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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

Ok then....list of PA generals is here....

You can find every one there...please choose your pick....atleast let us know which is that person whom you think enjoys your confidence, who can solve all our problems without any casualties.
I give a dam. There is massive increase in attacks for past three years. What is our response ? One or two commanders in Iran or Afghanistan. Which achieves nothing. Some militants are openly living in Afghanistan and Iran now. Sir you know the solution but to do that bravery is needed which our current leadership have basically refused to show.

As for selection I don't select but I have one rule that it should be senior most guy. Not number two or three. It should have been same everytime but sadly pathetic politics comes in play
No one can solve problem like Gandalf, we are not expecting that, but people expect Military leadership to at least look active and doing something to prevent, and not look dud all the time... cause after a time even those usual statements of condolences means nothing, if there are random attacks every 3-5 months we can say that Army get relaxed and hence the Attacked happen, but we are seeing such high casuality ambushes with almost identical strategy used by Terrorists and yet not a single SOP was changed, no one from army even consider explaining to the parliament and people that what is going on, why is Army operating as a institution which does not consider itself not questionable to Civil Government and Nation? There are countless attacks and ambushes in 2020 and 2021, and the new year is not turning out to be good as well, how can you justify it ? and why is that no one from the Army, commanders, or Col's or anyone who are responsible for the lack of intelligence are been court martial ?
Military leadership does not and will not seem active on PDF or media to show everyone that they are really active. They will get active in military and intelligence domains mainly because thats their job. You will prpbably not come to know what has been done and what will be done. Everything is not for twitter or media.

You said not a single SOP was changed. Seems like you seem to be reading all the SOPs. If that is the case and you are well aware of the present SOPs in place, then please suggest good and workable additions to those SOPs which will surely benefit all.

You say that Army got relaxed. That is as generic as it can get. If Army as a whole is relaxed, why not you table a motion somewhere for disbandment of PA and raise a new military force....like FSF.

Why army should explain in parliament....why not you ask all the parliamentarians to call the Army Chief in parliament to explain everything, COAS is bound to obey and he will will surely come, but then that depends if the people sitting in the parliament have enough spare time to listen to whats happening in Balochistan instead of fighting for seats, power and hatching conspiracies against each other. How many parliamentarians have visited Balochistan, Turbat, Kech etc?

Attacks and ambushes...they are bound to happen, because your judicial system is too weak to give the terrorist what they deserve, they are always left scott free multiple times, everytime they come out they kill a few more.....whats army got to do when your courts leave these bastards free. Whats the police and other LEAs doing in this regard...what is IB doing? Is it really the army's job to fight INSIDE the country, to man fully exposed checkposts on roads to be shot and bombed at will? Army was not and is not trained to fight inside the country, on the roads, manning checkposts.

Regards to your court martial, yes heads have already rolled after this incident, they always roll once someone does mistakes, thats how our army works....tell me, how many heads have rolled of other LEAs, how many heads have rolled of Judges who have left free these bastards over the past 20 years? You only know the name of General Bajwa which you are showcasing everywhere, do you even know the name of the judges who left these bastards free?

I give a dam.
Thats the problem. Except for Army, everyone other LEAs and politicians seem to give a damn to our internal security.
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Attacks and ambushes...they are bound to happen, because your judicial system is too weak to give the terrorist what they deserve, they are always left scott free multiple times, everytime they come out they kill a few more.....whats army got to do when your courts leave these bastards free.

Why can’t isi bring corrupt judges under control or corrupt LEA? Send them black vigo or don’t even need to send them black vigo many of these guys are morally corrupt too hire a woman to honey trap then factory reset these traitors. ISI should make a IRGC type unit which controls everything inside and sends enemies to hell outside the country via proxies.
Is it really the army's job to fight INSIDE the country, to man fully exposed checkposts on roads to be shot and bombed at will? Army was not and is not trained to fight inside the country, on the roads, manning checkposts.
We showed weakness and let india attack us. We should be on the offensive creating hell for Indians in tripura in manipur in Nagaland in assam. Take the fight to enemy territory. Make them fight their own “war on terror”. Money isn’t a excuse because every agency has 101 ways to make illegal money.
Why can’t isi bring corrupt judges under control or corrupt LEA? Send them black vigo or don’t even need to send them black vigo many of these guys are morally corrupt too hire a woman to honey trap then factory reset these traitors. ISI should make a IRGC type unit which controls everything inside and sends enemies to hell outside the country via proxies.

We showed weakness and let india attack us. We should be on the offensive creating hell for Indians in tripura in manipur in Nagaland in assam. Take the fight to enemy territory. Make them fight their own “war on terror”. Money isn’t a excuse because every agency has 101 ways to make illegal money.
Its simply not ISI's mandate as per the law to do it. You know this...even if they try such a thing, you know what mud will be tossed on them by everyone. For what you are suggesting, our laws / legislation needs to be changed. And you know well where laws are made, by whom they are made....by the people who sit in parliament etc. They should pass relevant laws to make people accountable. But you also know that they wont do it for obvious reason.

What you are suggesting is what appears to lucrative to all of us at the first glance, but then it will bring anarchy, nothing else. That not the solution.
Military leadership does not and will not seem active on PDF or media to show everyone that they are really active. They will get active in military and intelligence domains mainly because thats their job.
I did not say they need to be active of PDF, or appear on TV giving interviews, when I say they are not active I mean on field as the it took almost week for COAS to even come out of his hibernation to visit Baluchistan, and what about the other similar attacks which happened not long ago? Where is the accountability in army ?

You said not a single SOP was changed. Seems like you seem to be reading all the SOPs. If that is the case and you are well aware of the present SOPs in place, then please suggest good and workable additions to those SOPs which will surely benefit all.
If they changed SOP's and yet attacks are happening then there isn't much they changed right? As for me to do their job, if they are not doing their own job then why we need them in the office, or even they have Audacity to ask for Extensions ? I think you forget Army is a institution which is still answerable to the Civilian Govt and Public.

You say that Army got relaxed. That is as generic as it can get. If Army as a whole is relaxed, why not you table a motion somewhere for disbandment of PA and raise a new military force....like FSF.
I did not say Army got relaxed, if there are random attacks every 3-5 months we can say that Army get relaxed and hence the Attacked happen, I hope its clear now. The intervals within the attacks are not 3-5 months from which we can derived that Army after some time gets relaxed and hence let their guard down, there are constant attacks on Army/FC/Levis so how come a attack of that magnitude happen in the first place ? why was no Air support dispatched ? I heard that QRF were ambushed as well, but why there was no Drone in the Air or chopper with their SOS call or whatever the term is in Army. you have admit there is a huge failure in the Army as Institution because the leadership has been busy in Economic forums and Politics within the country.

Why army should explain in parliament....why not you ask all the parliamentarians to call the Army Chief in parliament to explain everything, COAS is bound to obey and he will will surely come, but then that depends if the people sitting in the parliament have enough spare time to listen to whats happening in Balochistan instead of fighting for seats, power and hatching conspiracies against each other. How many parliamentarians have visited Balochistan, Turbat, Kech etc?
Why should they? Maybe because they are under the Civilian Govt ? or their Commander in chief is still the Acting President of Pakistan ? and they are Answerable unless you think they are Reincarnation of Prophet or some God that can not be questioned or summoned. I wish they will call COAS in Parliament but in Pakistan when someone cross their line with Army they usually end up taking over the Govt itself.

Attacks and ambushes...they are bound to happen, because your judicial system is too weak to give the terrorist what they deserve, they are always left scott free multiple times, everytime they come out they kill a few more.....whats army got to do when your courts leave these bastards free. Whats the police and other LEAs doing in this regard...what is IB doing? Is it really the army's job to fight INSIDE the country, to man fully exposed checkposts on roads to be shot and bombed at will? Army was not and is not trained to fight inside the country, on the roads, manning checkposts.
So you deliberately skip Ehsan ullah Ehsan that escape from the Army's custody ? Army is fighting the insurgency for almost 2 decades, you are telling me they are still incapable of fighting a gurreila war within its border ? bhai if this is true then Taala laga do GHQ ko, You think US, and other countries Armies had that training ? they learnt from their experience in Afghanistan and Iraq, this is how professional Armies do, learn. As for ISI, didn't it come under COAS ?

Regards to your court martial, yes heads have already rolled after this incident, they always roll once someone does mistakes, thats how our army works....tell me, how many heads have rolled of other LEAs, how many heads have rolled of Judges who have left free these bastards over the past 20 years? You only know the name of General Bajwa which you are showcasing everywhere, do you even know the name of the judges who left these bastards free?
Why are you bringing judicial system here, I am talking about attacks on the Check posts, you don't need to arrest people who are coming to attack you, just smoke those SOB's on spot... And no I was critical of Kiyani as well for been a dud and care about his own extensions rather than doing their jobs, they are COAS for the 6th largest army in the world, not a single statement from Bajwa over the attacks besides condolences, one after another attacks are happening we are still not seeing mobilization of Army or providing better support mechanism to those Check posts who are in extremely isolated areas such as the post which got attacked. No one has any personal feud with Bajwa, but if under him Army and area where Army is operating gets more and more attacks then yes I will question his credibility because he is failing to question those who are under him and that whole chain of command that goes all the way to the foot soldiers.

Army chief visits Turbat, spends day with troops

QUETTA: Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa visited Turbat and spent the day with troops there on Saturday.

According to a press release of the Inter-Services Public Relations, the COAS was given a comprehensive briefing at the FC Balochistan (south) headquarters on the prevailing security situation in the area, Pakistan-Iran border fencing and measures being taken to counter hostile efforts to undermine security situation in Balochistan.

He was also briefed on socioeconomic initiatives undertaken by the army in support of the provincial government and efforts under way for capacity enhancement of the law enforcement agencies (LEAs).

Gen Bajwa said that the army would make all-out efforts to assist the provincial government towards achievement of enduring peace and prosperity.

FC gives briefing on steps being taken to counter hostile efforts to undermine security
Later, the COAS visited Kech and interacted with the troops deployed there.

While paying tribute to courage and resolve of Shuhada of Sibdan Top, the army chief said that terrorists would be brought to justice and blood of the martyrs would not go to waste. Balochistan is the future of Pakistan and progress and prosperity of the province means progress of the country, he reiterated. The disruptive efforts by inimical forces won’t be allowed to succeed, he emphasised.

Security, stability and prosperity of Balochistan would be pursued and ensured at all cost, he added.

Earlier on arrival, the COAS was received by Corps Commander Lieutenant General Sarfraz Ali.

Published in Dawn, January 30th, 2022

I did not say they need to be active of PDF, or appear on TV giving interviews, when I say they are not active I mean on field as the it took almost week for COAS to even come out of his hibernation to visit Baluchistan, and what about the other similar attacks which happened not long ago? Where is the accountability in army ?

If they changed SOP's and yet attacks are happening then there isn't much they changed right? As for me to do their job, if they are not doing their own job then why we need them in the office, or even they have Audacity to ask for Extensions ? I think you forget Army is a institution which is still answerable to the Civilian Govt and Public.

I did not say Army got relaxed, if there are random attacks every 3-5 months we can say that Army get relaxed and hence the Attacked happen, I hope its clear now. The intervals within the attacks are not 3-5 months from which we can derived that Army after some time gets relaxed and hence let their guard down, there are constant attacks on Army/FC/Levis so how come a attack of that magnitude happen in the first place ? why was no Air support dispatched ? I heard that QRF were ambushed as well, but why there was no Drone in the Air or chopper with their SOS call or whatever the term is in Army. you have admit there is a huge failure in the Army as Institution because the leadership has been busy in Economic forums and Politics within the country.

Why should they? Maybe because they are under the Civilian Govt ? or their Commander in chief is still the Acting President of Pakistan ? and they are Answerable unless you think they are Reincarnation of Prophet or some God that can not be questioned or summoned. I wish they will call COAS in Parliament but in Pakistan when someone cross their line with Army they usually end up taking over the Govt itself.

So you deliberately skip Ehsan ullah Ehsan that escape from the Army's custody ? Army is fighting the insurgency for almost 2 decades, you are telling me they are still incapable of fighting a gurreila war within its border ? bhai if this is true then Taala laga do GHQ ko, You think US, and other countries Armies had that training ? they learnt from their experience in Afghanistan and Iraq, this is how professional Armies do, learn. As for ISI, didn't it come under COAS ?

Why are you bringing judicial system here, I am talking about attacks on the Check posts, you don't need to arrest people who are coming to attack you, just smoke those SOB's on spot... And no I was critical of Kiyani as well for been a dud and care about his own extensions rather than doing their jobs, they are COAS for the 6th largest army in the world, not a single statement from Bajwa over the attacks besides condolences, one after another attacks are happening we are still not seeing mobilization of Army or providing better support mechanism to those Check posts who are in extremely isolated areas such as the post which got attacked. No one has any personal feud with Bajwa, but if under him Army and area where Army is operating gets more and more attacks then yes I will question his credibility because he is failing to question those who are under him and that whole chain of command that goes all the way to the foot soldiers.
You want that Army should start sharing its internal accountability processes and results with you?

As i said, and am not forgetting as you are alleging, that army is accountable to public and civil institutions. All i am asking is why does not the public reps, who are sitting in the parliament, call the COAS every week in parliament to give them an update on what ever they want. Why dont these public reps make a body and visit Balochistan, see every area for themselves, see the SOPs, see everything and then make up their own opinion about what is to be done?

Nowhere did i admit that there has been a failure in army as an institution.

The way you are saying that why drones were not in air or why no air support...its not a computer game going on where all the assets are standing on a nearby base, ready to go in the air, everything ready...just waiting for an order....like you are alleging that no one called for them.

And in the end, you are again saying the COAS is failing to question who are under him......is he supposed to tell you who all he has questioned and what all he has done?

Am not skipping Ehsan ullah Ehsan, am not here to analyze each and all incidents which happened over the past twenty years....nor this thread is about other incidents. Lets remain relevant to this particular thread.

If smoking SOBs was that easy, then US would have smoked everyone in Korea, Vietnam, IRaq and Afghanistan...US would have been a winner then.
I did not say they need to be active of PDF, or appear on TV giving interviews, when I say they are not active I mean on field as the it took almost week for COAS to even come out of his hibernation to visit Baluchistan, and what about the other similar attacks which happened not long ago? Where is the accountability in army ?

If they changed SOP's and yet attacks are happening then there isn't much they changed right? As for me to do their job, if they are not doing their own job then why we need them in the office, or even they have Audacity to ask for Extensions ? I think you forget Army is a institution which is still answerable to the Civilian Govt and Public.

I did not say Army got relaxed, if there are random attacks every 3-5 months we can say that Army get relaxed and hence the Attacked happen, I hope its clear now. The intervals within the attacks are not 3-5 months from which we can derived that Army after some time gets relaxed and hence let their guard down, there are constant attacks on Army/FC/Levis so how come a attack of that magnitude happen in the first place ? why was no Air support dispatched ? I heard that QRF were ambushed as well, but why there was no Drone in the Air or chopper with their SOS call or whatever the term is in Army. you have admit there is a huge failure in the Army as Institution because the leadership has been busy in Economic forums and Politics within the country.

Why should they? Maybe because they are under the Civilian Govt ? or their Commander in chief is still the Acting President of Pakistan ? and they are Answerable unless you think they are Reincarnation of Prophet or some God that can not be questioned or summoned. I wish they will call COAS in Parliament but in Pakistan when someone cross their line with Army they usually end up taking over the Govt itself.

So you deliberately skip Ehsan ullah Ehsan that escape from the Army's custody ? Army is fighting the insurgency for almost 2 decades, you are telling me they are still incapable of fighting a gurreila war within its border ? bhai if this is true then Taala laga do GHQ ko, You think US, and other countries Armies had that training ? they learnt from their experience in Afghanistan and Iraq, this is how professional Armies do, learn. As for ISI, didn't it come under COAS ?

Why are you bringing judicial system here, I am talking about attacks on the Check posts, you don't need to arrest people who are coming to attack you, just smoke those SOB's on spot... And no I was critical of Kiyani as well for been a dud and care about his own extensions rather than doing their jobs, they are COAS for the 6th largest army in the world, not a single statement from Bajwa over the attacks besides condolences, one after another attacks are happening we are still not seeing mobilization of Army or providing better support mechanism to those Check posts who are in extremely isolated areas such as the post which got attacked. No one has any personal feud with Bajwa, but if under him Army and area where Army is operating gets more and more attacks then yes I will question his credibility because he is failing to question those who are under him and that whole chain of command that goes all the way to the foot soldiers.
Kiyani was no dud, you only dont know what he has achieved

I did not say they need to be active of PDF, or appear on TV giving interviews, when I say they are not active I mean on field as the it took almost week for COAS to even come out of his hibernation to visit Baluchistan, and what about the other similar attacks which happened not long ago? Where is the accountability in army ?

If they changed SOP's and yet attacks are happening then there isn't much they changed right? As for me to do their job, if they are not doing their own job then why we need them in the office, or even they have Audacity to ask for Extensions ? I think you forget Army is a institution which is still answerable to the Civilian Govt and Public.

I did not say Army got relaxed, if there are random attacks every 3-5 months we can say that Army get relaxed and hence the Attacked happen, I hope its clear now. The intervals within the attacks are not 3-5 months from which we can derived that Army after some time gets relaxed and hence let their guard down, there are constant attacks on Army/FC/Levis so how come a attack of that magnitude happen in the first place ? why was no Air support dispatched ? I heard that QRF were ambushed as well, but why there was no Drone in the Air or chopper with their SOS call or whatever the term is in Army. you have admit there is a huge failure in the Army as Institution because the leadership has been busy in Economic forums and Politics within the country.

Why should they? Maybe because they are under the Civilian Govt ? or their Commander in chief is still the Acting President of Pakistan ? and they are Answerable unless you think they are Reincarnation of Prophet or some God that can not be questioned or summoned. I wish they will call COAS in Parliament but in Pakistan when someone cross their line with Army they usually end up taking over the Govt itself.

So you deliberately skip Ehsan ullah Ehsan that escape from the Army's custody ? Army is fighting the insurgency for almost 2 decades, you are telling me they are still incapable of fighting a gurreila war within its border ? bhai if this is true then Taala laga do GHQ ko, You think US, and other countries Armies had that training ? they learnt from their experience in Afghanistan and Iraq, this is how professional Armies do, learn. As for ISI, didn't it come under COAS ?

Why are you bringing judicial system here, I am talking about attacks on the Check posts, you don't need to arrest people who are coming to attack you, just smoke those SOB's on spot... And no I was critical of Kiyani as well for been a dud and care about his own extensions rather than doing their jobs, they are COAS for the 6th largest army in the world, not a single statement from Bajwa over the attacks besides condolences, one after another attacks are happening we are still not seeing mobilization of Army or providing better support mechanism to those Check posts who are in extremely isolated areas such as the post which got attacked. No one has any personal feud with Bajwa, but if under him Army and area where Army is operating gets more and more attacks then yes I will question his credibility because he is failing to question those who are under him and that whole chain of command that goes all the way to the foot soldiers.
2nd why not to bring judiciary into it, i actually know people who have faced or facing court ations for smoking the bastards on spot. while honourable courts release 70 80 hardened terrorists with a single stroke of pen.
First of all RIP to the Pakistani soldiers, secondly I noticed in some of the photos, an M249 SAW and an M4A4 with what looks like an ACOG. Are these coming from ANA depots? I know Iranians suffer frequent casualties from Baluch separatists as well. How come the two countries don’t mount a joint operation to dismantle the terrorist groups?
Looking at pictures, These were brand new weapons. ANA was mostly equipped with Russian weapons, some with older US M-16s. Only their special units were equipped new US made weapons.

All those ANA special forces that suddenly melted away with their weapons, most probably are still on payroll of foreign intelligence agencies.

ISPR most probably noticed social media chatter and now even Ik twitted about it. Someone most probably nudge him, Sir G, PR situation isn’t looking good. Aik tour liga aoo .
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Military leadership does not and will not seem active on PDF or media to show everyone that they are really active. They will get active in military and intelligence domains mainly because thats their job. You will prpbably not come to know what has been done and what will be done. Everything is not for twitter or media.

You said not a single SOP was changed. Seems like you seem to be reading all the SOPs. If that is the case and you are well aware of the present SOPs in place, then please suggest good and workable additions to those SOPs which will surely benefit all.

You say that Army got relaxed. That is as generic as it can get. If Army as a whole is relaxed, why not you table a motion somewhere for disbandment of PA and raise a new military force....like FSF.

Why army should explain in parliament....why not you ask all the parliamentarians to call the Army Chief in parliament to explain everything, COAS is bound to obey and he will will surely come, but then that depends if the people sitting in the parliament have enough spare time to listen to whats happening in Balochistan instead of fighting for seats, power and hatching conspiracies against each other. How many parliamentarians have visited Balochistan, Turbat, Kech etc?

Attacks and ambushes...they are bound to happen, because your judicial system is too weak to give the terrorist what they deserve, they are always left scott free multiple times, everytime they come out they kill a few more.....whats army got to do when your courts leave these bastards free. Whats the police and other LEAs doing in this regard...what is IB doing? Is it really the army's job to fight INSIDE the country, to man fully exposed checkposts on roads to be shot and bombed at will? Army was not and is not trained to fight inside the country, on the roads, manning checkposts.

Regards to your court martial, yes heads have already rolled after this incident, they always roll once someone does mistakes, thats how our army works....tell me, how many heads have rolled of other LEAs, how many heads have rolled of Judges who have left free these bastards over the past 20 years? You only know the name of General Bajwa which you are showcasing everywhere, do you even know the name of the judges who left these bastards free?

Thats the problem. Except for Army, everyone other LEAs and politicians seem to give a damn to our internal security.
I give a dam about how you strike back. I mean what methods you use to hit back. But hit back Sir and hit back with monstrous firepower. These things if continue will start hitting soldiers morale. They fought for hours. Sir don't get content with that because that will not continue if you don't bomb the hell out of your enemy hideouts in Iran and Afghanistan and burn their ABBA India. Even those who support Army is are loosing hope on Army leadership. You should have seen twitter and seen the anger among people. Sir enough is enough. We are not going to keep blindly supporting Army and soldiers keep dying and no revenge is taken. And no offense one or two commanders here and there is not revenge. There should be limit to testing people's resolve and just relying on the fact that your soldiers fought but their death is never avenged in the way it should be.
You want that Army should start sharing its internal accountability processes and results with you?

As i said, and am not forgetting as you are alleging, that army is accountable to public and civil institutions. All i am asking is why does not the public reps, who are sitting in the parliament, call the COAS every week in parliament to give them an update on what ever they want. Why dont these public reps make a body and visit Balochistan, see every area for themselves, see the SOPs, see everything and then make up their own opinion about what is to be done?

Nowhere did i admit that there has been a failure in army as an institution.

The way you are saying that why drones were not in air or why no air support...its not a computer game going on where all the assets are standing on a nearby base, ready to go in the air, everything ready...just waiting for an order....like you are alleging that no one called for them.

And in the end, you are again saying the COAS is failing to question who are under him......is he supposed to tell you who all he has questioned and what all he has done?

Am not skipping Ehsan ullah Ehsan, am not here to analyze each and all incidents which happened over the past twenty years....nor this thread is about other incidents. Lets remain relevant to this particular thread.

If smoking SOBs was that easy, then US would have smoked everyone in Korea, Vietnam, IRaq and Afghanistan...US would have been a winner then.
Sir, all said and done, Gen. Bajwa's legacy will be the security situation within Balochistan, KP, and agencies, vs what he'd inherited. And this is what his tenure will be judged on. The buck stops at his table, without ifs and buts, as it did with his predecessors who pretty much shouldered even heavier odds.
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Ok. I'll keep that thing in mind. Some people hold on to things like that.
Sir my problem is I have enough. For past three years several times we have lost 10 or more soldiers. And a one or two soldier pretty much on daily bases. And our response is killing 15 to 20 in entire year of BLA and TTP commanders in Iran and Afghanistan. Sir that is not proving to be enough or even deter them slightly. We need bigger response. A much bigger response both on western front and eastern front. Sir until we see that. I am loosing hope on this country altogether.
A serious operation is needed. Covert operation outside Pakistani borders should be increased as well. When Waziristan can be secured by in large, than why can't it be Balochistan.
ttp also increasing attacks in waziristan, its far from secure
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