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10 Turkish Military Projects that Turkiye will join to Elite Club ( 2023-2028 )

I am saying again
Do you really think Iran and India are ahead of France and Russia in aircraft engine technology ?

where are Iranian and Indian engines to power RAFALE or F-15 or SU-35 or any modern Fighter Jet ?

About Drone technology
Italy tried but failed
India tried but failed

Italy and India lacks technology to develop a UCAV

Turkiye sold TB-2 , ANKA , AKSUNGUR and AKINCI UCAVs to 34 countries
also KIZILELMA and ANKA-3 stealth UCAVs

not Turkiye , not Israel ... but Italy and India which dont have even a single UCAV
what a joke

Like I told you already, these papers do not just focus on one or two things:

"Moreover, the country ranked fourth, behind China and the United States, outperformed Japan, Italy and the UK. When the publications and citations, including the Hirsch Index, were examined in advance aircraft engines, including hypersonics."

if they only used the fact that France can build an engine then then yes they would have been included in the list. The point is, they are measuring their list via high quality research papers etc being done in these high tech fields. It is these underlying research and science that feeds into the creation of technologies and thus the whole point of this news.

As for Italy's ability to produce UAVs. They are more than capable, it's just that Europeans seem to work towards projects as a group rather than individually:

Spain partners with Germany, France and Italy to build Europe's largest military drone​

Like I told you already, these papers do not just focus on one or two things:

"Moreover, the country ranked fourth, behind China and the United States, outperformed Japan, Italy and the UK. When the publications and citations, including the Hirsch Index, were examined in advance aircraft engines, including hypersonics."

are you trolling or what ?

show us Iranian technology instead of useless papers
where is Iranian Aircraft Engine which outperformed France and Russia ?

France and Russia are 50 years ahead of İran in Aircraft Engine technology

As for Italy's ability to produce UAVs. They are more than capable, it's just that Europeans seem to work towards projects as a group rather than individually:

Spain partners with Germany, France and Italy to build Europe's largest military drone​

Yes France-Italy-Germany-Spain together dreaming about EUROMALE turboprob engined UAV for 2028

while USA , Turkiye , Israel and China leading UCAV technology in the World

Turkiye has developed even KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet and ANKA-3 flying-wing stealth UCAV which enter service in 2024

Italy still dreaming about EUROMALE turboprob engined UAV for 2028
are you trolling or what ?

show us Iranian technology instead of useless papers
where is Iranian Aircraft Engine which outperformed France and Russia ?

I take it you have no experience in academia? When you engage in a research i.e R&D you rely extensively on previous works done, such as research papers. These things are not done in a vaccum. Underlying research capabiliies is paramount to your timely success.

You're only showing your naive level undersanding on these topic by trying to simplfy the dissucion by asking "where is Iran's better engine". I have told you muiltple imes, that is not how this works as far as this news is concerned. It's not a measure between two specific products but rather a depth and breadth of underlying work being done across that sector.

Yes France-Italy-Germany-Spain together dreaming about EUROMALE turboprob engined UAV for 2028

while USA , Turkiye , Israel and China leading UCAV technology in the World

Turkiye has developed even KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet and ANKA-3 flying-wing stealth UCAV which enter service in 2024

Italy still dreaming about EUROMALE turboprob engined UAV for 2028

So now you're trying to insunuate Turkey is more advanced than European nations in the aerospace sector? You do realise most of your technology comes from these European/ western nations, don't you?
I take it you have no experience in academia? When you engage in a research i.e R&D you rely extensiely on previous works done, such as research papers. These things are not done in a vaccum.

Its propaganda .. nothing else

reality is different than your fantasy world
While France and Russia produces turbofan-turboshaft Engines for decades , still Iran and India dreaming about it .. keep dreaming with useless research papers

So now you're trying to insunuate Turkey is more advanced than European nations in the aerospace sector? You do realise most of your technology comes from these European/ western nations, don't you?

We are talking about UCAV technology here

and Yes , Turkiye is more advanced than European nations in UCAV technology

The UK , France , Italy use American MQ-9
while Turkiye uses its own TB-2 , ANKA , AKSUNGUR and superior AKINCI to carry even 150-280 km CAKIR , IHA-230 , SOM Missiles

A new era in aviation ... first time in the world
Unmanned fighter jet and manned fighter jet flew together at the same time


and nothing from the US or Europe for Turkish UCAVs

only American engines and British ejection seat for TF-23 Fighter Jet
HURJET also uses American Engine

and Turkiye develops its own turbofan engines to become real military power without dependence on anyone

we did it with TS-1400 turboshaft Engine to power the T-625 utility Helicopter and T-629 Attack Helicopter ...

sooner or later TF-23 and HURJET will have indigenos engine instead of American Engine
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So anything that does not conform to your propaganda must be a propaganda? Great logic there. Moreover, you do realise those papers are written by western institutions, don't you? You're claiming the west is creating propaganda in favour of Iran and China? At least try to make your comments make a little sense.
It has nothing to do with propaganda. It's rather common knowledge that Iran is nowhere near as advanced as you try to portray the country. You're very transparent.

Unlike MMM-E, I'm not going to waste my time and energy on you. It's not worth it. I can't help you if you honestly believe that Iran is ahead of Turkey technologically and please spare me with your "superior NANO and missile tech" - UNO reverse card.

If you're intellectually able to make an assessment that is somewhat honest and objective, you'd see for yourself that after 20 years Iran lost almost all of its advantages with respect to Turkey.

You were ahead of us with a respectable margin not long ago but look at Iran now. The only area of expertise that Persians are still kind of leading is missile technologies, although Turkey is catching up at an incredible pace.

I'm sorry but you're delusional and if you'd prefer to face reality instead of cherry picking some studies that assist you creating a fantasy version of Iran you would see what I'm talking about.

I'm pretty sure there must be decent Iranians out there who know what I'm talking about. Maybe they'll help you.

I won't respond further, life's too short to waste it for unworthy people like you. Bye.
You were ahead of us with a respectable margin not long ago but look at Iran now. The only area of expertise that Persians are still kind of leading is missile technologies, although Turkey is catching up at an incredible pace.

Because Iran focused on Ballistic Missile technology in 1980
while Turkiye has started developing Ballistic Missile technology in 2011

easy to increase range of Ballistic Missiles
Turkiye's precision strike capability is superb and focused on guidance technology

in coming years Turkiye will overtake iran in Ballistic Missile technology as like Turkiye has overtaken İran in UCAV technology

in other military fields Iran not even close
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Jealous Persian and his butthurt feelings
A citizen of a lousy country cannot defame our great efforts in the last 20 years

All those projects are Turkish technology which were developed by Turkish companies TAI ,TEI , BAYKAR , ASELSAN , HAVELSAN , ROKETSAN , TUBITAK

only Engines from USA and Ukraine

but Turkiye develops its own Engines for Fighter Jets and AKINCI UCAV

S.Korea also uses American Engines
China used Russian-Ukranian Engines for decades until they develop their own engines
I speak to you honestly
Your country produce
These companies in Your country just assemble parts together.
Our economy sucks other wise our military should try to get all these projects TOT. Plus, Pakistan and Turkey should join hands in develop military transport planes along with Ukraine.
I've been away for a few years but I can see this guy is still pouring propaganda threads as though his pay checks depend on it. @Foinikas I am not sure why you're tagging me as if this guy's threads even deserve attention. If we had to buy into his propaganda, in a few years, Turkey would have overtaken the US.

In reality, most of these "Turkish" hardware are foreign technology which they assembly within. Everything from their tanks, helicopters etc are all foreign technologies. Even their so called 5th generation fighter is basically British technology.

If you want to know whether a country has the ability to truly design and manufacture advance military hardware then you need to look a their underlying science and technology basis. Turkey is behind Iran is almost every category:

Thus the notion that Turkey could produce even a fraction of these hardware itself is nothing but comical. It's mostly just propaganda for internal consumption:

Is Turkey being snowed by flurry of fake defense news?​

"When one adds the shortage of expert writers in defense and military technology to the determined search by Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP) for new success stories, it is not surprising to frequently see exaggerated and even fake news reports. Since December, there has been a perceptible rise in this mind-boggling type of "reporting," which mainly features themes such as:

  • Turkey's 100% locally made weapons and defense are amazing the world.
  • Turkey’s dependence on external sources in the defense industry is now down to 30% and continues to diminish.
  • The entire world envies Turkey’s booming defense industry, which is now a fully independent, global entity and is constantly coming out with new projects and innovations.
According to a report headlined “Our native weapons that shook the earth," the world is astounded by Turkey’s defense industry projects."

My opinion is that although Turkey members have some exaggerations. But in fact. This is because Greek members have provoked conflicts. He knows that Greece is the most backward country in the world. So he cleverly used Iranian members to fight Turkey members.

Now this Greek member is hiding in the corner, mocking you guys for fighting each other.
@Philosopher @Mehdipersian
I thought the Iranians were not stupid enough to believe the lies of the mullahs.

Iran has nothing but Soviet era ballistic missiles with the technology of the 70s. (Soviet ballistic missile technology in the 70s is not bad)

Iran has not produced any aircraft until now. dorna, kowsar, qaher, yasin etc. all lies, propaganda.

I wish smart Iranian friends could see these facts.
@Philosopher @Mehdipersian
I thought the Iranians were not stupid enough to believe the lies of the mullahs.

Iran has nothing but Soviet era ballistic missiles with the technology of the 70s. (Soviet ballistic missile technology in the 70s is not bad)

Iran has not produced any aircraft until now. dorna, kowsar, qaher, yasin etc. all lies, propaganda.

I wish smart Iranian friends could see these facts.
Lol. We are smart people and we know what's 70s technology. And what iran have.

Also we know its hard to produce a military project. a product need many infrastructure, great study groups,...

And your country have nothing, all your military projects are a simple work of assemble parts.

You make fun of your country by believing these propaganda.
Turkiye is one of a few Countries in the World that developed sub-meter Space Camera

Turkiye developed IMECE submeter observation Satellite

Pakistan buys 2 sub-meter space Camera from Turkiye


Turkiye working on a new space Camera for a resolution of 30 cm to be used on GOKTURK-Y Satellite

At 30 cm class resolution, you can distinguish types of vehicles, read road markings and even identify tail numbers on Aircraft

Turkiye's first Space Systems Integration and Test Center (2015)

Space Systems Assembly, Integration and Test Center is for the production of the National Satellites

It is located in Ankara and operated by Turkish Aerospace Industries

Only a few Countries in the World


Turkiye was become one of 10 countries in the world that developed communications and observation Satellites

TURKSAT-6A communications Satellite
Turkiye's ambitious aviation industry due to get new major facilities

The MMU Engineering Center equipped with state-of-the-art technologies, the engineers will be able to carry out all their activities at the center without an external dependence




The World's 4th largest air structural composite facility under a single roof

Turkiye’s TAI builds Europe’s 2nd-largest subsonic wind tunnel

Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) is building Europe's 2nd-largest subsonic wind tunnel for testing the country's fighter jets

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And your country have nothing, all your military projects are a simple work of assemble parts.

You make fun of your country by believing these propaganda.

Propaganda is belong to Iran which produce nothing in high quality world standard
Turkiye decades ahead of İran

fake propaganda QAHER-313 .. whole world laugh on Iran
You make fun of your country by believing these propaganda



Its Turkish TF-X KAAN Project
only Engine from USA and ejection seat from the UK are foreign .. rest of Turkish

-- Sensor fusion with EOTS , IRST with unique configuration
-- 360-degree vision with AI-enhanced battlefield awareness.
-- BEOS/EOTS (Advanced optical Systems)
-- HMDS (Helmet Display System) .. only F-35 and TF-KAAN
-- Locking on to enemy aircraft from all directions
-- IRST Infrared Sensor
-- Artificial Intelligence Co-pilot
-- Pilot Health Tracking
-- DIRCM Laser countermeasure
-- 360° AESA Radar
-- 4 AESA radars will cover the hole TFX ( 2 on the wings, propulsion between the engines, and the nose)



Turkish Air Force has laid out its vision for the future of tactical air combat

( Only USA , Turkiye , maybe also China and The UK -France )

-- TF-X KAAN 5th gen Fighter
-- ANKA-3 flying-wing stealth UCAV
-- KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet




Multi-layered distributed team of diverse unmanned aircraft working in concert with manned types

that distributed team is operating with each one with their own unique roles


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