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12 Turkish Soldiers Killed In Clash With Kurdish Militants

I think, we recognize strong elements of Kurds people in the center, it is serious issues as we don't know how long it will stop fighting each other. Kurds people should have independent, after Sudan and Kosovo, which is Kurdistan. It will be good for all neighbors especially Turkey and stable peaceful situations.


Do you really think Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Iran and even Armenia would give up land to please a Bunch of Marxist Kurds ?
Do you really think Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Iran and even Armenia would give up land to please a Bunch of Marxist Kurds ?

Probably You are right, no country would give up the lands, maybe these countries could sit down and talks including West meditations instead pointing guns at someone or unnecessary blames.

This is very much similar to Kosovo case in long term process. See maps

What I recommend is in proposed idea for Kudish Independence, not sure how it will convinces neighbors in order to solve all issues at once.
I think, we recognize strong elements of Kurds people in the center, it is serious issues as we don't know how long it will stop fighting each other. Kurds people should have independent, after Sudan and Kosovo, which is Kurdistan. It will be good for all neighbors especially Turkey and stable peaceful situations.


listen, Kurds themselves don't want that.
The Americans have been in Iraq for 8 years but the Kurds are staying with Iraq. Who's stopping the autonomous Kurdish provinces of Iraq from declaring independence? NOBODY!

The fact is, and the kurdish leaders know this full well, Kurdistan is nothing but a dream. Even if that dream comes to fruition, the country will become a third world back water within in a decade.

1) They don't have access to any water, making trade impossible.

2) Turkey, Iran and Syria would completely close off their borders, putting the country at the mercy of Iraq.

3) They rely on surrounding countries to sell their oil. If Iraq, Turkey etc... stop the flow of Kurdish oil, they will literally die by the millions.

4) Iran and Turkey will be able to completely dominate the nation militarily in the future.

That's why they haven't declared independence. They know that their chances of survival is practically nil.
listen, Kurds themselves don't want that.
The Americans have been in Iraq for 8 years but the Kurds are staying with Iraq. Who's stopping the autonomous Kurdish provinces of Iraq from declaring independence? NOBODY!

The fact is, and the kurdish leaders know this full well, Kurdistan is nothing but a dream. Even if that dream comes to fruition, the country will become a third world back water within in a decade.

1) They don't have access to any water, making trade impossible.

2) Turkey, Iran and Syria would completely close off their borders, putting the country at the mercy of Iraq.

3) They rely on surrounding countries to sell their oil. If Iraq, Turkey etc... stop the flow of Kurdish oil, they will literally die by the millions.

4) Iran and Turkey will be able to completely dominate the nation militarily in the future.

That's why they haven't declared independence. They know that their chances of survival is practically nil.

Great Post this clearly Sums it up there will be no Kurdish Independence ,Turkey, Iran and Syria would completely close off their borders, the Best thing to do is to give Kurds more culture and Civil rights no autonomy just Civil and Culture rights, this Post x 100000 great post. just so many people died from the PKK fantasy of a dream.
listen, Kurds themselves don't want that.
The Americans have been in Iraq for 8 years but the Kurds are staying with Iraq. Who's stopping the autonomous Kurdish provinces of Iraq from declaring independence? NOBODY!

The fact is, and the kurdish leaders know this full well, Kurdistan is nothing but a dream. Even if that dream comes to fruition, the country will become a third world back water within in a decade.

1) They don't have access to any water, making trade impossible.

2) Turkey, Iran and Syria would completely close off their borders, putting the country at the mercy of Iraq.

3) They rely on surrounding countries to sell their oil. If Iraq, Turkey etc... stop the flow of Kurdish oil, they will literally die by the millions.

4) Iran and Turkey will be able to completely dominate the nation militarily in the future.

That's why they haven't declared independence. They know that their chances of survival is practically nil.

Great explanation, it make sense. What's best solutions to silence Kurds or solving problems in your opinion? Is Kurdish happy lively in Iran while other lives different country?
Great explanation, it make sense. What's best solutions to silence Kurds or solving problems in your opinion? Is Kurdish happy lively in Iran while other lives different country?

There is no denying that Kurds have faced injustice and that they deserve much better. But frankly at this point even the Kurds don't know what the solution is.

In Iran, 3m of the almost 7m Kurds are shia and they're very pro Iran and pro regime. They have absolutely no interest in autonomy. Most sunni kurds around the region consider them to be somewhat "persianized" and traitors. The sunnis have indeed had trouble with both IR and the pre-revolutionary monarchs. Their numbers however aren't enough to cause much headache (even if we consider every single sunni kurd to be in favor of the "kurdish dream" that only makes 4 million out of a pop'n of 80).
The Best thing to do is to give Kurds more culture and Civil rights no autonomy just Civil and Culture rights.

however this is impossible with the regimes in Iran and Syria while in Turkey, nationalist factions don't even consider Kurds as separate entities, making change very difficult.
Muslim Kurds don't want a Kurdistan they are love to Turkiye but Armenian terrorist using to PKK they are speking instead of Kurds. And Barzani Kurds working with Armenian because Barzani family is Jewish Kurds.

Armenian want a Big Armenian country and Israel want a friend country in middle east. Arising from the two countries if Turkey is divided, Big Armenian and Kurdistan. Jewish Barzani will lead the Kurdistan and they are working with Israel. Israel really very alone in middle east they are need to this. When Israel will be powerfull they will establish a Greater Israel (for holy Land)

who is supporting pkk officially and unofficially.what is stand of your govt?

after all these type of movements (standing against state) require funding,training and support of some power ful countries.
PKK taking help a lot of country. They use Russian, American, Israel and Europen equipment. All world always love to Turks :) Even our neighbors, supporting them. 90's Iran and Syria supported them but now they are fighting against to PKK too. Greece support them but main supporter of Israel.

also Many nation live in Turkey; Israelis, Armenians, Caucasus nations, Kurdish, Greeks etc. and Turkey have a lot of different religions; Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Atheist etc. Some people hate the Turks and they are working against Turkey also a lot of people love to us. But missionary and masons Hostility against Turkey and they supporting PKK and others too.
[TR]AHMET;1945519 said:
PKK taking help a lot of country. They use Russian, American, Israel and Europen equipment. All world always love to Turks :) Even our neighbors, supporting them. 90's Iran and Syria supported them but now they are fighting against to PKK too. Greece support them but main supporter of Israel.

also Many nation live in Turkey; Israelis, Armenians, Caucasus nations, Kurdish, Greeks etc. and Turkey have a lot of different religions; Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Atheist etc. Some people hate the Turks and they are working against Turkey also a lot of people love to us. But missionary and masons Hostility against Turkey and they supporting PKK and others too.

excellent post bro.
here from masons you mean free masons?
and what is the condition of secret societies in your country?are they allowed in Turkey?

and how strong is your internal and external intelligence agencies?
[TR]AHMET;1945471 said:
Muslim Kurds don't want a Kurdistan they are love to Turkiye but Armenian terrorist using to PKK they are speking instead of Kurds. And Barzani Kurds working with Armenian because Barzani family is Jewish Kurds.

Armenian want a Big Armenian country and Israel want a friend country in middle east. Arising from the two countries if Turkey is divided, Big Armenian and Kurdistan. Jewish Barzani will lead the Kurdistan and they are working with Israel. Israel really very alone in middle east they are need to this. When Israel will be powerfull they will establish a Greater Israel (for holy Land)

Jewish Barzani working for big Armenian country. :cheesy: Only people with one digit IQ can buy that BS.
As TrAhmet said, there are several countries supporting PKK directly/undirectly but Support of Greeks are the one that was revealed with official documents/images by Turkish government to make Greeks fall into difficult conditions opposite international community.

You know It was Syria threated with war by Turkiye cause of keeping Abdullah Ocalan safe in their borders so Turkish army had moved some troops to Syrian border. If They did not deport Abdullah Ocalan in same night of this day, Most probably, North part of Syria was belong to Turkey now a days.
Yeah free masons bro, Turkey training area of intelligence units. They are always say i'am a Turk and elhamdulillah i'am a muslim too but they are working hostility against Turkey. They are always humiliate others nations and they are detrimental to our relations with other nations constantly.

the late Ottoman period strengthened of secret societies. And now they are still strong in Turkiye.
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