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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

This news is simply unbelievable,
Where is our military,
Air superiority,
CCTV cameras,
Criminal databases of known BLA targets hideout,
Logistics support and security !!!
Every country is progressing and moving forwards, while Pakistan is slowly turning into the new Afghanistan/Somalia.

Not even the Taliban are being killed like this by ISIS-K/NRF. A couple of BLA malnourished rats have more firepower than an FC post. What message does this show to the world?
Pakistanis who sniff the Persian hairy cracks , you will see them very active if any bad news comes from Afghanistan.

Its seems now these Afghan based terrorists have moved down south into Iran. Iran is new terrorist base. Been saying for years, Iranian border needs to be sealed with same zeal like Afghan. These persians are the most slippery lot out there, trusting them is like trusting India.

No terrorist moved to Iran from Afghanistan

BLF was always based in Iran

In fact BLF is so close to Iran that even BLA called it an Iranian agent
Much like Sui, the last to benefit from the national gas being extracted from there, Saindak is also the last to draw any benefit from the sale of its mineral resources. Locals allege that there has been no development over decades in Saindak. Despite extracting gold and copper for over one-and-a-half decades, they argue, why has the administration of the Saindak project not yet constructed a metalled road?

Having visited the nearby places of Saindak project, especially bordering Taftan, there is much weight in the locals’ grouse. The legend of sinking mountains does not stand the test of evidence but the state of abject helplessness among the people is almost palpable. One senior Pakistan Customs official, who requested anonymity, tells Eos: “According to an agreement, 5 percent from out of 100 per cent total revenue of Saindak project, ought to have been spent on the welfare of the local people, including those of Taftan.”

Ground realities tell us otherwise.

“We had no electricity for several decades in our village,” narrates a resident in Killi Bharath. “After making a huge hue and cry, two days ago the MCC Resources Development Limited working on the Saindak project supplied solar panels to our village. That is why we now have electricity.”

In fact, most interviewed about the role of the SML in Saindak are quite critical of the company. They accuse the SML of stepmotherly treatment to the locals. Roads do exist on routes that lead to the company sites, they claim, but villages have been left without any paved roads. Situated some two or three kilometres away from each other, the villages remain disconnected.

Others accuse the SML of reneging on its promise to send students from the villages for studies on scholarships. Eventually only five youngsters from various villages of Saindak were sent to a vocational training centre in Quetta, where they are monthly given a stipend of 10,000 rupees. Then there is anger over not a single female doctor being present for the needs of the six villages of Saindak. Nor does the company provide its ambulance to locals.

As opposed to what the Chinese have been told, locals of Saindak are only given labour, security, and other menial jobs.

when you read articles like this, I am not shocked about so many Naraz Balochis. State has totally failed for 75 years.

You can’t win Balochistan by force
a theory: is it possible that they have used somesort of jammers.... if they have such things maybe the headquarter didn't know untill its was too late..... I am just guessing i dont know much about the military protocols.
PKK extensively uses jammer. Thanks to the new Turkish techs, it's now checked....
when you read articles like this, I am not shocked about so many Naraz Balochis. State has totally failed for 75 years.

You can’t win Balochistan by force

Thar is far more under developed than Balochistan. Dozens of children die every year due to malnutrition

They don't go on to fight the state. They don't kill Punjabis or Muhajirs

If lack of development was the reason then why these Baloch terrorist groups killed teachers and professors from other provinces who were providing education to Baloch youth. Why the same groups killed laborers working on various development projects if lack of development was the reason behind their grievances

Don't justify terrorism. Learn about the Marxist ideology these terrorists follow

I say again. Don't justify terrorism. Not when 10 soldiers have died at the hands of terrorists
when you read articles like this, I am not shocked about so many Naraz Balochis. State has totally failed for 75 years.

You can’t win Balochistan by force

I read your post and find the root cause of terrorism in Balochistan. You just mixed the terrorists taking full advantage of any situation, getting mixed in the public and loved to be called Balochis. That is plain wrong and don't speak without giving it a second thought. Balochis didn't take arm against State. The money & attractive offers made them few sellouts. No doubt that politically and development wise, it is not done on the level as compare to other provinces but can you name a single Sardar being loyal to people and wanted to serve them all. Most of these Sardars have colonial mindset and they have been ruling the province. They believe (like many in Sindh & interior Punjab as well) that keeping a commoner away from education and developed needs of life will make them weak and serve the Sardar. That is where people are denied from their basic rights. Sardar been claiming the royalty and think that they can only rule Balochistan. When it comes to deliver to the public; most of these Sardars were easily rented given their mindset having no interest in public service and they hired all the cannon fodders.

Stop sounding like Balochistan is targeted or is it IoK.

There seems to be a media blackout about this as mainstream news ignore the tragedy.

Return of hardcore terrorism is tell tell signs of total political collapse in the country at a time where rebuilding and reconciliation is utmost imperative post WoT.

Pakistani government must reallign her policies and stop chasing unrealistic approaches to appeasement of surrounding economies.
? missing in action.
Total 9 confirmed casualties.
All men from regular army regiment.
9 baloch unit was targeted.

Bajwa sahab extension has messed this country up.
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? missing in action.
Total 9 confirmed casualties.
All men from regular army regiment.
9 baloch unit was targeted.

Bajwa sahab extension has messed this country up.

Post edited due to unconfirmed claim. Please avoid adding more disinfo in such times. Lets wait for official release.
Thar is far more under developed than Balochistan. Dozens of children die every year due to malnutrition

They don't go on to fight the state. They don't kill Punjabis or Muhajirs

If lack of development was the reason then why these Baloch terrorist groups killed teachers and professors from other provinces who were providing education to Baloch youth. Why the same groups killed laborers working on various development projects if lack of development was the reason behind their grievances

Don't justify terrorism. Learn about the Marxist ideology these terrorists follow

I say again. Don't justify terrorism. Not when 10 soldiers have died at the hands of terrorists
Thar is doing well since Thar coal mining. Hence people happy are about it. The CSR of private companies is doing a decent job. I have been to thar last year and also 8 years ago , there is a massive change since coal being mined.

UNRC terms Thar Foundation as ‘Best CSR Model in Pakistan​

It is not the case with Balochistan.
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My dear, when it comes to such level of disclosures & an ongoing OP; whether your or me or our circle doesn't matter. We all have such responsibility to wait for the official release as sometimes; things are not favourable for speaking earlier.
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My dear, when it comes to such level of disclosures & an ongoing OP; whether your or me or our circle doesn't matter. We all have such responsibility to wait for the official release as sometimes; things are not favourable for speaking earlier.
Sir i deleted the post, You are right. Some information is still unclear.
My sincerest apologies.

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