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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

Iran is our enemy we must treat is as such.
Bhai how many enemies on our borders do you want, leave diplomatic relationship with Iran as they are and focus on securing our territory and borders, while continuing the extermination of terrorists on their soils using previous methods.
need to install irst devices.
night vision equippent should be given to the fc.
tb2 drones should monitor the areas.
apc's should be given to fc.
radars on the western front should be "on" in the evenings or nights.
summon some snipers at fc forts.
Calm down bruh. This ain't your COD going on. Things don't work like this.
I wonder what would they have gone through when they fought for 5 hours and still there was no backup ...... massive disappointment.
Perhaps they are waiting for border fencing to be complete, before launching any in-depth operation?
I personally don't think a military operation will work here. This is not like FATA, they don't have dug in positions. They are hiding among the population. Its kinda like AFG vs NATO. Unfortunately COVID makes the economy and situation worse. So while we keep working to make our nations and Balochistan more prosperous, we can in the mean time make attacks on posts very expensive for BLA.
I have talked about it

These scumbags give threats to Israel and USA 365 days of a year

But their proxies only kill muslims of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, UAE and now Pakistan

Pakistanis who sniff the Persian hairy cracks , you will see them very active if any bad news comes from Afghanistan.

Its seems now these Afghan based terrorists have moved down south into Iran. Iran is new terrorist base. Been saying for years, Iranian border needs to be sealed with same zeal like Afghan. These persians are the most slippery lot out there, trusting them is like trusting India.
If its true that the battle lasted 5 hours then its a big shame. Even Ugandan Army's QRF and Aviation can respond within an hour of attack. Send these dumbass Generals to their DHAs. Hire some Iranian or Turkish Generals on rent, they'll be much better tbh.
If its true that the battle lasted 5 hours then its a big shame. Even Ugandan Army's QRF and Aviation can respond within an hour of attack. Send these dumbass Generals to their DHAs. Hire some Iranian or Turkish Generals on rent, they'll be much better tbh.
a theory: is it possible that they have used somesort of jammers.... if they have such things maybe the headquarter didn't know untill its was too late..... I am just guessing i dont know much about the military protocols.
Hire some Iranian

You and your kind who hold such views are such a dirt on our nation. And I am being generous with my words.

Moron, its the foking Iran where these scumbags came from. Those iranian you want to hire, are their overlords!! What next? Lets hire a Indian general to fight TTP???
You have to go after their families there is no other way left. Make the scum hurt psychologically.
Use air support as force multiplier for these isolated posts

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