose secularism on Muslims. They will always look for their holy book at one point... you have noticed maybe many Hindu mandirs were attacked during hasina's term which is unusal. These were outcome of retaliation against secularism...
That depends on the definition of secularism. At present secularism in Bangladesh means less islamisation..... Whereas Islamic Secularism means non muslims have every possible rights which was maintained by muslim rulers always ........ Secularism in a muslim country will never work.

There is no such thing as having different meanings of secularism.

Wearing scarf was banned in Turkey,

Only in universities.

army officers in Tunisia were not allowed to pray.

Where did you get this?

Now they both voting for islamists.......... You cant rename a 'jele polli' just because a kumar or kamar lives there. You just cant impose secularism on Muslims. They will always look for their holy book at one point...

What is an Islamist? Good God...

you have noticed maybe many Hindu mandirs were attacked during hasina's term which is unusal. These were outcome of retaliation against secularism...

Can you name any government after the end of the Ershad era that can at least run the country properly as a government should? The answer is only half way.

Best not to listen to those Hiz-ut-Tahir nutjobs.
That depends on the definition of secularism. At present secularism in Bangladesh means less islamisation..... Whereas Islamic Secularism means non muslims have every possible rights which was maintained by muslim rulers always ........ Secularism in a muslim country will never work. Wearing scarf was banned in Turkey, army officers in Tunisia were not allowed to pray. Now they both voting for islamists.......... You cant rename a 'jele polli' just because a kumar or kamar lives there. You just cant impose secularism on Muslims. They will always look for their holy book at one point... you have noticed maybe many Hindu mandirs were attacked during hasina's term which is unusal. These were outcome of retaliation against secularism...

Banning Burqa or preventing someone for praying is not the part of secularism. Its means that Muslims should live their own way and Hindus should live their own way without interfering in each others' matter and people should not be forced to abandon some religious beliefs. If someone has a qualification and he deserved to be Prime Minister, and his religion should not decide that. Mixing politics with religion only brings more extremism and intolerance in the society.
That depends on the definition of secularism. At present secularism in Bangladesh means less islamisation..... Whereas Islamic Secularism means non muslims have every possible rights which was maintained by muslim rulers always ........ Secularism in a muslim country will never work. Wearing scarf was banned in Turkey, army officers in Tunisia were not allowed to pray. Now they both voting for islamists.......... You cant rename a 'jele polli' just because a kumar or kamar lives there. You just cant impose secularism on Muslims. They will always look for their holy book at one point... you have noticed maybe many Hindu mandirs were attacked during hasina's term which is unusal. These were outcome of retaliation against secularism...

When comes to secularism people only bring bad example and lab lab la....
What we want is the complete separation of State and Religion. State should not say, somebody should/should not wear Scarf. Thats not secularism rather anti freedom. Secularism means, state should not interfere with anybody who wants to perform his/her religion. For instance if somebody wants to wear Hijab, the state should not interfere. Also state should not perform any religion by itself, like reciting quran in the parliament or performing Dua while inaugerating bridges etc.
When comes to secularism people only bring bad example and lab lab la....
What we want is the complete separation of State and Religion. State should not say, somebody should/should not wear Scarf. Thats not secularism rather anti freedom. Secularism means, state should not interfere with anybody who wants to perform his/her religion. For instance if somebody wants to wear Hijab, the state should not interfere. Also state should not perform any religion by itself, like reciting quran in the parliament or performing Dua while inaugerating bridges etc.

in easy words- we should keep Islam within ourselves only... That makes sense.

But it is not Islam and half of your countrymen don't buy this..... Islam was always involved in State politics showed by Prophet (SM). It has political, financial goals....
Founder of Jamati Vondo , Vondo Maododi is the congress agent. He formed the Jamati Vondo in 1941 in Lahore to oppose the Muslim League, Lahore Proposal( Basis of Muslim states in this region) raised by Sher - E - Bangla Aboul Kashem Fazlul Haque. The origin of this Jamat is not Islamic at all. For this reason I have not mentioned them as the Islamic. They are Congress Agent (Aryan Agent). Agents to misguide the Muslim Nation and making confusion, maker of plots for enemy

Here is some proof of that:

Maududi was the most vociferous opponent of Muslim state Movement. I reproduce here some of his referenced works here from his “Muslims and the Present Political Turmoil” (Vol.III) First Edition published from Delhi. Maududi described the idea of Muslim Nationalism as unlikely as a ”chaste prostitute”. Here he wrote:

” Who are the Muslims you are claiming to be a separate nation? Here, the crowd called Muslims is full of all sorts of rabble. There are as many types of characters in this as in any (other) heathen people”. (Vol. III, P.166)

“If you survey this so-called Muslim society, you will come across multifarious types of Muslims, of countless categories. This is a zoo with a collection of crows, kites, vultures, partridges and thousands of other types of birds. Every one of them is a ‘sparrow’. (Ibid. P.31)

Maududi again wrote:

“Pity! From Muslim League’s Main Leader down to the lower cadres, there is not a single person who has an Islamic outlook and thinking and whose perspective on matters is Islamic“. (Ibid. P.37)

This is proving his congress's servant characteristics.

“To pronounce these people fit for leading Muslims for the simple reason that they are experts of Western type politics and masters of Western organizational arts, and are deeply in love with their people, is a manifestation of an unislamic viewpoint and reflects ignorance of Islam”. (Ibid. P.70)

“Even with a microscopic study of their practical life, and their thinking, ideology, political behaviour and style of leadership, one can find not a trace of Islamic character.”

This Son of a B***h again said:

“In no Muslim League resolution, or in a speech by a responsible leader of the League it has it been made clear that their final goal is of establishing an Islamic system of government. Those who believe that by freeing Muslim majority areas rule of Hindu majority, an Islamic government will be established here in a democratic set up, are wrong. In fact what will be achieved will be a heretical government by Muslims, indeed worse than that.” (Ibid. P.130-32)

If the above plan would get any success we would live in India, suppressed by the Aryan cluster.

He wrote:

“For these reasons, the great numbers (of Muslims) that we find. (listed) in the census records has become worthless for purposes of Islam. Anything done on the strength of these numbers will result in acute frustration.” (Ibid. P.56)

The root of Jamat and Maododi, Jamati Vondo is Pro Congress, Pro Aryan, Pro Satan. They are the conspirator. Now they are in the mask in the Anti Indian Mask. In fact they are anti Bangladeshi, doesn't believe in Bangladeshi Nationalism. Those are clown of Aryan to reduce the Nation is slow position by using the mask. They did everything for the breakdown of Pakistan( though Independent and Separate Brihot Bangladesh was the hope of every Dravidian Originated Bangladeshi Muslim root in 1947) in 1971. They are against Islam and human and the stooges of the Aryan cluster. I have found all the Jamatis love Indian culture, love Indian actress, listen Hindi songs, witness Indian Cricket Match and always talks about India. They don't believe in Bangladeshi Nationalism. Yet they have the hope to be united with their masters. They are the destruct er of the Bangladeshi Nationalism.

True teaching of Nationalism may help us to get rid from that.

Vashani shows us how to be a Nationalist as well as Muslim at the same time. People from other religion may be a Nationalist.

Jamati Vondos are the enemy to the proper development of the great Bangladeshi Nation.

Our people should be free from the conspiration of Maododi, which is historically true and the other Aryan conspiration and invasion.

Proper teaching of Nationalism is must necessary.

We are not a myth. We are the Bangladeshi Nation.
At the very simplest in my opinion, the only way to lay this one to rest is to essentially do a referendum and ask the people what system of governance they desire. Once the verdict is out, then that system should be implemented. If this is not done, there will be continuous upheaval in all of the Muslim majority countries.

My view is that people should get what they ask for, live through it and then be able to judge what made the most sense for them.

When outsiders interfere with this process then things become more complicated leading to extremism etc.

But what Moududi talked about the future of that country ironically turned true. Dont you think? He was a smart man.
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