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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

Sheikh Shakib Ahmed Shaheb, Otoeb jaai hok na kano, Taal Gaach ta amar.
You are saying about the Muslim Ummah. As a Muslim I must support the my Ummah. There is no confusion. Bangladeshi Nation is my Kaom. Muslim population of the world is my Ummah. I am member both of them. Kaoms are the pillars of the Ummah. Without true Nations the Ummah will fall down. Nations are the creations of the Almighty. Bangladeshi Muslim Nation is my identity and I am also the member of the Ummah. There is no confusion. Those are complementary to each other. The entity who want to destroy the true Nations is of course the enemy of the Ummah as that entity is trying to destroy the units of the Ummah. There is no confusion.

We are the Bangladeshi.We are the Bangladesh. We are the eighth largest Nation of the world which has distinct ethnicity with the certain geographic territory. We are confident enough to be the true Bangladeshi Nationalist by the grace of the Almighty.

As a Muslim, I want to say, We are the Muslim. We are the part of the Ummah. Follower of the Din which is granted by the Almighty Allah. We are confident enough to be united and do the best rightful activities as per the wish of the Almighty Allah.
We are the follower of the true Din, surrendered to the Almighty Allah to get the peace in Earth and the After Earth.

There no confusion at all.
I am not familiar with the word "Kaom". Could you explain the world in more detail? Give me exact hadith or ayah regarding this several natinals following same religion, Islam?
Brother, Listen one thing, Nobody has power to make the segmentation in Islam. The out trackers are easily identifiable.

As a Muslim, We can follow the true Din to get the real peace. There is nothing to make anything by any entity. Islam is absolute. There is no confusion. Nobody can do anything with that. It is only granted Din from the Almighty. There is no confusion. The solutions of all the problems of the mankind are provided in the Din. There is no confusion.

The 72 out trackers are not part of the Muslim Ummah. You can easily identify them, who is making confusion and trying to destroy the Muslim Nations of the world by taking different Names.

Be careful for own survival.

Bull! Non-muslims enjoyed equal rights as muslims in India or in any country in the world during middle ages under muslim rules. If not, non-muslims would have very less number compared to now in India. Also same goes to any other countries under muslims at the time.

You talk that minorities have equal rights in india. I disagree! Hindu lower castes and muslims get way less opportunities in India than bhrahmons. For example, in a bhramon, or a muslim haved the same qualification but guess what who gets the job, Brahmon one. Same as in Canada, whites has more job opportunities than non-whiles or they say colored folks.

By the way do not derail from the topic.
Bull! Non-muslims enjoyed equal rights as muslims in India or in any country in the world during middle ages under muslim rules. If not, non-muslims would have very less number compared to now in India. Also same goes to any other countries under muslims at the time.

You talk that minorities have equal rights in india. I disagree! Hindu lower castes and muslims get way less opportunities in India than bhrahmons. For example, in a bhramon, or a muslim haved the same qualification but guess what who gets the job, Brahmon one. Same as in Canada, whites has more job opportunities than non-whiles or they say colored folks.

By the way do not derail from the topic.

You are making Bull sheets. I am confined to my nation and my world. Others have no importance at all. Your India, Never. It is not so important for me at all. Please, read all my posts clearly. I haven't shown any single interest on India.
Bull! Non-muslims enjoyed equal rights as muslims in India or in any country in the world during middle ages under muslim rules. If not, non-muslims would have very less number compared to now in India. Also same goes to any other countries under muslims at the time.

You talk that minorities have equal rights in india. I disagree! Hindu lower castes and muslims get way less opportunities in India than bhrahmons. For example, in a bhramon, or a muslim haved the same qualification but guess what who gets the job, Brahmon one. Same as in Canada, whites has more job opportunities than non-whiles or they say colored folks.

By the way do not derail from the topic.

First of all leaving the rule of three Mughal Sultans-Akbar, Jehangir and Shah Jehan, the non-Muslims never had equal right to Muslims. Like all non-Muslims had to pay Jaziya tax. Apart from this all Hindus had to pay pilgrimage tax if they make journey to their holy sites. Muslim merchants had to pay half the tax than Hindu merchants.(2.5% for Muslim merchants and 5% for Hindu merchants). Also, slavery was rampant during Islamic rule in India.

Also regarding Low caste Hindus and Muslims. So, you may have heard of reservations in India. 80% Muslims have got affirmative action under OBC quota and also low caste Hindus and the tribals have affirmative actions.
Bull! Non-muslims enjoyed equal rights as muslims in India or in any country in the world during middle ages under muslim rules. If not, non-muslims would have very less number compared to now in India. Also same goes to any other countries under muslims at the time.

You talk that minorities have equal rights in india. I disagree! Hindu lower castes and muslims get way less opportunities in India than bhrahmons. For example, in a bhramon, or a muslim haved the same qualification but guess what who gets the job, Brahmon one. Same as in Canada, whites has more job opportunities than non-whiles or they say colored folks.

By the way do not derail from the topic.

I construct my argument based on facts and verified sources, no point rebutting prejudice and hearsay.
While it's true that islam in past treated minorities better than their abrahamic brothers, but in todays world minorities want equal right, not just a protectorate status.

You might know of the incident when some christian group in arab wanted to pay double the money, if khalifa considers it as alms instead of jijiya, and the khalif obliged. None likes the tag of second class citizen, those christian had money, they got away, those who didn't have money or power just accepted it.

Indians lived under mughals or bengali/bihari/oriyas lived under siraj because they had no other choice. Do afghans or iraqis love american military camp in their land?

I am Shiraj, Shiraj is the soil product of my ancient Bangladesh. He is our Patriotic Brother. He is created from the Dusts of my territory. We must not accept any false and ill motivated comments about him. You may call that Shiraj's ancestors was from Arab Peninsula. That was few generations ago. But after few generations He became the Part of my ancient Dravidian Bangladeshi Nation. Barack Obama is that type of example. He is from Kenyan origin. But He is pure American and the American Leader, patriotic leader for the America. He is made from the Dust of America, not from the Kenya. So, there is no confusion. So, there is no residue for the Aryan clusters to catch fish there.

We are the Bangladesh. We are the continua-tor of the ancient Dravidian Nation, Fighter against the Aryan cluster since the ancient time.
Shame on the aggressors.
First of all leaving the rule of three Mughal Sultans-Akbar, Jehangir and Shah Jehan, the non-Muslims never had equal right to Muslims. Like all non-Muslims had to pay Jaziya tax. Apart from this all Hindus had to pay pilgrimage tax if they make journey to their holy sites. Muslim merchants had to pay half the tax than Hindu merchants.(2.5% for Muslim merchants and 5% for Hindu merchants). Also, slavery was rampant during Islamic rule in India.

Also regarding Low caste Hindus and Muslims. So, you may have heard of reservations in India. 80% Muslims have got affirmative action under OBC quota and also low caste Hindus and the tribals have affirmative actions.

Anyways yu forgot about mandatory Zakat muslim hast to pay!!! 20% of the grain if not irrigated or 10% of the grain if irrigated. Then again 1/40 th of the unused money and gold in every year.
You are making Bull sheets. I am confined to my nation and my world. Others have no importance at all. Your India, Never. It is not so important for me at all. Please, read all my posts clearly. I haven't shown any single interest on India.

I don't care about India. Give me hadith or qur'anic reference then talk about kaom.
I am Shiraj, Shiraj is the soil product of my ancient Bangladesh. He is our Patriotic Brother. He is created from the Dusts of my territory. We must not accept any false and ill motivated comments about him. You may call that Shiraj's ancestors was from Arab Peninsula. That was few generations ago. But after few generations He became the Part of my ancient Dravidian Bangladeshi Nation. Barack Obama is that type of example. He is from Kenyan origin. But He is pure American and the American Leader, patriotic leader for the America. He is made from the Dust of America, not from the Kenya. So, there is no confusion. So, there is no residue for the Aryan clusters to catch fish there.

We are the Bangladesh. We are the continua-tor of the ancient Dravidian Nation, Fighter against the Aryan cluster since the ancient time.
Shame on the aggressors

One thing i must ask after reading your strange comments, do you believe that this is a fight between Dravidian and Aryan aka Black and white ?
I don't care about India. Give me hadith or qur'anic reference then talk about kaom.

I have given the reference of the Sura Al Hujurat , Ayat:13, of the Holy Al Qur'an in my previous post.

That shows how the Nations are created by the Almighty, and what is the reason for the creation of different Nations. There is no confusion at all as the Holy Al Qur'an is a simplified one which is the grace of the Almighty Allah.

Yes, Islam is the only Din for the Ummah. Ummah is like one body. Those Nations are the part of that body.

This is clear. There is no confusion at all.
Anyways yu forgot about mandatory Zakat muslim hast to pay!!! 20% of the grain if not irrigated or 10% of the grain if irrigated. Then again 1/40 th of the unused money and gold in every year.

Jaziya was more than twice of Zakat, apart from this head of the family has to come on food to pay the tax personally. Apart from Jaziya and extra Pilgrimage tax, merchant tax.

“If the Jizyah-collector asks a Hindu for silver, the latter should offer gold in all humility. If the collector wishes to spit into his mouth, the latter should open his mouth without demur, so as to enable the former to spit into it.” [from Diyâ' ad-Dîn Baranî, Tarîkh-i Firozshâhi, Sayyid Athar Abbas Rizwi, selected Hindi tr., in his Khaljî-Kalîna Bhârata, Aligarh, 1955, p. 70]

When Aurangzeb re-introduced Jaziya, many people assembled near his palace to protest and in return Aurangzeb sent many elephants on the mob to disperse it and many people were killed by elephants.
One thing i must ask after reading your strange comments, do you believe that this is a fight between Dravidian and Aryan aka Black and white ?

Actually this is correct for some extent. Aryans are actually some cluster, who are coward, have no creativity, always think about the looting of others. It is the problems of them. They are very few in number(may be three or four percent). They enjoy about the ninety percent share of the total politics, economy and other sharing. You can check that status in Aryan led country. It is very easy policy. Those Aryans maintain strict marriage policy to maintain their grasping Nature. You can justify my comment by observing your neighbor. Those cluster is the producer of the worst oligarch-ism. Those are not appropriate to live any Nations. But some Nations are totally spoiled by those cowards. Yes, those coward Aryans still exists. There is always a battle prevalent in the world that is Good Vs Devil.

Aggressors are the devil. If all the mass people get the teaching of the Nationalism, those clusters must be perished to their rightful place. We the Bangladeshis, have done that from the ancient time. There is no place of any Aryan cluster or any type of the aggressors in my territory. It is not like Black-White race. It is not the racism. It is the fighting of the mass from the hungry hounds or hungry boars.
Actually this is correct for some extent. Aryans are actually some cluster, who are coward, have no creativity, always think about the looting of others. It is the problems of them. They are very few in number(may be three or four percent). They enjoy about the ninety percent share of the total politics, economy and other sharing. You can check that status in Aryan led country. It is very easy policy. Those Aryans maintain strict marriage policy to maintain their grasping Nature. You can justify my comment by observing your neighbor. Those cluster is the producer the worst oligarch-ism. Those are not appropriate to live any Nations. But some Nations are totally spoiled by those cowards. Yes, those coward Aryans still exists. There is always a battle prevalent in the world that is Good Vs Devil.

Aggressors are the devil. If all the mass people get the teaching of the Nationalism, those clusters must be perished to their rightful place. We the Bangladeshis, have done that from the ancient time. There is no place of any Aryan cluster in my territory and any type of the aggressors. It is not like Black-White race. It is not the racism. It is the fighting of the mass from the hungry hounds or hungry boars.

First of all yes this is racism ,
second how could you label whole population of not being creative , and being a coward ? , being hungry boars ? any proofs of you statement?

Aggressors are the devil
Aryan supposed to be settled thousand of years before are the,
how people living current era considered to be so called "devil" ?

those clusters must be perished to their rightful place
you are talking to murder a full population ?

Instead of spreading racism you should be focusing on equality and justice without prejudice .
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