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Admiral Zheng He discovered Australia befor Captain Cook.

You are an idiotic fool, you said what I wrote was because I am an ethnic Pakistani so basically you said my post was based on my dislike for you Bhartis but I said that was not the case. You brought up my ethnicity to try and prove some kind of point when I was just pointing out facts insecure brain dead fool.

LOL, finally one area in which we agree. :D That the "Indian James Bond" (jbond... lol) doesn't have the IQ to back up his flaming.
Wtf? Do you have any idea what you are talking about retard? They said they are going to claim Hawaii and America should them the middle finger

Remarks at the Foreign Policy Group's "Transformational Trends 2013" Forum

On the same precedent, they can claim anything in the worlds. Stop licking around now!!

Loser who could not debate on facts have turned abusive!! :lol: Typical case!

Stop acting like you came here for a debate idiot, you came here abusing Chinese people from the onset and expect someone to take you seriously?? Take a hike.
Well even if you do not want to give credit to Amerigo the vikings came earlier than Columbus did as well. Nobody likes giving Columbus credit anymore especially when people realized he was a genocidal maniac and a rapist. Some people have been advocating dropping Columbus day as a federal holiday as well. I know in Venezuela they hate Columbus as well and they celebrate "resistance" day instead.

I am not a great fan of Columbus but the common belief is what @jbond197 mentioned in post #17.
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Stop acting like you came here for a debate idiot, you came here abusing Chinese people from the onset and expect someone to take you seriously?? Take a hike.

Show me the abuse in the post for Chinese, Genius pakistani!
Your first post, now Chinese people will claim Australia - Troll. Second post, China was great when it was a Mongolian colony- flame. Take a hike.

Don't blame him, he doesn't have the IQ to understand that this thread topic is not about Hawaii or Manchus. :wave:
Don't blame him, he doesn't have the IQ to understand that this thread topic is not about Hawaii or Manchus. :wave:

Nah, I pity him. Don't worry when Aero returns he will go pink. You see @Sashan is having a healthy debate and I never have any problems with him.
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LOL, finally one area in which we agree. :D That the "Indian James Bond" (jbond... lol) doesn't have the IQ to back up his flaming.

Chinese Fake creature is having a ball time it seems. I agree that all the IQ is accumulated by all the (never existing) Dragon kids!!
Chinese Fake creature is having a ball time it seems. I agree that all the IQ is accumulated by all the (never existing) Dragon kids!!

I take back what I said you are not an idiot, calling you an idiot is an insult to idiots. You are most definitively brain dead however.
I take back what I said you are not an idiot, calling you an idiot is an insult to idiots. You are most definitively brain dead however.

Retarded comments from a Chinese worshiping Pakistani! Idiot is you who was trying to prove fake stuff on the thread.

Your first post, now Chinese people will claim Australia - Troll. Second post, China was great when it was a Mongolian colony- flame. Take a hike.

I stated the facts. Mongols occupied the whole of China. Why you got pains out of it?
Listen don't cross your limits now!! I will not care about my ban on this forum if i start now! I have heard you enough

I stated the facts. Mongols occupied the whole of China. Why you got pains out of it?

What are you going to do now which you already haven't done, huh?? Forget what you post next, what you already posted and the obvious flame bait it was intended to be is enough to turn you pink.
What are you going to do now which you already haven't done, huh?? Forget what you post next, what you already posted and the obvious flame bait it was intended to be is enough to turn you pink.

Loser, I stated what ever are the facts! China was occupied by mongols- its a well know fact. American Indians are named what they are and I got no idea why you started talking about them when it was not the topic. I only corrected the false stuff you posted.
Zheng He was a Hui Chinese Muslim, the same as our very own moderator on Defence.pk "Hu Songshan".

He was the great great great grandson of Sayyid Ajjal Shams al-Din Omar, a Persian who served in the administration of the Mongolian Empire and was appointed governor of Yunnan during the early Yuan Dynasty.

Kissinger says that the world history would have been very different if the Chinese emperors who succeeded Yongle had not decided to end the expeditions.

Haq's Musings: Concerted Campaign Against China
LOL calling me Chinese worshiping, no I am just putting dikheads like you in place. Chinese Dragon knows I am a loud critic of the Chinese you can just ask him but than again what do I need to prove to you? You are from a country where people worship elephants and monkey's and consider poking a cow in the arse good luck and drinking piss a healthy dessert.

Now you are trying to backtrack, go ahead edit all your posts anyone who read them know what was the motivation behind them. I am done wasting my time on you idiot, you derailed the whole thread.
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