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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

Sir my problem is I have enough.
Itni jaldi.....? Its a long war, already on for two decades, expected to go on for more.....for you killing 20 odd of those bastards might not be enough....but if you take into account that their total fighting strength might well be less than a thousand, then it gets a little better for us.....
....anywayz, since you already have enough and you dont give a DAMN about how we respond, so no need to think about it much. As far as you are concerned, there will be no response from PA, PA is a relax army, not able to fight at all, getting butchered all around, not worth a penny, should be disbanded ASP, its leadership at all levels needs to be shot (i am suggesting Lubyanka), ovreall an impotent army which is unable to push its weight around and of course cant guarantee the security of Pakistan.
Itni jaldi.....? Its a long war, already on for two decades, expected to go on for more.....for you killing 20 odd of those bastards might not be enough....but if you take into account that their total fighting strength might well be less than a thousand, then it gets a little better for us.....
....anywayz, since you already have enough and you dont give a DAMN about how we respond, so no need to think about it much. As far as you are concerned, there will be no response from PA, PA is a relax army, not able to fight at all, getting butchered all around, not worth a penny, should be disbanded ASP, its leadership at all levels needs to be shot (i am suggesting Lubyanka), ovreall an impotent army which is unable to push its weight around and of course cant guarantee the security of Pakistan.
What is Pakistan's end game? negotiate and settle or go for elimination like sri lanka did with Ltte?
Itni jaldi.....? Its a long war, already on for two decades, expected to go on for more.....for you killing 20 odd of those bastards might not be enough....but if you take into account that their total fighting strength might well be less than a thousand, then it gets a little better for us.....
....anywayz, since you already have enough and you dont give a DAMN about how we respond, so no need to think about it much. As far as you are concerned, there will be no response from PA, PA is a relax army, not able to fight at all, getting butchered all around, not worth a penny, should be disbanded ASP, its leadership at all levels needs to be shot (i am suggesting Lubyanka), ovreall an impotent army which is unable to push its weight around and of course cant guarantee the security of Pakistan.
Sir they can fight. My problem is leadership. Lions fought for hours. Our same lions fought for months without any air support in Kargil and because of that we still have 6 peaks of Kargil in our control including the highest one point 5353. We have produced lions like Sher Khan, Lalak Jan, Aziz Bhatti, Rashid Minhas, MM Alam and countless others. No offense it's some leaders at the top which have proven to be one big disappointment. Soldiers can fight and they have fought well. I make dua for those lions daily and I am crying on loss of soldiers. Sir they had families. At least cut heads of those who killed them. You owe this to them. BLA and BRA have become so relax that now many of them and their families are living in big houses in Iran. Plus RAW is running full network in Iran. Sir until you return the favor to our neighbor in the east. Until they feel the pain on routinely bases those scumbags won't stop.
The thing some don't realise is that the Balochistan gov't is filled to the brim with people who simply don't want to see any progress in the province. Even if a few good people manage to make it to positions of power, these slackers will go out of their way to ensure no good can come out of their tenure.
First of all RIP to the Pakistani soldiers, secondly I noticed in some of the photos, an M249 SAW and an M4A4 with what looks like an ACOG. Are these coming from ANA depots? I know Iranians suffer frequent casualties from Baluch separatists as well. How come the two countries don’t mount a joint operation to dismantle the terrorist groups?

Because Iranian Mullahs support these rascals against Pakistan.
You want that Army should start sharing its internal accountability processes and results with you?
Bhai why are you making it like that I want a hand written letter from Bajwa with 2 heart emoji and 3 khopra candy ? I am asking that Institution' is failing to do its job hence someone has to be held accountable, and leadership has to come up and explain themselves because they are public servants.

As i said, and am not forgetting as you are alleging, that army is accountable to public and civil institutions. All i am asking is why does not the public reps, who are sitting in the parliament, call the COAS every week in parliament to give them an update on what ever they want. Why dont these public reps make a body and visit Balochistan, see every area for themselves, see the SOPs, see everything and then make up their own opinion about what is to be done?
Public representatives are corrupt and don't do their jobs, so just because Civilian reps are not good Army will be bad to ? Pakistani people have high hopes from Army as they see them as protectors of Pakistan, lately they are not living up to the standards, and its not because the Army itself is becoming less patriotic but the top leadership is busy in things which they can easily avoid and focus on protecting Pakistan from enemies outside and within.

Nowhere did i admit that there has been a failure in army as an institution.
I never said that...
The way you are saying that why drones were not in air or why no air support...its not a computer game going on where all the assets are standing on a nearby base, ready to go in the air, everything ready...just waiting for an order....like you are alleging that no one called for them.
I understand that its not a game, but even in real life... lets see there are many many attacks just by BLA and Terrorists in Balochistan, very similar tactics has been used in these attacks and our soldiers were caught in open without any cover, and time and time again they found themselves fighting for their dear life without any backup arriving on time, how many times the backup arrives and how many times backup didn't arrive? So what you are saying that no one did call for Air support? lets see both options here..1) They did call for the Air support, what happened ? did it reach on time? even if the Air support failed to reach on time, why can't we hunt the terrorists down at least, and make sure no one ran back alive, 2) They did not call for Air support, this means our soldiers either not professional enough to know that when they need to call for help, or they have no Air support from base to begin with. Both situations are horrible to say the least. Bhai video games are not real life, here we have many lives at stake, few mins or 1 chopper can make a difference for our soldiers, for you saying they did this, they did that is easy... but think of the soldiers who were fighting on that posts, now just waiting for that impending death, and then what's worse is that there is no strong reaction from our Army, yes yes we know they are planning and they will do this or that, but thing is ground realities are giving a very heart breaking picture for the whole country. And here I must say this that I am disappointed at Pakistani awam as well, not a single Pakistani or Son of Soil has took the street in support of the Army, neither Balochi's that came out and say that now we will not give shelter to the Terrorists, Pakistani Awam just like its Political leadership and Army is morally dead.

And in the end, you are again saying the COAS is failing to question who are under him......is he supposed to tell you who all he has questioned and what all he has done?
Ok, that fair and let assume that he did question the Chain of Command, so I am now assuming he did it on the previous attack as well, and the attack before that so why there is no concrete results we can see on the ground ?
Am not skipping Ehsan ullah Ehsan, am not here to analyze each and all incidents which happened over the past twenty years....nor this thread is about other incidents. Lets remain relevant to this particular thread.
Yaar mere bhai you bring Judges releasing Terrorists, but so did Army..second Army called PTM like snakes Apne Bache, and BLA such Naraz bhai, when will our Army understand there are no apne bache or Naraz bhai or Baloch, they are terrorists and they will hit you with any chance they get. But lets not go there and I agree that's the topic for another thread if PDF allow it.
If smoking SOBs was that easy, then US would have smoked everyone in Korea, Vietnam, IRaq and Afghanistan...US would have been a winner then.
Now that's a different topic altogether, look US in Iraq and Afghanistan, although they left but they have destroyed these countries to a point where they are just done with, US killed Fighters with impunity and if you see by that Logic US did win, they protected their soldiers in a much hostile country and Pakistan can not even protect its own soldier in its own territory that says a lot about our Army did it not? Some would argue US was the Winner in all those wars, I don't but then who am i judge who win what war.

Kiyani was no dud, you only dont know what he has achieved
I actually know what he achieved that is why I called him a dud, he achieved nothing, just because we can not critcize the COAS when Army gets hit constantly so I will not give him credit for Rah-e-Rast, Ra-he-Nijat and khyber Operations.
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2nd why not to bring judiciary into it, i actually know people who have faced or facing court ations for smoking the bastards on spot. while honourable courts release 70 80 hardened terrorists with a single stroke of pen.
What case hearings you are talking about, there must be some in the news right? and again you did not understand my point either, take this check post attack as example, our soldiers came under heavy fire, they died and lets say base dispatch a air support asset to help the soldiers, soldiers still will die but at least we would have killed numbers of the retreating Terrorists, now tell me that do you need a court order to smoke the running Terrorists?
I never said that...
Whats this then?
you have admit there is a huge failure in the Army as Institution because the leadership has been busy in Economic forums and Politics within the country.
Im confused now. Was this checkpost manned by the actual army (regulars) or Fc?


Also a question for you sir, if its ok?

I read about the HAF (heli assault force or something like that) operating in Balochistan, with the help of some british soldier(s). Apparently it was effective, but it was disbanded a few years later when Pakistan had to give the helis back. Does that force exist today, in terms of QRF by helis, or hunting down terrorists by helis?
Im confused now. Was this checkpost manned by the actual army (regulars) or Fc?


Also a question for you sir, if its ok?

I read about the HAF (heli assault force or something like that) operating in Balochistan, with the help of some british soldier(s). Apparently it was effective, but it was disbanded a few years later when Pakistan had to give the helis back. Does that force exist today, in terms of QRF by helis, or hunting down terrorists by helis?
It was a regular army POST....stop calling it a checkpost. Checkposts are generally on roads to CHECK people. This was a post top of a hill.

That HAF sort of a thing is still there. Helis are however based out of Quetta.
And no I was critical of Kiyani as well for been a dud and care about his own extensions rather than doing their jobs,

Kiyani was no dud, you only dont know what he has achieved
I still think that Kiyani was passive and dud. But Gen Traiq praised him a lot in an interview. Then Maj Amir also did. Anyway, things are not out of bag, so we can't say what he achieved. But his tenure was full clamities, salala, OBL,NRO, TTP/BLA/BRA, were at its peak, etc.
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