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11K German children food poisoned by Chinese strawberry, largest in Germany


Jul 25, 2011
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Chinese Strawberries Sickened Thousands of German Students | Food Safety News

Chinese Strawberries Sickened Thousands of German Students
Those frozen strawberries that were “very likely” the cause of food poisoning that sickened more than 11,000 German schoolchildren were very certainly grown in China.

China is now the world’s biggest exporter of strawberries, and those going to German schools were grown in China’s province of Shangdong. The Chinese strawberries were then transported by ship to Hamburg where, after a month at sea, the 44-ton order was delivered to Sodexo, a large food distributor that sells to German schools.

More than 11,000 youngsters attending schools and day cares were sickened throughout eastern German, with 32 requiring hospitalization. About 500 schools were involved in the outbreak.

A spokesman for a German consumer organization said Sodexo likely sought out the Chinese strawberries because they were cheap. German schools charge parents, not the federal government, for student meals. Meals typically cost families between 1.50 and 4 euros.

This was the largest food poisoning outbreak in German history.
Melamin-laced milk happens in China every-year.

What this news is about German children being poisoned by imported Chinese food item, strawberry in this case.

Never ever buy a food item from China.

OK Korean, all these post are now over the top... Stop You Anti Chinese policy.
I think this Chinese bid to build cheaper alternative have overshoot the runway, they should be focusing on safety and quality of products too!

This kind of profit making mindset have forced them to into making things which are dangerous to human life!!!:angry:
This batch of frozen strawberries had been tested by local AQSIQ and released after passing the examination. In October 9, the authority had sealed all of the inventory in this enterprise and tested samples in the laboratory, but no Norovirus was found. This company had also exported their frozen strawberries to other 8 countries in this year, so far there was no any similar cases reported. According current test and investigation, the Chinese authority considered no evidence indicated the virus contaminated the frozen strawberry before they export.
The Chinese AQSIQ had notified their test and conclusion to Germany and European Union. They stated the distribution chain of frozen strawberry was involved much more risk, such as in pickup, packing, cool processing, storing, transporting and food store or food preparing, as well as other steps. They hoped Germany could check their distribution step in Germany side to find the place that the virus contamination happened.
Contamination in milk and pet food has been systemic and criminal cases have been filed in China about them. This strawberry case sounds inadvertent.
If you are buying for a cheap rate, I guess you get what you pay for. Maybe the Strawberries were "too ripe" when they were frozen and they finally went bad later on and after transport. Maybe the strawberries were not stored properly and they kept thawing and refreezing it. But anyway, how can a banned member start a thread :confused:
Sad to see Germans did not test food supplied to the school kids. I thought being a developed rich nation they had some strong food safety laws..
I am always buying Chinese farm grown Telapiya, never had a problem.
I am always buying Chinese farm grown Telapiya, never had a problem.

billions people living on Chinese food, and live longer and healther than those indians``and food poisoning happens everywhere everyday```wonder why they always make such a fuss when it has anything to with China?

infeiror complexity, and their slave mentality (as they have to cheer whatever their masters wrote)
Melamin-laced milk happens in China every-year.

What this news is about German children being poisoned by imported Chinese food item, strawberry in this case.

Never ever buy a food item from China.


Here is the stock prices of the leading dairy producer Mengniu's performance for the last 3 years:


stock qq.com

and another Bright Dairy


Melamin-laced milk happens in China every-year.

What this news is about German children being poisoned by imported Chinese food item, strawberry in this case.

Never ever buy a food item from China.

Mate There should be a dedicated thread for hazardous products as well :cheesy:


Here is the stock prices of the leading dairy producer Mengniu's performance for the last 3 years:


stock qq.com

and another Bright Dairy



Again some stats :cheesy:

billions people living on Chinese food, and live longer and healther than those indians``and food poisoning happens everywhere everyday```wonder why they always make such a fuss when it has anything to with China?

infeiror complexity, and their slave mentality (as they have to cheer whatever their masters wrote)

May be you people want to export cheap products to other countries "cheap trades man always do that" :devil:
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