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Admiral Zheng He discovered Australia befor Captain Cook.

He was the great great great grandson of Sayyid Ajjal Shams al-Din Omar, a Persian who served in the administration of the Mongolian Empire and was appointed governor of Yunnan during the early Yuan Dynasty.

Kissinger says that the world history would have been very different if the Chinese emperors who succeeded Yongle had not decided to end the expeditions.

Haq's Musings: Concerted Campaign Against China

That is correct. :tup:

Many Hui Muslims are descendants of those who came from the Silk Road (which passed through Central Asia, Persia and Pakistan).

Hu Songshan as well I believe is of partial Persian descent. Hui Chinese are one of the most patriotic groups in China.
LOL calling me Chinese worshiping, no I am just putting dikheads like you in place. Chinese Dragon knows I am a loud critic of the Chinese you can just ask him but than again what do I need to prove to you? You are from a country where people worship elephants and monkey's and consider poking a cow in the arse good luck and drinking piss a healthy dessert.

Now you are trying to backtrack, go ahead edit all your posts anyone who read them know what was the motivation behind them. I am done wasting my time on you idiot, you derailed the whole thread.

Problem with dikheads like you is you turn abusive as soon as you see any one taking position against you and you got no replies. You are a typical!! so no wonder you are trying so hard to prove what you are!
Well even if you do not want to give credit to Amerigo the vikings came earlier than Columbus did as well. Nobody likes giving Columbus credit anymore especially when people realized he was a genocidal maniac and a rapist. Some people have been advocating dropping Columbus day as a federal holiday as well. I know in Venezuela they hate Columbus as well and they celebrate "resistance" day instead.
Trolling on a whim.

dude your post make it look like that attrocities commited by columbus have been recently started to be brought to notice of general american populace and few decades earlier it was not much known to common americans is that right???
dude your post make it look like that attrocities commited by columbus have been recently started to be brought to notice of general american populace and few decades earlier it was not much known to common americans is that right???

Yeah his atrocities were not discussed a couple of decades ago but with the renewed focus of human rights it has come to the forefront. That is not to say all Americans were unaware.
Aboriginal cave drawings are to be found in a cave overhang on Flinders Island in Princess Charlotte Bay (right). Some of the
boats depicted in these drawing are clearly reminiscent of Chinese junks. The art seems to support Menzies' theory. Menzies cites several stone structures in and around Sydney and Newcastle as further evidence of pre-European contact with Australia by the Chinese. On page 203 of his book, Menzies writes of the 'Chinese' ruins in Bittangabee Bay. However significant research on this site has been conducted by Michael Pearson, former Historian for the NSW Parks and Wildlife Service, who has identified the ruins as having been built in the early 1840s as a store house by the Imlay brothers, early European inhabitants, who had whaling and pastoral interests in the area. On page 220 there is the claim that "A beautiful carved stone head of the goddess Ma Tsu ... is now in the Kedumba Nature Museum in Katoomba." In fact no such museum currently exists. There once was a curio stand in Katoomba called "Kedumba Nature Display" but it closed down in the 1980s.

The Discovery and Exploration of Australia

Menzies theories just arent backed up by good evidence. Were the Chinese in Australia before cook almost certainly but the first contact rights should go to the Macassan trepangers.

Unless you follow Bradshaw in which case the first foreigners to arive in Australia were the Aboriginals.

http://www.dampierrockart.net/Media...f pre-aboriginal Australians-Times Online.pdf
Posting, stuff about Australia is a crime?

You seem to post alot of threads about Australia and in most of them you have an anti-australian attitude. (not saying this is one of them)

I'v asked before what your obsession/problem is.
Any particular reason why captains of ships had to be eunuchs? I love the sea, but I love my babymakers more just saying.
You seem to post alot of threads about Australia and in most of them you have an anti-australian attitude. (not saying this is one of them)

I'v asked before what your obsession/problem is.

The problem is that you haven't come to terms to the fact that this is discussion forum and anyone can post anything. This is only problem i see.
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