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11K German children food poisoned by Chinese strawberry, largest in Germany

I guess it is not the first time the German public consume strawberries from China
Seafreight from China to Hamburg takes about 20 days - to correct the viet poster above
China food products are also sold to other parts of the world such as the hygiene conscious japan

a TV newscaster reports delivery takes 30 days on average.
It is cheaper to buy strawberries from China, transport via containership around the globe to Germany (30 days) than buying them nearby countries such as Spain. Crazy, isn´t it?

The Germans like cheap food. It is not about poverty. They rather spend money for other things such as cars or travelling. Food is really worthless here in the country.

normal seafeight 22 days to port of unloading Hamburg from China

that is not the keypoint. your above posting keeps harping on the export food standard in China out of just one isolated case in strawberry produced from China with unknown source of contamination. There are quality control system in the whole supply chain due to the importing requirements from Europe and the consumers etc. Dont dig out propaganda that draws conclusion from an isolated case of unidentified source of food contamination,

Again, China has been exporting food products to over the world for many many years. I think if your post (@45 et al) holds true, places like Japan, S Korea, Hongkong, Macau and within China should have run out of hospital beds for intoxicated patients by now!
normal seafeight 22 days to port of unloading Hamburg from China

that is not the keypoint. your above posting keeps harping on the export food standard in China out of just one isolated case in strawberry produced from China with unknown source of contamination. There are quality control system in the whole supply chain due to the importing requirements from Europe and the consumers etc. Dont dig out propaganda that draws conclusion from an isolated case of unidentified source of food contamination,

Again, China has been exporting food products to over the world for many many years. I think if your post (@45 et al) holds true, places like Japan, S Korea, Hongkong, Macau and within China should have run out of hospital beds for intoxicated patients by now!

If you check again my posts on this thread, I never blame China for the contamination.
The report @45 came from Spiegel, one of most popular weekly news magazine in Germany, with daily updates. Not me, but the German media is in the forefront for China-bashing.

That´s right. It is still unclear how the virus came to the strawberries. The food protection agency Robert-Koch-Institut continues investigating the case. I think that could take several weeks.
If you check again my posts on this thread, I never blame China for the contamination.
The report @45 came from Spiegel, one of most popular weekly news magazine in Germany, with daily updates. Not me, but the German media is in the forefront for China-bashing.

That´s right. It is still unclear how the virus came to the strawberries. The food protection agency Robert-Koch-Institut continues investigating the case. I think that could take several weeks.

This korean guy is a hyper troll. Food poisoning can't be directly be linked to china in this case since it may also be due to the way it was transported , packaged and stored. Seriously, the Indian gangan style cheerleaders here should get some life. What would have been their reaction if it was India in place of china? It would have been balant denial on their part. At least chinese members here agreed and defended with logical arguments.
Melamin-laced milk happens in China every-year.

What this news is about German children being poisoned by imported Chinese food item, strawberry in this case.

Never ever buy a food item from China.

What is puzzling is that S. Koreans are loving to be "poisoned" by Chinese foods, the statistics shows:

China's latest census released by the National Bureau of Statistics shows that nearly 600 thousand foreigners were living on the Chinese mainland at end of 2010.

It's the first time foreigners were surveyed in the once-in-a-decade census. The top three foreign nationalities were from South Korea, the United States and Japan.

South Korea topped the list with over 120 thousand of its nationals living on the Chinese Mainland. Over 71 thousand were from the United States, and more than 66 thousand from Japan. The national census also counted residents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who were living on the mainland. Nearly 235 thousand Hong Kong residents and over 21 thousand Macao residents were living on the mainland by Nov.1 2010.

China's nearly 600,000 foreigners - China.org.cn

Hey, "Korean", how do the Chinese "poison" food taste? :lol: If you don't know, ask your 120,000 Koreans who've settled down in China and take Chinese food on daily basis.

Why do you love to devour heavenly tasted Chinese food in one moment and attack it when you turn around your back? :tdown:

Is that normally a typical "Korean" would do?

Maybe the Chinese government needs to kick all your subversive and sly Korean @ss out of its land.
This korean guy is a hyper troll. Food poisoning can't be directly be linked to china in this case since it may also be due to the way it was transported , packaged and stored. Seriously, the Indian gangan style cheerleaders here should get some life. What would have been their reaction if it was India in place of china? It would have been balant denial on their part. At least chinese members here agreed and defended with logical arguments.

So that makes you the chinese cheerleader no? Or are you just freelancing?
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