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Admiral Zheng He discovered Australia befor Captain Cook.

Nobody gives credit to Columbus anymore anyway, it is widely attributed that Amerigo Vespucci was the first to discover the Americas. Hence the name Americas was named after him.

And why are the natives of the discovered land called Indians and not Amerigos? More over most of the so called voyages claims of Amerigo Vespucci are considered fraudulent. Most of these claims were made in the letters that he is supposed to have written but were printed long after Americas was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
Four Corners - 31/07/2006: Junk History


Junk History
Reporter: Quentin McDermott
Broadcast: 31/07/2006
Four Corners often explores extravagant claims and tall tales. Rarely though does it meet a character quite as colourful as author Gavin Menzies.
Menzies, an elderly Englishman with an easy charm, has written a thick best-selling volume called "1421 - The Year China Discovered the World". It’s an alternative history of world discovery centred on Zheng He, a celebrated Chinese mariner. Zheng He was real and remarkable – but perhaps not as remarkable as Menzies claims, for he suggests that the fifteenth century eunuch admiral and his captains set out on an enormous undocumented voyage. Menzies tells us that Zheng He’s giant junks circumnavigated the world , discovering Australia, New Zealand, the Americas, and Antarctica. His fleets supposedly left settlers and artefacts wherever they made landfall. If true this makes Zheng He and his sailors greater explorers than Columbus, Cook and Magellan combined.
Not surprisingly Menzies’ book appeals to Chinese pride. In 2003 Chinese President Hu Jintao, addressing a joint sitting of the Australian Parliament, repeated the claim that the Chinese had discovered and settled Australia three centuries before Captain Cook.
"1421" has sold over a million copies. Last year it was the second largest selling history title in Australia. Gavin Menzies has lectured at Melbourne University and is invited to attend conferences around the world.
Unfortunately, reporter Quentin McDermott points out, his book has a credibility problem. Professional historians label it naïve scholarship or worse, straight-out fabrication. Menzies writes, amongst other things, that New Zealand Maori are not Polynesians but a cross breed of Chinese concubines and Melanesians. The evidence for this, and many similar claims, is tissue thin.
So was "1421" an eccentric and fluky publishing success? Well no. Junk History tells how Menzies, his agent, his PR company and publisher set out to milk a public thirsty for revisionist history. Menzies hired professional spin-doctors to create hype about a half formed idea. Transworld, which also publishes Dan Brown’s "Da Vinci Code", paid Menzies, an untested first time writer, a half million pound advance. The book was finished by a team of editors and a ghost writer. Revisionism is big business.
Unlike "The Da Vinci Code", "1421" claims to be a work of fact. For all that, it appears to have involved little fact checking and next-to-no academic scrutiny. Yet as we see in the program Menzies, his publisher and agent are quite unapologetic. They have cracked the big time.
This is not just a story about ones man’s wild theory. It is a parable of modern popular culture, a tale about intellectual chutzpah and about a publishing industry that knows how to extract profit from a public which wants to thumb its nose at the dry though documented history taught at school.
"Junk History" - on Four Corners, 8.30 pm Monday 31 July, ABC TV.
And why are the natives of the discovered land called Indians and not Amerigos? More over most of the so called voyages claims of Amerigo Vespucci are considered fraudulent. Most of these claims were made in the letters that he is supposed to have written but were printed long after Americas was discovered by Christopher Columbus.

They are called Native Americans, if you have not noticed not Indians. Calling them Indians is racism and they were only originally called Indians because Columbus thought he had found the East Indies. Upon his death he realized it was an entirely different continent and they became known as Natives. The bigots of course still referred to them as Indians, savages, or "redskins".
They are called Native Americans, if you have not noticed not Indians. Calling them Indians is racism and they were only originally called Indians because Columbus thought he had found the East Indies. Upon his death he realized it was an entirely different continent and they became known as Natives. The bigots of course still referred to them as Indians, savages, or "redskins".

Only in the fantasies of the person with roots in Pakistan. There are creeks named as Indian creeks, rivers named as Indian river.There are American Indian associations formed by the natives themselves. So much for so called racism claims of yours. But i know the reason why you wrote what you chose to write. Don't bother replying with more crap!!
They are called Native Americans, if you have not noticed not Indians. Calling them Indians is racism and they were only originally called Indians because Columbus thought he had found the East Indies. Upon his death he realized it was an entirely different continent and they became known as Natives. The bigots of course still referred to them as Indians, savages, or "redskins".

The British used the name "Indian" (derived from the Indus river) all over the world for many random things. For example, American Indians, West Indians, etc.

Both the words "Indian" and "Hindu" are derived from the word "Indus". I.e. The Indus River, which was in British India.

Interestingly, this river does NOT exist in modern India.
Only in the fantasies of the person with roots in Pakistan. There are creeks named as Indian creeks, rivers named as Indian river.There are American Indian associations formed by the natives themselves. So much for so called racism claims of yours. But i know the reason why you wrote what you chose to write. Don't bother replying with more crap!!

Don't be stupid the Native Americans have nothing to do with the Indians of Bharat and yes it is considered racism to call them Indians here in America. My dislike for your people aside what I said about Native Americans had nothing to do with you guys, they were only considered Indians because Columbus thought they had reached India but obviously he did not. Stop being insecure and it is funny calling my post crap when your very first post on this thread was flame retard.
It's a little known fact that Chinese Adm Zheng He was Muslim.

Here's an excerpt from Henry Kissinger's book "On China" about Zheg He:

"...in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, between 1405 and 1433, China launched one of history's most remarkable and mysterious enterprises: Admiral Zheng He set out in fleets of technologically unparalleled "treasure ships" to destinations as far as Java, India, the Horn of Africa, and the Strait of Hormuz. At the time of Zheng's voyages, the European age of exploration had not yet begun. China's fleet possessed what would have a unbridgeable technological advantage in the size, sophistication and of its vessels, it dwarfed the Spanish Armada (which was still 150 years away).

Historians still debate the purpose of these missions. Zheng He was a singular figure in the age of exploration: a Chinese Muslim eunuch conscripted into the imperial service as a child, he fits no historical precedent."

On China - Henry Kissinger - Google Books
The British used the name "Indian" (derived from the Indus river) all over the world for many random things. For example, American Indians, West Indians, etc.

Both the words "Indian" and "Hindu" are derived from the word "Indus". As in the Indus River, which was in British India.

Interestingly, this river does NOT exist in modern India.

Yes, the whole world knows this except Indians. Notice how insecure the man is and how jumpy he got when I said referring to Native Americans as Indians today is considered racism and politically incorrect as well. I know this because I was raised here and taught as such but notice how he thinks it all comes back to India. The truth is their leader Nehru named his country India because he was anticipating the collapse of Pakistan and the reannexation of Pakistani territories into Indian Republic but it never happened so today their name is a paradox as they do not even have the river from which it was derived. :lol:

LOL, you came into this thread and immediately started flaming, now you are concerned over a few historical facts? :rofl:

He is insecure his first post was flame bait utter trolling and now we point out a couple of facts which were not intended maliciously and he is hurt. :rofl:
It's a little known fact that Chinese Adm Zheng He was Muslim.

Here's an excerpt from Henry Kissinger's book "On China" about Zheg He:

"...in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, between 1405 and 1433, China launched one of history's most remarkable and mysterious enterprises: Admiral Zheng He set out in fleets of technologically unparalleled "treasure ships" to destinations as far as Java, India, the Horn of Africa, and the Strait of Hormuz. At the time of Zheng's voyages, the European age of exploration had not yet begun. China's fleet possessed what would have a unbridgeable technological advantage in the size, sophistication and of its vessels, it dwarfed the Spanish Armada (which was still 150 years away).

Historians still debate the purpose of these missions. Zheng He was a singular figure in the age of exploration: a Chinese Muslim eunuch conscripted into the imperial service as a child, he fits no historical precedent."

On China - Henry Kissinger - Google Books

Zheng He was a Hui Chinese Muslim, the same as our very own moderator on Defence.pk "Hu Songshan".
Don't be stupid the Native Americans have nothing to do with the Indians of Bharat and yes it is considered racism to call them Indians here in America. My dislike for your people aside what I said about Native Americans had nothing to do with you guys, they were only considered Indians because Columbus thought they had reached India but obviously he did not. Stop being insecure and it is funny calling my post crap when your very first post on this thread was flame retard.

Did you see me making any claims that they are related to Indians of India? Then you got balls to call others idiot. You personal dislike does not matter as natives have themselves named their associations as American Indian associations. They named their roads, creeks, rivers as Indian road, creeks, rivers. Don't bring your retarded personal dislike/hatred in the topic but you can expect a honest answers from few.
Did you see me making any claims that they are related to Indians of India? Then you got balls to call others idiot. You personal dislike does not matter as natives have themselves named their associations as American Indian associations. They named their roads, creeks, rivers as Indian road, creeks, rivers. Don't bring your retarded personal dislike/hatred in the topic but you can expect a honest answers from low-life retards.

You are an idiotic fool, you said what I wrote was because I am an ethnic Pakistani so basically you said my post was based on my dislike for you Bhartis but I said that was not the case. You brought up my ethnicity to try and prove some kind of point when I was just pointing out facts insecure brain dead fool.
He is insecure his first post was flame bait utter trolling and now we point out a couple of facts which were not intended maliciously and he is hurt. :rofl:

Wtf? Do you have any idea what you are talking about ? They said they are going to claim Hawaii and America showed them the middle finger

Remarks at the Foreign Policy Group's "Transformational Trends 2013" Forum

On the same precedent, they can claim anything in the world.

You are an idiotic fool, you said what I wrote was because I am an ethnic Pakistani so basically you said my post was based on my dislike for you Bhartis but I said that was not the case. You brought up my ethnicity to try and prove some kind of point when I was just pointing out facts insecure brain dead fool.

Loser who could not debate on facts have turned abusive!! :lol: Typical case!
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