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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

Media warfare, but it begs the questions what are we doing in response?

Bro we have tens of millions of Pakistani social media users, our numbers are considerable. So much so that Indians are complaining on mass to Twitter haha.
Just keep up our efforts, the government won't do anything.
It is a very LongWar!

It started even before Pakistan came into being. KGB set shop in Kabulistan in the 50s.... and started paying Surkhaz and sardars from Balochistan ... the good Indians joined the foray not long after that!

The Khan of Kalat said yes after he had a BlessedDream.... meaning joining Pakistan.
That is the Nature of Paistan! @peagle Its pull is too great for some paid-for-terror outfits to it any harm.

The anguish and pain at the loss of OurSoldiers is totally understandable and again points to the Fact of the Pull of Pakistan.

The Rage
of losing OurSons at the hands of these rented-terorists is deeply emotional response and a very good Indicator of Love for Pakistan. And yes, this Rage seeks Statisfaction and blame is natural companion of such RighteousAnger.

Blaming Bajwa for everything is a consequent of such mood, making us forget that COAS is sum of all the Commanders and doesn't exist as a Singularity. But he does stand as the symbol nevertheless. @SIPRA

The Rent-a-TerrorOutfit of TTP or BLA or sum of these all are open for Business... and 'brothers n enemies' alike have made use of them... and Shall continue to do so.

A very LongWar this.

It is imperative that Paks have a look at OurMap and see with Clarity where we find ourselves in.
Of course, we are squeezed from either side. The headache of Afghanistan is not over yet.
And it shall take its sweet time.. a decade at least... if there are no external actors involved. And external actors are not going to just leave. Again look at OurMap!

extension into Afghanistan and Iran being incorporated into BRI with $400Bln Deal shall have positive and restraining impact..in the coming years. For now not that much.

Gwadar will remain under attack from 'brothers n enemies' alike.

It is a simple StrategicCalculus... we must understand this... at least when ourRage subsides a bit.
However, we Will Loose both Men and Material in this very LongWar.

It is instructive to remember that Pakistan is at an ActiveWar since 1979... we cann't see FirstAfghanWar separate from the SecondAfghanWar... it is the Continuation of the Conflict... the responsibility of it doesn't lie with us... but we are Paying the Price.

The StrategicPosition cuts both ways!

The new surge in terrorist attacks is a broader strategic attempt to give a PushBack to China... Pakistan is just a BattleGround.
We must understand the BroaderWar!!!

It is because PakArmedForces are the Tip of OurSpear.. hence, if anything happens to the Tip... we insticntively feel the pain.
This is a good thing... afterall PakArmedForces are from us and we are them.

Having said all this.. we need to bring in the China onboard to use its influence as restraining factor into guiding 'brothers' from being naughty. CPEC is BRI afterall!
It is the Job of GoP to work on this...

There are countless IBOs which will never see the light of the day... and they mustn't.

One senses that after this brazen attack... Hell is already prepared for the rented-terrorists... and when the tweets come... we, Paks, will open a new thread and celebrate 'the victory'... and the Cycle of this Very LongWar shall continue.

The GoP was too lazy in condemning this outrage. The GoP needs to take Ownership of PakSecurity and stop acting like it is something that can be outsourced. The current GoP, at least in rhetoric, pretends to be 'nationalistic'.
We need to see Action from the GoP!!!

Our 'brothers' ... India n her friends have been killing Paks with impunity for far too long. And it hurts deeply.
This just shows the Quantum of Threat and our Net Ability to respond. We are not just fighting India here.

That the enemies of Pakistan won't let us breath is a given. And why should they? It is the job of the enemy to do so. Therefore, we can only Prepare and keep responding within our ability or OptionSpectrum.

This decade is Critical in the History of Pakistan.

We need to have a ClearPlan and act accordingly.

Our StrategicObjective has to be to make sure that BattleGround moves away from the Heartland Pakistan.

And this is the Job of GoP!

is all fine and dandy.... but GeoEconomics happen within OurMap... we don't have any GreatWall to the West or our East.

And yet continue we must!

We have no Choice but to continue and Win the Very LongWar. @PanzerKiel

OurArmedForces will continue to act withing the PakStrategicCalculus and won't go dancing to the tunes of our enemies!


Beautifully written. I actually see the criticism in the same manner as you. There is love and desire to be better behind those strong words. That areesh guy is always critical, but his words remind of what a good father should be, less love more strong words to keep reminding you that you can be better. A father who doesn't care whether you like him or not, as long as you turn out well, he cares more about your outcome, then his own image. So, I do understand and agree.

But, we also need few among us to keep a watchful eye, to ensure deserved criticism does not turn into self-loathing, which in turn turns into self-wallowing. The slide is easy and fast, hence the need for voices that shout "Jagtay Raho".
Pakistan's history is full of calamities, wht bigger thn APS massacre, did it happen in KIyani's time. as i said people dont know what he achieved. i believe Kiyani was victim of circumstances of his time.
Salala, OBL would ve happened anyway and TTP was formed in 2007
Tainted one too. Green valley scam.
Because Iranian Mullahs support these rascals against Pakistan.
I don’t live there but their soldiers get killed or wounded daily on their eastern borders, I’m sure they would like to stop that. In the other hand I know Pakistani border is a huge smuggling corridor that brings lots cash to IRGC.
Our army is civilised and professional it does not harm or punish locals for terrorists freely amongst them. If we took the gloves off army would have ended this long time ago they know which families members are doing it
There is a difference between harming innocents civilians and/or weeding out those that aid and abet such elements. Military operations are useless without strong domestic law enforcement raids. Bring the war to their houses, their love once who failed to report them .

Aid and Abet means to assist someone in committing or to encourage someone to commit a crime. Generally, an aider and abettor is criminally liable to the same extent as the person committing the crime.

Kech tragedy calls for broadening review of threat​

The govt needs to construct forts for troops along the Iranian border as well, which is the need of the hour.​

By Jan Achakzai
January 31, 2022

A very strong message needs to be conveyed to Iranian authorities after the Kech incident. -File photo.
A very strong message needs to be conveyed to Iranian authorities after the Kech incident. -File photo.
The unprecedented attack on our soldiers in Kech district of Balochistan which left 13 martyred has highlighted once again the seriousness of addressing the broader picture of terrorism and its regional dynamics.

We are approaching the problem only through a limited prism–kinetic aspect of the challenge. The government still believes the terrorists are "Naraz Balochs" and talks should be held with them. And it has dedicated SAPM to hold talks with so-called "Naraz Balochs". But those who wanted to or were open to dialogue have already availed that opportunity.
Those who are now left are your enemies and must be dealt with accordingly. This is both wishful and naive thinking on the part of our leadership that the terrorists and their sponsors can be enticed or coerced into a dialogue. It is terrorism that has become an industry for them.

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The soft pedal of dialogue also sends a weak message to those who stood with the State. If we continue to harp dialogue option, we confuse people and they will always look behind their shoulders, i.e, if terrorists will be rehabilitated one day, instead of standing with Pakistan.
Who should we talk to? And why tread down the beaten path other than to go all-out against them and decimate them, defeat them? The govt when it says seeks dialogue, it also fails to understand the mindset of those who have capital to invest. We talk about a shift to geoeconomics from geopolitics, but do not look serious enough as yet to lay the foundations and the required environment for the former. Investors do not want to invest in a country that is seen as not tough on terrorists. They will not take you seriously, either.
Then the terrorists have regional hideouts. Afghanistan is a known safe haven. The UAE has arrested one important figure and extradited him. But there are more terrorists associated with BRAS (Baloch Raji Ajoi Sangar–conglomerate of militant outfits) in the UAE. They must be hunted down and extradited. There are many in Iran as well enjoying safe havens particularly protected and sustained by Indian assets. A very strong message needs to be conveyed to Iranian authorities. It is surprising the government has no one dispatched as yet to Tehran.
Since Pakistan is a regional power, it cannot be seen as being weak. The problem may be beyond Iran. The Pak-Iran border will be fenced too as emphasised by Army Chief Gen Qamar Bajwa during his visit to Ketch district. It's time to bring that Jadhav-Indian terrorism issue to limelight again. Indian RAW spy Kulbhushan Jadhav was arrested in Balochistan running a network from Chabahar Port.
Those who are not able to control their territory and exercise their writ are seen as weak by the great powers too. We want to tango with President Putin of Russia and President Xi of China, but they would see us as less strong if we were not able to exercise control over Balochistan.
Yes, giving our troops armoured vehicles for better protection and swift air support such as using attack helis is the govt's job. While without the operationalisation and deployment of armed drones and MRAP, operations in that terrain would be terribly challenging for our frontline soldiers.
The govt needs to construct forts for troops along the Iranian border as well, which is the need of the hour. Zarb-e-Azb was a great example which the world acknowledged. Maybe we need a repeat of it since we are finally being accepted and acknowledged as a regional power by the great powers.
The single message the govt should be sending out post-Ketch incident is this: We will fight these elements and defeat them wherever they are. In other words, the only option we have is a war of attrition whereby these enemies of the State are decimated. Or else, forget about “geoeconomics”, as it will be a pipe dream. Is the government ready?

Jan Achakzai is a geopolitical analyst, a politician from Balochistan and an ex-adviser to the Balochistan government on media and strategic communication. He remained associated with BBC World Service. He is also Chairman of the Institute of New Horizons (INH) & Balochistan. He tweets @Jan_Achakzai


Kech tragedy calls for broadening review of threat​

The govt needs to construct forts for troops along the Iranian border as well, which is the need of the hour.​

By Jan Achakzai
January 31, 2022

A very strong message needs to be conveyed to Iranian authorities after the Kech incident. -File photo.
A very strong message needs to be conveyed to Iranian authorities after the Kech incident. -File photo.
The unprecedented attack on our soldiers in Kech district of Balochistan which left 13 martyred has highlighted once again the seriousness of addressing the broader picture of terrorism and its regional dynamics.

We are approaching the problem only through a limited prism–kinetic aspect of the challenge. The government still believes the terrorists are "Naraz Balochs" and talks should be held with them. And it has dedicated SAPM to hold talks with so-called "Naraz Balochs". But those who wanted to or were open to dialogue have already availed that opportunity.
Those who are now left are your enemies and must be dealt with accordingly. This is both wishful and naive thinking on the part of our leadership that the terrorists and their sponsors can be enticed or coerced into a dialogue. It is terrorism that has become an industry for them.

Related Stories​

The soft pedal of dialogue also sends a weak message to those who stood with the State. If we continue to harp dialogue option, we confuse people and they will always look behind their shoulders, i.e, if terrorists will be rehabilitated one day, instead of standing with Pakistan.
Who should we talk to? And why tread down the beaten path other than to go all-out against them and decimate them, defeat them? The govt when it says seeks dialogue, it also fails to understand the mindset of those who have capital to invest. We talk about a shift to geoeconomics from geopolitics, but do not look serious enough as yet to lay the foundations and the required environment for the former. Investors do not want to invest in a country that is seen as not tough on terrorists. They will not take you seriously, either.
Then the terrorists have regional hideouts. Afghanistan is a known safe haven. The UAE has arrested one important figure and extradited him. But there are more terrorists associated with BRAS (Baloch Raji Ajoi Sangar–conglomerate of militant outfits) in the UAE. They must be hunted down and extradited. There are many in Iran as well enjoying safe havens particularly protected and sustained by Indian assets. A very strong message needs to be conveyed to Iranian authorities. It is surprising the government has no one dispatched as yet to Tehran.
Since Pakistan is a regional power, it cannot be seen as being weak. The problem may be beyond Iran. The Pak-Iran border will be fenced too as emphasised by Army Chief Gen Qamar Bajwa during his visit to Ketch district. It's time to bring that Jadhav-Indian terrorism issue to limelight again. Indian RAW spy Kulbhushan Jadhav was arrested in Balochistan running a network from Chabahar Port.
Those who are not able to control their territory and exercise their writ are seen as weak by the great powers too. We want to tango with President Putin of Russia and President Xi of China, but they would see us as less strong if we were not able to exercise control over Balochistan.
Yes, giving our troops armoured vehicles for better protection and swift air support such as using attack helis is the govt's job. While without the operationalisation and deployment of armed drones and MRAP, operations in that terrain would be terribly challenging for our frontline soldiers.
The govt needs to construct forts for troops along the Iranian border as well, which is the need of the hour. Zarb-e-Azb was a great example which the world acknowledged. Maybe we need a repeat of it since we are finally being accepted and acknowledged as a regional power by the great powers.
The single message the govt should be sending out post-Ketch incident is this: We will fight these elements and defeat them wherever they are. In other words, the only option we have is a war of attrition whereby these enemies of the State are decimated. Or else, forget about “geoeconomics”, as it will be a pipe dream. Is the government ready?

Jan Achakzai is a geopolitical analyst, a politician from Balochistan and an ex-adviser to the Balochistan government on media and strategic communication. He remained associated with BBC World Service. He is also Chairman of the Institute of New Horizons (INH) & Balochistan. He tweets @Jan_Achakzai

Article is spot on.
All I know is FC Balochistan needs to be better equipped and trained their current leadership which comes from the army (cough) (cough) is rather laid-back. What happened to the supposed SSG trained FC SOG? Where did the new army indoctrination software go? Don't tell me it was for the border manning duties... What an Sh$T Show you don't raise special forces for border duties (Facepalm). I don't know about any immediate support airstrip (maybe Turbat) but amassing drones and not having them deployed in hot zones for a contemporary time is no fatwa charged deal.

Then they say why to denounce the generals oh ki Khuda eh Kothi da putre.

Last time a convoy was ambushed next to Gwadar..... Think about that for a sec Gwadar is the biggest pile of army sh$t show yet our rear end was caught napping.

By God what the commanders and generals smoke I need that goood goood shet for real.
Sir, all said and done, Gen. Bajwa's legacy will be the security situation within Balochistan, KP, and agencies, vs what he'd inherited. And this is what his tenure will be judged on. The buck stops at his table, without ifs and buts, as it did with his predecessors who pretty much shouldered even heavier odds.
Well if that's the case he leaves a situation which is better than what he found it.
When he took over, the kinds of attacks we moan about would not have registered.

His job was very different from Raheels. It was consolidation. Which is a lot less glamourous and long term than what Raheel had, which was roll back.
Frankly it will be decades till we can judge.
Any counter operations launched in Baluchistan ? any counter raids, any dead Terrorists ? any harsh response ? anything ?
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