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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

The fact that COAS went to Lahore based corps and not southern command shows it is business as usual for him and no change in attitude nor schedule took place.

I guess we all should expect to forget this, the past incidents and the future ones as humans usually do.

When does his tenure end?
Entirely wrong. Kindly do not throw around false statements like that. First of all, we do not have any sizeable people of ''african descent''. You probably mean the slaves the Portugese brought to a tiny Iranian island (Qeshm island) more than 5,6 centuries ago. They are not an Iranic people, they just speak Persian (or a local dialect of it). We in Iran do not really consider them as ''Iranian'', they are called ,when people mention them, their history always gets mentioned '' People who have been brought by Portugese colonialists and are now living in Iran''. Same goes for the Arabs, only the Arabs there are in their own region a minority and they have long been the subject of rules of many different Persian empires. We consider Iranian Arabs, as Iranians though.

What is the meaning of Iranic family?

Of or pertaining to ancient Iran or to its inhabitants
; Iranian in the widest sense: as, the Iranic family of languages, culture.

Balouchis fit very well into this category, that is why they always cheer for Iran, because Iran is literally their homeland. Unlike Pakistan for example, which was not really a nation state until 7,8 decades ago. So this terrorism is really a social issue that has its root problems in people not feeling home in the state they live in. I am now not saying Balouchis in Pakistan yearn to go back to their homeland in Iran, no, not at all. They have been seperated for a long time now and they have no connections like our own Balouchis, but the notion ''Pakistan'' is strange to them (your balouchis).

This is an extremely complex issue though. Only way Pakistan can keep these people happy is if the whole country prospers, quality of life increases etc
i said they are not iranic, but they are culturally iranian..as they speak persian or balochi not some african language..http://www.wesleyanarcadia.com/recents/afro-iranian the same way turkic people near mashad or those in khuzestan are very much iranian , you can hide your double standards from an outsider but not from your neighbor next door and they dont just reside on an island but their population stretches all the way from makran coast to bandar abbas .Furthermore your word has no value when your own country grants them the iranian status. African people were present on this coast much much before the portugese and there is evidence of it..im not just "throwing around" to hide some shame as all this is irrelevant to me..I have no reason to be biased against you.
Furthermore Iran also became a modern nation state roughly 90 years ago a, before that it was persia, a kingdom...It was for a brief stint called iran during the sassanids in third century CE onwards ardeshirs reign, before sassanids there was no iran/iran-shehar.The original name of the nation was always aryan not iran before sassanids and these aryans migrated from todays Russia to BMAC region(where the first iranic traces are seen) to present day iran .So the aryan people migrated mutliple directions,Some whent towards scandinavian and hellenic region,others towards indus,One stream came from the pontic steppes and other regions of russia to BMAC and then to present day Iran..so it was always an out of iran thing.There was a lot of transformation and persepolis episode refined the identity of the culture .. Aryans mated with the locals who are today called neolithic iranians who lived all over indus and zargos and in between but they looked more like tamil people.This all started roughly 6000 years ago. .Today those baloch but especially the barauhi people from Pakistan are considered closest to the original neolithic iranian people based on DNA..
Balochis consdier both Pakistan and Iran their homeland..they cant live with out one or another..The notion is strange to some of our baloch becuase of the neighborhood we inherited and and the animosity that came along.Indians have succcessfully inculated this into many baloch that they can survive independently however they dont follow the same theme for iranian baloch ..Proof of this is the biggest city in Pakistan Karachi was actually a baloch town.
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BTW the tactics they are employing combines snipers as well.
These guys first snipe. They have good long range rifles and training. They then rush the checkposts. As checkpost personnel expose themselves to respond they are picked off by the snipers. Without a counter sniper nest these checkposts will ALWAYS DIE!!!! It is a foregone conclusion. Checkpost tactics are a complete failure.

RPGs, Incendiary grenades are then used to overwhelm.

There are tactics to counter this, but requires a combined approach. These checkposts only serve the purpose of being honeytraps for engagement. Problem is they get the engagement, but there is nothing in the form of resources, tactics and counter action to trap the enemy. That is why this Checkpoint strategy keeps failing.
Sniper in Balochistan's terrain could himself be taken out first even if the post has been established at the highest ground. There is no solution other than a brute force operation to troubles in Balochistan. Unfortunately, there are no numbers for that as Panzerkeil indicated. We are trapped between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, Musharraf allowed LoC to be fenced and dismantled Kashmir-centric infrastructure in Pakistan, on the other he took Bugti out. See how Indians repaid another political general for his "peace" overtures. Indians had the money, they not only fenced the LoC but also installed Hitech sensors all along.

We should have backed Arabs wholly on Yemen in the retrospect. Iranians proved to be snakes. Iran is to secessionist terrorists what Afghanistan is to TTP. That is not to say that both these terrorist varieties are not extant inside our own borders en masse, but the leadership plots from these foreign soils.
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The fact that COAS went to Lahore based corps and not southern command shows it is business as usual for him and no change in attitude nor schedule took place.

I guess we all should expect to forget this, the past incidents and the future ones as humans usually do.
Don't you wonder why is the business as usual ? mere Jawan mere bache hai? Top leadership's behavior and attitude shape a organization, but no one in Pakistan cares, and PDF has shown it that even Pakistani's don't care.

A nation has to always be prepared for doomsday scenario, imagine a war like situation and 100 of attacks, we will be finished with the kind of morale you are showing..... Do not create panic. The kind of situations and militancy we went through, if topbrass had composure & patience like you we would have already finished.

A nation needs to remain composed, no matter how bigger tragedy or terror attack it went through.

Keep yourself composed. I see your posts all over the place. If you really have to vent then forums is not the right place as not a single person from policy makers reads these forums.. You got to find right channel in government or military.

Baluchistan is a problem since independence. Its not new. Many more severe attacks have had happened which never got spotlight because there used to be only 1 PTV and no social media. The revolts against state are being done since start. On top RAW's massive funding through iranian channel. Not an easy job to withstand in front of virtually unlimited funds & 5 times bigger adversary 24/7 scheming against you.

I think, we overestimate our capabilities when we see few big budget military toys. Those few shiny toys are exclusively for eastern border where we face existential threat. The AQ & his team made Pak nuclear power otherwise we were not really that deserving.. That nuclear thing attached to us give us false illusion that we are somehow a super power. We are not. Real power of nation is measured by its economy. See for yourself where we are placed.

A nation has to always be prepared for doomsday scenario, imagine a war like situation and 100 of attacks, we will be finished with the kind of morale you are showing..... Do not create panic. The kind of situations and militancy we went through, if topbrass had composure & patience like you we would have already finished.

A nation needs to remain composed, no matter how bigger tragedy or terror attack it went through.

Keep yourself composed. I see your posts all over the place. If you really have to vent then forums is not the right place as not a single person from policy makers reads these forums.. You got to find right channel in government or military.

Baluchistan is a problem since independence. Its not new. Many more severe attacks have had happened which never got spotlight because there used to be only 1 PTV and no social media. The revolts against state are being done since start. On top RAW's massive funding through iranian channel. Not an easy job to withstand in front of virtually unlimited funds & 5 times bigger adversary 24/7 scheming against you.

I think, we overestimate our capabilities when we see few big budget military toys. Those few shiny toys are exclusively for eastern border where we face existential threat. The AQ & his team made Pak nuclear power otherwise we were not really that deserving.. That nuclear thing attached to us give us false illusion that we are somehow a super power. We are not. Real power of nation is measured by its economy. See for yourself where we are placed.

Excellent post.
You are right, peace in Balochistan isn’t possible only through the use of force. And indeed, force protection has been weak.

I mentioned MRAPs since our QRFs are also trucks and Hilux. What good are MRAPs parked in some of our cantonments if they can’t be used for their intended purpose? A well protected QRF can change a lot. Similarly, as mentioned by other posters, who should be rescuing our men if our QRF is also as helpless as the troops in that post fighting for their lives?

Why station 14 men in an isolated picket (a meat grinder) that can’t be supported? We will re-establish that post, maybe deploy extra troops there and call it a day but there are similar posts elsewhere in Balochistan who will suffer similar fate. Terrorists are confidently employing similar tactics to butcher our men and every time we act like it’s the first time and the terrorists outsmarted/outmanoeuvred us.

If some nobodies like you and me on a defence forum knows how isolated posts are hard to defend, QRFs can be ambushed, and we have other logistical challenges, why our military planners don’t? And if they do, is there a change of tactics and if there is, why are terrorists still successfully raiding us? Does that mean we are not as tactical as 50 odd men?

Attacks on FC are usually shoved under the carpet by some saying it’s got nothing to do with the Army and MOI is at fault here. Well now we have a very similar attack on Army. Why are they shy of using that logic here?
I do not think the attack was on the Army, it was on a Balochistan FC post but honestly that is secondary as FC is manned by Army officers and many of the JCOs/NCOs are seconded to it.

In my mind the issue is not having sufficient funding. I could put up a list of things that would be really nice to have but the military does not have the funds for it.
If you build a post, then perhaps some level of early detection would be ideal. There are solutions available, case in point is what the Indians have employed along the LoC. While not perfect, they provide some level of protection to the troops specially when a post is at a risk of being overrun. Troops get early warning, they can radio in for support etc.

Secondly, we can always do with more combat aviation. More gunships on station for a QRA type of a posture to ensure most posts are within a 10-15 flight time so close air support can be provided during both day/night. With Cobras aging and nothing else immediately available, that too is a cost issue.

I think we should also realize that such attacks will occur when we put out our posts in more remote areas. The Americans were getting ambushed all the time in Afghanistan in many of their remote locations till they decided to fold back troops to major bases and only went out on excursions and patrols. We don't have that choice. If you want to establish the writ of the government, we need presence and along with presence, we need talks with the local tribal leaders.

More importantly, some Marri and Bugti leaders cannot sustain this incitement forever while sitting in Western Europe. So we need a combination of military pressure to put the lid on these active groups which is possible and then follow that up with talks with alternate Baloch leaders who can stand up to Shahzain Bugti et-al.
The fact that COAS went to Lahore based corps and not southern command shows it is business as usual for him and no change in attitude nor schedule took place.

I guess we all should expect to forget this, the past incidents and the future ones as humans usually do.
Frankly speaking when Bajwa sb was made Chief I didn’t know much about him so i asked someone who had served under his command while He was Commandant School of Infantry and Tactics …the response i got stands true today….
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Frankly speaking when Bajwa sb was made Chief I didn’t know much about him so i asked someone who had served under his command while He was Commandant Staff College Quetta…the response i got stands true today….
General Bajwa has not been Commandant Staff College Quetta.
army has no answers

how did those rats run away when we have air support with one casualty ? I understand check post are exposed to ambush. Those 50+ terrorist should have been evaporated by helicopters and drones. I don‘t think there are any civilians out there.
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Even turkey as a nato member with a modern army takes losses once a while with PKK. Terrorists

This one is upsetting at lack of no response for over 5 hours
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