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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

That's not the point the point is Naved Ideals are normal and the same as with the majority..!! Not only in Bangladesh but in the wider Indian Subcontinent...!!

It would have been Okay had he taken citizenship of Pakistan(which he won't be granted anyway!). Consider the money and effort Govt of Bangladesh pays to make him a doctor, his primary and secondary education, the subsidized transport or foods, keeping the law and order, ensuring the sovereignty of the land etc etc; and what the country gets in return - "Bangla Billis".

I'd say follow the Chinese for these sorry cases.
I'd give you an example.

Govt of India pays millions to make someone IIT graduate, then he migrates to states for greener pasture, got his green card and started badmouthing stinky, curry munching, brown Indians! What would you call him? According to your logic, as he is a citizen of USA and many Americans think same about Indians, so he is morally right!

Fortunately IITians contributed a lot for the country's cause.
Don't worry too much Bangladesh is non issue for us , someone loves us we will love them , if someone hates us ,we damn care about their obsession :tdown:.

We are just up against those guys who claims to be Bangladeshi but talks against it, don't think any Bangladeshi is against Pak here! Anyways after years of hatred for Pak, I slightly began to have a soft corner for Pak for some time having some Pak friends in my FB!! Hope I won't be turning out to be as before!!
And i really felt ashamed that subhuman like you can type chat , and calling other "creature" only because of difference of opinion.

Well, Bangladeshi's used to have a very good regards for that familly. They did so many good things for the community and in return they were loved and respected. Being a member from that familly, calling fellow Bangladeshis as Billis etc and hurl abuses towards Bengalis is really a shame for the very familly.
Syed, I'm from the Nawab Family as well, my great grand father Zahurul Huq Khwaja Moulana Mia was a cousin of Sir Salimullah, but I'm proud to be a Bangladeshi and consider myself a pure Bengali!! My father and my uncles speak urdu but our generation(my brother and sister and my cousins) grown up speaking Bengali as the mother tongue that too for the wish of my grand parents and my parents as well!! I know, every member of the Nawab Family is proud to be Bangladeshi, those who aren't, are living in Pakistan!! Sorry to say but for a moment I really felt ashamed of being a member of the family where creature like you are born!! You are simply a disgrace to the whole family!!

Edit your post please bro, it's showing my name as the person whom you are replying to. Thanks :)
Well, Bangladeshi's used to have a very good regards for that familly. They did so many good things for the community and in return they were loved and respected. Being a member from that familly, calling fellow Bangladeshis as Billis etc and hurl abuses towards Bengalis is really a shame for the very familly.

Its a shame for the whole nation that we have place for these morons in our precious land!!
People like Naved, they came to these areas during Nawab rules, speak Urdu at home and don't consider themselves as Bengalis.

Unless you are not unaware but Bangladesh actually ideologically divided nation between Bangladeshi nationalist(Islam as main principals) and Bengali nationalist(Bengali culture as principal). So, Urdu or Bangla speaker is not matter here. More than 60% of our population believe in Muslim first and other 40% including Hindu believe in Bengali first.
well, i didn't post naved's fb page here. and about the other two fb profiles they were taken from popular bangla blog already commented and shared thousand times by local Bangladeshis. So i dont think i have violated any privacy...........

If some one else jump form the building, would you do the same?

Those two individual not here to defend their stance, so why would you post their Photo's here for no reason. Bangladesh neither will be Islamic republic nor full secular nation. We will be stuck between Muslim first or Bengali first debate till Qayamat.'

Bd is a screwed up nation with screwed up issue. 2011 yet 71 is more important to some bigot then solving the dying issue like poverty.
In that backdrop Naved Ideals are not Utopian but very encouraging indeed in a sence that finally the cornered and rejected people got some gutts to openly air thier views no matter what happened to them the next and for that I salute Awami league government current policies towards JI and Razakars indeed...The more AL supress them the more they spreads IA.

Actually you are right. Awami has done some good to strengthen the anti awami forces in the country. As a matter of fact, recently Begum Zia, leader of Bangladeshi nationalist party(BNP) has been calling Awami as party of thugs,cowards and traitors.

You will see the doom day of Awami very soon and Insa'Alla we will eliminate these scums.
Unless you are not unaware but Bangladesh actually ideologically divided nation between Bangladeshi nationalist(Islam as main principals) and Bengali nationalist(Bengali culture as principal). So, Urdu or Bangla speaker is not matter here. More than 60% of our population believe in Muslim first and other 40% including Hindu believe in Bengali first.

and there is third kind who dont believe in Bangladesh!

Anyway this kind of attitude is harmful for Islamists in Bangladesh.

Let me give you an example....

I sent an sms to a shibir (jamayat) activist once... a urdu poem or sher most probably told by tameem here " mera kishti to oha dubi jaha pani kom tha"

his reply was "if you want to tell me something, use Bangla"

look how careful they are.....

Normally he is very friendly with me. But his reply was rude just to prove his loyalty to motherland.

I am a great fan of him and his speeches. Let me share a story. One day he was arguing with a Bengali nationalist about Bengali language. That guy was saying " bangla vasha theke shob urdu farsi baad dite hobe" My shibir friend calmly answered " Baad is a farsi word which you are using " That guy just stopped and left ....... whenever i see those guys i become hopeful Bangladesh will be an islamic country soon. Saying Bengal Billi infront of Bangladeshis will hamper their hard works to win our confidence... Some people are very ignorant...
Unless you are not unaware but Bangladesh actually ideologically divided nation between Bangladeshi nationalist(Islam as main principals) and Bengali nationalist(Bengali culture as principal). So, Urdu or Bangla speaker is not matter here. More than 60% of our population believe in Muslim first and other 40% including Hindu believe in Bengali first.

Well, what I pointed out is true. Even a person consider himself Muslim first won't use the offensive term "Bangla Billi" against other Muslim.
If some one else jump form the building, would you do the same?

Those two individual not here to defend their stance, so why would you post their Photo's here for no reason. Bangladesh neither will be Islamic republic nor full secular nation. We will be stuck between Muslim first or Bengali first debate till Qayamat.'

Bd is a screwed up nation with screwed up issue. 2011 yet 71 is more important to some bigot then solving the dying issue like poverty.

What Bangladesh will be and its identity solely depend on Bangladeshis and who shows allegiance to it. It could be a Islamic country or it could be a secular decided by the absolute majority.

But anybody showing non allegiance to my country has no right to talk about what Bangladesh will or should be. By our law or any other countrie's law his citizenship could be revoked and put behind the bar for the rest of his life unless a thrid country comes forward where his true allegiance lies.
Unless you are not unaware but Bangladesh actually ideologically divided nation between Bangladeshi nationalist(Islam as main principals) and Bengali nationalist(Bengali culture as principal). So, Urdu or Bangla speaker is not matter here. More than 60% of our population believe in Muslim first and other 40% including Hindu believe in Bengali first.

Yes, its not only Bangladesh, its the case for every country. There are center right and center left politics everywhere. But it solely rest on Banglaeshis itself and they are the one to decide in which direction the country suppose to sail. Its already decided that we will never implement Sharia law (even Jamaat declined) which makes us a Secular muslim country. BNP walas wants to say that they preserve Muslim identity which is a very minute differnce than that AL propagates. Ideologically at least. You could make it a big fuzz but I dont.
What Bangladesh will be and its identity solely depend on Bangladeshis and who shows allegiance to it. It could be a Islamic country or it could be a secular decided by the absolute majority.

But anybody showing non allegiance to my country has no right to talk about what Bangladesh will or should be. By our law or any other countrie's law his citizenship could be revoked and put behind the bar for the rest of his life unless a thrid country comes forward where his true allegiance lies.

Yes, its not only Bangladesh, its the case for every country. There are center right and center left politics everywhere. But it solely rest on Banglaeshis itself and they are the one to decide in which direction the country suppose to sail. Its already decided that we will never implement Sharia law (even Jamaat declined) which makes us a Secular muslim country. BNP walas wants to say that they preserve Muslim identity which is a very minute differnce than that AL propagates. Ideologically at least. You could make it a big fuzz but I dont.

Let me ask you something: Do the majority of the Bangladeshis know who they are? Or what they truly stand for? And how they envision themselves to the world? Envision does not mean that we have to be like the USA.

Envisioning is a collective effort, not a one-man job like what Hasina and her ilks see.

Al-Zakir is right about the split part. Otherwise, we won't be seeing the mess in the politics of Bangladesh right now.
Let me ask you something: Do the majority of the Bangladeshis know who they are? Or what they truly stand for? And how they envision themselves to the world? Envision does not mean that we have to be like the USA.

Envisioning is a collective effort, not a one-man job like what Hasina and her ilks see.

Al-Zakir is right about the split part. Otherwise, we won't be seeing the mess in the politics of Bangladesh right now.

"Origination of Envision is not a collective effort". Envision comes from a single point which is supported and driven by collective effort. It reminds me a famous quote from Abraham Lincoln "I dont stand for what is popular but I stand for what I believe in". He was one of most unpopular US president ever seen and it was not easy to sell his vision to the nation.

Now if you ask every Bhuka Nanga bengali to become Lincoln than I am sorry. They are not fit for the job. But if you come up with a revolutionary vision than I can guarantee that you will find those Bhuka Nanga bengalis by your side. They did it everytime but were left behind.

And your Bengali/Bangladeshi split, its just a fiction of so called urban warrior. Ask any ordinary citizen on the street, they will just make fun about those funny politicians who made that a deal after all.
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