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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

General Bajwa has not been Commandant Staff College Quetta.
My apologies i may be forgetting the position he was in back then… am referring to 2012-2014 era…. he was either at Staff College or School of Infantry and Tactics

Update: it was School of Infantry and Tactics before he got promoted as Lt Gen in 2013
QUETTA: At least 10 people were slain and several others sustained injuries in multiple incidents across Balochistan as terrorism revisited the province on Friday.

Four people, including Senator Sarfaraz Bugti's cousin, were martyred while 10 others were injured during a landmine blast in Dera Bugti, according to officials.

"Among 4 martyrs, one is my cousin Sain Bux, who is father of 4 kids. Provincial and federal governments are failing to protect innocent people," Sarfraz said on his official Twitter handle.

He said that such a situation would push people to take measures on their own. "Writ of government needs to be implemented in #Balochistan," he added. In an earlier tweet, the senator had said that Baloch Republican Army (BLA) terrorists were behind the attack.

"Would like to know for how long the state will continue to tolerate such attacks on innocent people," he questioned. According to Levies, the security forces have cordoned off the area and the injured were shifted to a local hospital

Chief Minister Mir Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo, while condemning the incident, said that the terrorists involved in the act will be brought to justice. "The enemies of peace have once again carried out cowardly act of terrorism," he added.

Meanwhile, at least six people were killed in different firing incidents in the Chagai district and Quetta. Rescue sources said that four people were killed while several others sustained injuries during a firing incident at the provincial capital’s Sariab Road.

They said that the injured were shifted to ICU for treatment due to their condition. Assistant Commissioner Dalbandin said that unidentified armed men shot dead two people in Mach. He said that the gunmen stopped an oil-laden vehicle and killed two aboard the vehicle. The security forces have cordoned off the area and started a search operation after the incident.

The incidents came only days after ten soldiers embraced martyrdom as terrorists attacked a security forces' check post in Kech in the night between Tuesday and Wednesday, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement.

Reposting this since people are speculating on how the attack unfolded, here is a similar attack that occurred last year being broken down, BLA released a video of it and Calibre broke it down in this thread.
Hopefully ISPR and those concerned are closely looking at what has been published here and more to come from BLA. More of the same here with not sufficient support available to the post.

As can be clearly seen, the post was properly reconnoitered with a model built by the insurgents. That means they were observing the post, its routine supply, link up with other formations, air cover as well as the defenses around the post for quite some time. A well executed operation that clearly means that the FC and Army both need to up their tempo and game against BLA.

To the credit of the FC troops, they all fought bravely till the very end despite being outnumbered except it seems one was captured.

As bleak as this looks, we have seen tighter situations with things turning around, I am both confident and optimistic inshallah. Obviously something has to change, perhaps a broader operation to sanitize these elements.
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Reposting this since people are speculating on how the attack unfolded, here is a similar attack that occurred last year being broken down, BLA released a video of it and Calibre broke it down in this thread.
Is that the outpost in question? Looks more like some African mud huts than a fort. How did the cameraman get higher ground?
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Reposting this since people are speculating on how the attack unfolded, here is a similar attack that occurred last year being broken down, BLA released a video of it and Calibre broke it down in this thread.
Shows exactly their tactics which I had mentioned in an earlier post that they employ. I will say again change in tactics by us can make such attacks very painful for these rats. But who is listening and changing, when retired footballers are more important.

The GCO Quetta recently posted is a good and smart man. I hope he gets a handle on some of this.
Is that the outpost in question? Looks more like some African mud huts than a fort. How did the cameraman get higher ground?
You can see in some of the pictures that the post is surrounded at least at some sides by mountains. Most of the posts in Balochistan are make-shift. Like the FATA, there is a need to build a chain of fortified positions than can host more than a section. Some of the posts in FATA have own artillery so these forces can interdict the attackers at distance.
You can see in some of the pictures that the post is surrounded at least at some sides by mountains. Most of the posts in Balochistan are make-shift. Like the FATA, there is a need to build a chain of fortified positions than can host more than a section. Some of the posts in FATA have own artillery so these forces can interdict the attackers at distance.
.... they themselves should be built on mountaintops instead of valleys.
Seems to be well placed and relatively easily defendable post - to my civilian eyes. Must have surprised the detachment in the middle of the night.
I remember the XII Corp Commander (this is a few years back not the current guy) once bemoaned that he had hundreds of insurgents & facilitators under custody. That he did not know what to do with them, but what was certain to happen was they would get cycled by the courts. This was during the Zardari/NS years. He said my hands are tied (obviously he was given some ruthless ideas in that sitting which were not tenable). We get these guys, arrest them and they get out within months on bail only to return to kill his men. Our court system is completely corrupt and operates almost as a fifth column. The judges and the Bars are completely out of control.
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