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1421: The Year China Discovered America?


Nov 28, 2006
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1421: The Year China Discovered America? | Watch Free Documentary Online

This fascinating documentary examines the mystery surrounding the sailing exploits of the legendary Admiral Zheng and his 30 year command of a gigantic Ming fleet.

The Chinese court burned all records of Admiral Zheng&#8217;s daring voyages and achievements, and unwittingly created a mystery that tantalizes the world 500 years later.

You&#8217;ve heard what the history books have to say about the discovery of America, but now prepare to have your entire perception of history forever altered with this remarkable release from PBS.

Could it be that a fearless Chinese admiral actually discovered America nearly a century before Columbus made his historical landing at San Salvador?

Travel back to the year 1421 and follow the legendary Admiral Zheng as he and his formidable Ming fleet travel far and wide to explore little-visited outposts at the behest of Chinese emperor Zhu Di.

Based on theories put forward by noted historian and best-seller Gavin Menzies, this thought-provoking take on conventional history proposes that it was Admiral Zheng who led European explorers to the West a whole 71 years after first setting foot on American soil.
That is not entirely true. The evidence they are showing is stone anchors. Stone anchors are used by ancient civilizations throughout the world.
Another chinese lie nothing more.
wow.. now China can claim all of North America and Atlantic ocean...

That is not entirely true. The evidence they are showing is stone anchors. Stone anchors are used by ancient civilizations throughout the world.
Another chinese lie nothing more.

remarkable release from PBS(american tv)......if you bother to watch the documentary its a western naval officer-historian who makes the claim,not the chinese.
That is not entirely true. The evidence they are showing is stone anchors. Stone anchors are used by ancient civilizations throughout the world.
Another chinese lie nothing more.

Get it right, Gavin Menzies is an Indian :rolleyes:
Part of US realli belongs to China guyz and nothing bad about it....they must get their share.Indians sholdn't be so jealous...:D
Even though if they did discover America first, what difference would it make? That was nearly 600 years ago. Though the evidence provided by the documentary is convincing, it would not change much as today's world is already "set". This is an interesting piece of history nonetheless.
Then it was the Vikings who discovered Greenland

Even settled it

Thats right ..The Vikings were the first to discover America..But the Sea route discovered by them was never recorded..

Therefore Columbus is credited for finding the sea route to America..The funny thing is he was not looking for America..he was trying to find a sea route to India..:cheesy:
Erik the Red

Why no one gives native americans credit for discovering america??? They technically own the place, since they were there first
The author's methods of research have been debunked universally many times over.

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