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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

Focus on the last picture. These were regular soldiers who were killed in this attack. @Cuirassier has hinted at the same on Twitter. One can also look at the number of militants posing after overrunning the post at the sight of the battle. Anyone with a sliver of functional neurons would start by questioning the competence of the intelligence agencies that could not get a clue of such a large-scale operation (what are the comm monitoring ability of our intelligence services? Indians were able to even snoop on the telephonic conversation between Musharraf and his subordinate general at the height of the Kargil conflict from China, they are highly capable in this realm when you see how they go after Kashmiri resistance fighters after snooping on their communications), that could not trace the mobilization/organization of such a large attacking force.
First of all, let me disconnect everything.

Leave the COAS, ISPR out of this (am not defending them of course, but then once you start the blame game, why dont you take names of all who are down the chain till the POST COMMANDER himself, the man who was well-equipped, enough manpower to hold his post.....its not fair to blame the COAS only....).

As a commander, you only tell your subordinates the concept of how you intend operating. It is upto the junior leaders, at all levels, to implement that to the best of their personal abilities.

Another fact, the nearest base to this unfortunate post is more than 30 kms away. Second, they are not connected by any road, motorway or anything. Its not a normal drive whereby you can reach there in half an hour. It takes balls that you are ready to stretch your outfit over such a vast area just because situation demands, logic doesnt demands.

Now if someone says that we should pour in more army troops, do please do simple math regarding deployments, let me know if you find any brigade or division freely available, doing nothing......if you find any, let me know.

As i highlighted before as well, troops to space ration is very unfavorable to us in Balochistan. FATA was a small area, we pumped in half of our army there and then achieved the desired results. Even then it took such a long time. Still we need to keep some chunk of our army there to retain what we got.

Balochistan, well its 44 % of our country's land mass.....imagine....almost half of total Pakistan....its true that militants number hardly hundreds, but looking for them in such a vast area is very difficult. Same goes for our deployments as well, since we are stretched too thin, so we have to make a hard choice of prioritising our assets.....we first secure our high value assets......

I am not into politics, so i will and cannot talk about PM etc....am simply not qualified for that.....however, regarding COAS.....well, all bastards getting hit across borders are being hit on his orders too.....there we dont give him credit.....and again, mind you, they are not even half of what is being done.

I told you before as well......we need to realize that we are at war.....for more than two decades.....and its not over, it will continue....its simply the new form of warfare where we are all alone....we will prevail InshaAllah, but not without casualties....thats the cost of freedom and victory.

No other country is physically helping us....and then we have the case of US, who supported by all her allies and latest equipment, could not prevail in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Learn to take casualties, war means casualties....the other side is also here to fight, time will tell who wins, but not without casualties.
Good post.

As a non-partisan reading this thread, I find many posters behave like the Pakistani cricket team lost a world cup game against India. Wars have causalities. This is unavoidable. Those who loose their nerve for every such incident simply lack the maturity to deal with it.
When does bajwa leave office? No more of him
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Can anyone confirm? Why is Iran not stopping them?
First of all my friend. These are all twitter garbage rumours posted around as ''news''.
Second, Pakistan intelligence is welcome to cooperate with Iran and pinpoint these terrorists if they are on Iranian territory (which i doubt, as most of them are unfortunately inside Pakistani Balouchestan).

Third, Iran has this problem with terrorists in our Balouchestan too. But they know what kind of reply they will get if they do something funny in Iran. They and all their friends and perhaps their terrorist breeding families will get hanged.

I think Pakistan must take much more aggressive action against them, like a huge military operation etc.

And last but not least, it is possible India is playing double game here and tries to damage both Iran and Pakistan (both friendly nations to China and partners).
I know in war casualties happen. Everyone is going to die sooner or later including you and me

But that doesn't mean that I would overlook the weakness that exist in my military

Baluchistan is big. Yes

But these terrorists do not operate in all of Balochistan

They don't operate in Zhob. They don't operate in Qila Abdullah. They don't operate in Pishin. They don't operate in Qila Abdullah. They don't operate in Chaman

90% of terrorist incidents in Balochistan in few districts of Balochistan

90% (or even more) of terrorist attacks by BLA/BLF happen in these districts:

1. Quetta
2. Kech
3. Harnai
4. Sibbi
5. Awaran
6. Dera Bugti (things have improved here)

We know that Kech is a high risk area. We know that we would need airsupport since backup through land can't be provided in case of emergency

For 5 hours we couldn't provide airsupport to our soldiers in our own territory

I won't accept any excuse for it. Period
Well why don’t you go? I mean it is a horrible situation and perhaps if you could truly help it would be great. Go straight to PAF Mauripur and tell them you are taking a Mirage out there or maybe if you are so sick of the COAS or others just take the next flight to Islamabad, drive down the highway and start kicking down GHQ’s door to let them know the highly qualified and most informed military strategist is here to take the reins and fix things because he is taking no excuses. Heck, Ill support you. Do it.

When does bajwa leave office? No more of this Buffon
I suggest you make him - take the next flight down, organize a massive protest and make him leave. Action.
Guys, one can understand emotions running high but it's also a fact that even if a key on our keyboard broke, most of us will be grounded so let's not pretend to be some experts in the battlefield.
One thing is clear that this was no camp, you don't have a mere dozen soldiers running a camp hence it was just an outpost. So far little detail has emerged, we are not even sure if the attack happened in daylight or at night, let's wait for the official version before we sack General Bajwa and promote our selves to be the next COAS.
Guys, one can understand emotions running high but it's also a fact that even if a key on our keyboard broke, most of us will be grounded so let's not pretend to be some experts in the battlefield.
One thing is clear that this was no camp, you don't have a mere dozen soldiers running a camp hence it was just an outpost. So far little detail has emerged, we are not even sure if the attack happened in daylight or at night, let's wait for the official version before we sack General Bajwa and promote our selves to be the next COAS.
Nah Windy - we have folks running men’s clothing shops who believe themselves to be the next Rommell.
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10 Pakistani Troops killed in Kech province of Balochistan
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And to add fuel to fire we have idiot liberals.... We can't even call our soldiers martyred. I wish some liberals and high ups get their software upgraded. Moreover I would prefer a dusty used hammered drone than those shiny photogenic drones. Yaar 10 families, its too much and too frequent :mad:
Yeh ho Kya Raha hai is mulk me saath?
What is going on here?
Nah Windy - we have folks running men’s clothing shops who believe themselves to be the next Rommell.
Dear, I'm dismayed about folks complaining about General Bajwa meeting the English Footballer, it's not that as if there was a firefight happening or an attack was anticipated while the General was entertaining his guest.
the only way to win there is by using brute force.
Not exactly, the way to win is to essentially cut off all other external media influences and contacts within that area. Whatever one may think of the methodology but what the Chinese are doing in Xinjiang is a reflection of one effective method to fix human nature.
I remember 15 years ago seeing a Pathan and Makrani fighting and the Makrani guy was on about how “Ham azadi le kar alag hojaye ga rey! India hamari madad kar raha hai”… so the influence was there in PLAIN sight.

The fact that it was humorous that the Pathan went “Ham tum jaane dega to tu azad hoga, tumko idhar hee pakar ke rakhe ga”

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