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10 things never say to Pakistani

Let's do a moral equivalency... say that in a parallel universe Pakistanis are a net cultural exporters and a Burmese pygmy shows up in Pakistan. What sort of questions you might ask would you be appalled by the lack of knowledge Pakistanis might have of pygmy culture and ethos? Now turn the question on its head would you feel rather smug if the pygmy says oh we talk and act like you and might as well be same as you?
The fact of the matter is above questions might as well be taken as statements. Fact is Pakistan is a net cultural importer so if a slim shady asks you a question you might act like slim shady but never be one! West owns for now at least the ideals of civilization or how one maybe considered one. Not too long ago it were greeks, Persians, Romans, Chinese etc... so when you answer you don't own the realm but are subject to it. Western ideals and narratives have history grounded in western ways you may be atuned to it but never own it. So on and so forth...
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An Indian girl asked me
Are you an Arab?
My response:disagree:
Then she said
You must be from Lahore My response :astagh:
Then she said
You don't look like a desi
My answer was:azn:
She asked me for my number
My response was:cheesy:

See its very easy to create stories
Stories? I don't think you want to hear my love stories over the internet. It happened few days back
Wait wait you forgot one:

"So you speak Arabic? "
Nah bro, that's sand niggas south of the gulf you're thinking of. The camel and oil guys. We're the curry and nukes guys.


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