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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

Whats this then?

i think what many are forgetting is 3 were apprehended and few more facilitators have been nabbed.....they will eventually spill the beans.....
emotions are high in general public but things will be forgotten in a day or two..
Balochistan is not Jaffna in any respect. Too much at stake here, too many variables, too many external and internal factors...
So realistically how to end this insurgency ? is Pakistan going to get hit like this for another decade like the 2 decades before? If they have less than 1000 terrorists it shouldn't take this long.
I still think that Kiyani was passive and dud. But Gen Traiq praised him a lot in an interview. Then Maj Amir also did. Anyway, things are not out of bag, so we can't say what he achieved. But his tenure was full clamities, salala, OBL,NRO, TTP/BLA/BRA, were at its peak, etc.
If you notice the argument of few members that we can not blame Bajwa for Army's failures so why would I praise Bajwa for Army's victories as well ? Kiyani tenure seen worse scandals in our time, and other side he also launch some full on operations against the TTP, but just like Bajwa he was also to neck deep involved in Politics, every time a General or COAS involved things start to get bad.
Ok then....list of PA generals is here....

You can find every one there...please choose your pick....atleast let us know which is that person whom you think enjoys your confidence, who can solve all our problems without any casualties.
Sir G, most of us are non-professional keyboard warriors. Even best of the generals had faced odd situations in wars. Is there any general who could claim that none of his troops died in any war?
We are the type, though never touched a bat, but will discuss supported by our foolish assumptions that Rizwan played that ball wrong and got out.
The record holder ace Red Baron was taken out of the skies with just single randomly shot bullet from a ground trooper. This is the bitter reality and truth of life.
Is any from us could claim that he achieved every target in his life for which he struggled? Perfection is not for this world, pros and cons exists in every approach.
In real life, one could hardly able to manage a team of 12 persons, even you trust on the best of the bests the error part could not be eliminated.
Yes they larp as baloch,pashtun, sindhi, punjabi etc to spread misinformation.

Yep ask them to speak in the regional language always catches them out. They do the same on Twitter. I did a thread on such fake accounts and used reverse image searches to show how many are not real. It's a shocking amount.
Yep ask them to speak in the regional language always catches them out. They do the same on Twitter. I did a thread on such fake accounts and used reverse image searches to show how many are not real. It's a shocking amount.

Media warfare, but it begs the questions what are we doing in response?
Sir my problem is I have enough. For past three years several times we have lost 10 or more soldiers. And a one or two soldier pretty much on daily bases. And our response is killing 15 to 20 in entire year of BLA and TTP commanders in Iran and Afghanistan. Sir that is not proving to be enough or even deter them slightly. We need bigger response. A much bigger response both on western front and eastern front. Sir until we see that. I am loosing hope on this country altogether.
Sir G, such wars span decades. See the situation in Afghanistan, Great Britain, USSR, and USA, almost more than a century. How many years a tiny nation of Sri Lanka was involved with LTTE? In such conditions, not even a regular army but nations to pay the price - sadly, we are not such a nation; we usually get earlier to boredom.
Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Either you have to win/lose it or else get to the negotiating table with no end or in other words no peace in sight.
If you notice the argument of few members that we can not blame Bajwa for Army's failures so why would I praise Bajwa for Army's victories as well ? Kiyani tenure seen worse scandals in our time, and other side he also launch some full on operations against the TTP, but just like Bajwa he was also to neck deep involved in Politics, every time a General or COAS involved things start to get bad.
Bajwa is not neck deep into politics. He is very hands off from Pakistani politics more so than most of the past chiefs. I think blaming him is easy as he is visible. But reality is blame is at many levels. Yes tactics are poor and more focus needs to be given here.
Also people have too high an expectation of what the army can and cannot do. People have built in their minds a false sense of capabilities for our armed forces and Intel agencies. Reality is they are stretched and problem is so multifaceted and broad. The other institutions are completely failing in their obligations.
Case in point judiciary is are big reason for us and our issue in Baluchistan and Karachi. 4 out 5 institutions in Pakistan have failed. Army alone cannot fix it.
It is a very LongWar!

It started even before Pakistan came into being. KGB set shop in Kabulistan in the 50s.... and started paying Surkhaz and sardars from Balochistan ... the good Indians joined the foray not long after that!

The Khan of Kalat said yes after he had a BlessedDream.... meaning joining Pakistan.
That is the Nature of Paistan! @peagle Its pull is too great for some paid-for-terror outfits to it any harm.

The anguish and pain at the loss of OurSoldiers is totally understandable and again points to the Fact of the Pull of Pakistan.

The Rage
of losing OurSons at the hands of these rented-terorists is deeply emotional response and a very good Indicator of Love for Pakistan. And yes, this Rage seeks Statisfaction and blame is natural companion of such RighteousAnger.

Blaming Bajwa for everything is a consequent of such mood, making us forget that COAS is sum of all the Commanders and doesn't exist as a Singularity. But he does stand as the symbol nevertheless. @SIPRA

The Rent-a-TerrorOutfit of TTP or BLA or sum of these all are open for Business... and 'brothers n enemies' alike have made use of them... and Shall continue to do so.

A very LongWar this.

It is imperative that Paks have a look at OurMap and see with Clarity where we find ourselves in.
Of course, we are squeezed from either side. The headache of Afghanistan is not over yet.
And it shall take its sweet time.. a decade at least... if there are no external actors involved. And external actors are not going to just leave. Again look at OurMap!

extension into Afghanistan and Iran being incorporated into BRI with $400Bln Deal shall have positive and restraining impact..in the coming years. For now not that much.

Gwadar will remain under attack from 'brothers n enemies' alike.

It is a simple StrategicCalculus... we must understand this... at least when ourRage subsides a bit.
However, we Will Loose both Men and Material in this very LongWar.

It is instructive to remember that Pakistan is at an ActiveWar since 1979... we cann't see FirstAfghanWar separate from the SecondAfghanWar... it is the Continuation of the Conflict... the responsibility of it doesn't lie with us... but we are Paying the Price.

The StrategicPosition cuts both ways!

The new surge in terrorist attacks is a broader strategic attempt to give a PushBack to China... Pakistan is just a BattleGround.
We must understand the BroaderWar!!!

It is because PakArmedForces are the Tip of OurSpear.. hence, if anything happens to the Tip... we insticntively feel the pain.
This is a good thing... afterall PakArmedForces are from us and we are them.

Having said all this.. we need to bring in the China onboard to use its influence as restraining factor into guiding 'brothers' from being naughty. CPEC is BRI afterall!
It is the Job of GoP to work on this...

There are countless IBOs which will never see the light of the day... and they mustn't.

One senses that after this brazen attack... Hell is already prepared for the rented-terrorists... and when the tweets come... we, Paks, will open a new thread and celebrate 'the victory'... and the Cycle of this Very LongWar shall continue.

The GoP was too lazy in condemning this outrage. The GoP needs to take Ownership of PakSecurity and stop acting like it is something that can be outsourced. The current GoP, at least in rhetoric, pretends to be 'nationalistic'.
We need to see Action from the GoP!!!

Our 'brothers' ... India n her friends have been killing Paks with impunity for far too long. And it hurts deeply.
This just shows the Quantum of Threat and our Net Ability to respond. We are not just fighting India here.

That the enemies of Pakistan won't let us breath is a given. And why should they? It is the job of the enemy to do so. Therefore, we can only Prepare and keep responding within our ability or OptionSpectrum.

This decade is Critical in the History of Pakistan.

We need to have a ClearPlan and act accordingly.

Our StrategicObjective has to be to make sure that BattleGround moves away from the Heartland Pakistan.

And this is the Job of GoP!

is all fine and dandy.... but GeoEconomics happen within OurMap... we don't have any GreatWall to the West or our East.

And yet continue we must!

We have no Choice but to continue and Win the Very LongWar. @PanzerKiel

OurArmedForces will continue to act withing the PakStrategicCalculus and won't go dancing to the tunes of our enemies!


Excellent post, Paa Jee.

We are an overemotional lot, and it is not a good sign. Your post, I hope, would have some sobering impact. @PanzerKiel is also doing his best to provide a rational response.
I still think that Kiyani was passive and dud. But Gen Traiq praised him a lot in an interview. Then Maj Amir also did. Anyway, things are not out of bag, so we can't say what he achieved. But his tenure was full clamities, salala, OBL,NRO, TTP/BLA/BRA, were at its peak, etc.
Pakistan's history is full of calamities, wht bigger thn APS massacre, did it happen in KIyani's time. as i said people dont know what he achieved. i believe Kiyani was victim of circumstances of his time.
Salala, OBL would ve happened anyway and TTP was formed in 2007

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