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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

India should tie with Antarctica or a Nation from the Mars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is better for them.

Why ? Afghanistan is 100x more valuable then Bangladesh it natural resources, Bangladesh was united only in the concept of the Islamic union while it did not border pakistan and it failed not to mention Bangladesh is not an Islamic Republic, Afghanistan is it also shares ethnic, cultural, and religious ties with Pakistan. as for India and Antarctica who knows it could happen in the future. the afghan Pak Union is better Possibility then Pak and Bang.
Why ? Afghanistan is 100x more valuable then Bangladesh it natural resources, Bangladesh was united only in the concept of the Islamic union while it did not border pakistan and it failed not to mention Bangladesh is not an Islamic Republic, Afghanistan is it also shares ethnic, cultural, and religious ties with Pakistan. as for India and Antarctica who knows it could happen in the future. the afghan Pak Union is better Possibility then Pak and Bang.

Who is making reunion by destroying own Nation? Why are you shouting?

Penguins and Aliens are good friend!!!!!!!!!!!
Here comes another guy Americanpeacebomber but Shaikhu baba will force him to give up with his Golden words:-

I am the continua-tor of ancient Dravidian nation. And Aryans mistreated my Arab ancestors who originated from Dravidians.
AlHamdulillah, I have found the greatest evidence. I don't need anything other than that. Yes I have got the evidence from the Holy Al Quran:

Sura: Al Hujarat

Ayat: 13

English Translation: . "O mankind!

We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other).

Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you.

And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)."

Brother, Please,observe that , Nations are created by the Almighty and those are creations of Almighty for our betterment.

So, there is no confusion. Nation is acknowledged by the Almighty.

Never be confused. Never destroy Nations like the Satan.

May Allah Save and Grace us all.

Tribalism is banned in Islam. So as Nationalism. This Ayat doesnt approve Nationalism. Allah also made many people non muslim.... So?? Does that mean they have to remain non muslim?? You cant explain any ayat according to your view..... There must be hundred scholars explaining this ayat. Show me one that supports your claim that we should divide into nations.........

you said Islam only bans glorifying ones ancestors...... but It also bans fighting each other

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “He is not one of us who calls for asabiyyah, (tribalism/nationalism) or who fights for asabiyyah, or who dies for asabiyyah.” [Abu Dawud]
Explain it.

Now you are confusing modern nation states with arab tribes. Understand the context of the speech and how hopelessly divided the arabs were in that era.

I'm sure someone would make a different meaning of the arab word and put a spin and interpret it in a way of his own interest.
the idea varies from people to people. For example- Expert on Islam such as Alems or whatever discourage secularism where as you moderate Muslim believes Islam approves it.

Those guys follow very complex ideologies with complex ramifications. But then as the saying goes, no government should push the issue of secularism too far.

Ben Ali Banned Mosque in Cantonments.

He did? Guess he pushed it too far eh? :lol: I do not agree with extreme secular measures. People should be free as to what they choose.

The very term 'Islamist' is a misleading one I'd say.

I listen to Quran and Hadith.... Sorry i cant redesign them according to my conscience or modern values and norms.......

More like a spiritual guide. They cannot answer everything in everyday affairs. We are ultimately the result of our intentions.

I hope sanity prevails.

Glad that people aren't into those Hiz-ut-Tahir monkeys.
Now you are confusing modern nation states with arab tribes. Understand the context of the speech and how hopelessly divided the arabs were in that era.

I'm sure someone would make a different meaning of the arab word and put a spin and interpret it in a way of his own interest.
i am too much ignorant to comment on it myself... All muslim scholars interpreted it as nationalism... Atleast i didn't find any who said differently..
i am too much ignorant to comment on it myself... All muslim scholars interpreted it as nationalism... Atleast i didn't find any who said differently..

Nationalism has nothing to do with Islam.
Tribalism is banned in Islam. So as Nationalism. This Ayat doesnt approve Nationalism. Allah also made many people non muslim.... So?? Does that mean they have to remain non muslim?? You cant explain any ayat according to your view..... There must be hundred scholars explaining this ayat. Show me one that supports your claim that we should divide into nations.........

you said Islam only bans glorifying ones ancestors...... but It also bans fighting each other

You are supporting the Zionist One Nation theory. The Almighty Allah is directing that, Nations and Tribes are created by the Almighty.The Almighty Allah also explained the reason for the fragmentation into different Nations. It allows the Human being to acknowledge each other. It is the wish of the Almighty. Any sensible people can understand that by understanding the full and real meaning of that Ayat. The person who is against the Ayat of the Almighty are of course the follower of the Satan. I have nothing to say anymore about those Zionist Agents. We should follow the real teaching from the Almighty to get real peace in the earth and the after earth. We must protest all the Zionist Agents to establish the wish of the Almighty.

i am too much ignorant to comment on it myself... All muslim scholars interpreted it as nationalism... Atleast i didn't find any who said differently..

What I gather from Google is that Asabiyyah refers to tribalism/clanism. The idea of modern Nation states was alien in 7th century. Modern nation states don't discriminate people for their race, color or creed or even religion(now middle east is not a perfect example of it, they are still stuck to their clanism). It doesn't even discriminate a citizen of other nation or gives him/her a protectorate status.

As far as scholars are concerned, I guess the ruling elite of Iran and KSA know their religion well, but why don't they share their resource with poor Muslim countries in Africa. As far as I know USA and Europe donate more than rest of the world.
What I gather from Google, that Asabiyyah refers to tribalism/clanism. The idea of modern Nation states was alien in 7th century. Modern nation states don't discriminate people for their race, color or creed or even religion(now middle east is not a perfect example of it, they are still stuck to their clanism). It doesn't even discriminate a citizen of other nation or gives him/her a protectorate status.

As far as scholars are concerned, I guess the ruling elite of Iran and KSA know their religion well, but why don't they share their resource with poor Muslim countries in Africa. As far as I know USA and Europe donate more than rest of the world.

It's strange. From my experience, Bangladeshis aren't exactly seen well in the Middle East and South East Asia. Mostly due to the fact that most of them are laborers.

On the other hand, they are seen better in the USA and much of the Western World, since many (especially in the US) are skilled people. And they integrate better with their societies.

And the infidel West happen to be Bangladesh's largest trading partners, source military training, equipment and aid :confused:

And people talk about the one nation theory based on religion?

Man, it's weird.
^I'd assume he's talking about best case scenario where Arabs don't discriminate Bangladeshis and share their resource with other Muslim countries. Even then the idea of modern Nation states is far advanced.

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