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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

Guys, one can understand emotions running high but it's also a fact that even if a key on our keyboard broke, most of us will be grounded so let's not pretend to be some experts in the battlefield.
One thing is clear that this was no camp, you don't have a mere dozen soldiers running a camp hence it was just an outpost. So far little detail has emerged, we are not even sure if the attack happened in daylight or at night, let's wait for the official version before we sack General Bajwa and promote our selves to be the next COAS.
yes attack happens but a group of terrorists keeps pounding a dozen of jawans for 5 hours and world no 9 military power faild to provide air support to them ? I mean if we are worst then Africans? Ary bhai kis country ma hota ha ab aisa ? What if they tomorrow attack on another post in same area ? What would be our response? If we managed to save any future attack with timely response then why did not we stopped this attack ? This was not happened for the first time but irani terrorists are attacking our posts routinely. Such a shameful day today for us
Looks like regional players do not want Gwadar and Baluchistan to succeed. Lets play a game of tit for tat. Can you start digging and tilt the oil your way? Lets start at this.
Abhi bhi rona dhona karna hai ya nahi?

Ya abhi bhi wait karain?

Our soldiers sacrifice their lives fighting enemies of the state and they attain shahadat which is the ultimate sacrifice they can give.

We sleep well and feel safe because they fight thousands of km away for us in impossible conditions .

All to make our country and citizens safe. No commander wants to see losses but this type of warfare is completely unfair for the defending side. There is no fool proofing against ambushes in unforgivable terrain.

You and your tubbar are like Khusras that show up in every wedding and funeral to create show. You don’t just blame chief of the army but the entire organization. You do the job of the enemy worse than what these terrorists could achieve.

Your job is to create doubt, dissent and gloom and doom scenario which has no basis in reality.

So continue your rants that you are so good in.

I prayed for each fallen soldier and his family and I have no doubt that they are at a much better place and I also have no doubt that we shall win over these foreign sponsored enemies very soon in sha Allah.
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Not exactly, the way to win is to essentially cut off all other external media influences and contacts within that area. Whatever one may think of the methodology but what the Chinese are doing in Xinjiang is a reflection of one effective method to fix human nature.
I remember 15 years ago seeing a Pathan and Makrani fighting and the Makrani guy was on about how “Ham azadi le kar alag hojaye ga rey! India hamari madad kar raha hai”… so the influence was there in PLAIN sight.

The fact that it was humorous that the Pathan went “Ham tum jaane dega to tu azad hoga, tumko idhar hee pakar ke rakhe ga”
that is part of force
Can we agree on terrorist safe havens in Iran?

Both sides engages each other in routine to avoid the risk of any attack by terrorists using either side. The area is so big & unmonitored. One cannot blame out-rightly like this that too based upon social media post. However, if anything is found that points towards Iran negligence which could have helped to avoid such an attack or the risk of these losses; I am sure there are game rules to make other side realize of their deliberate ignorance on such kind of attacks. There is no secrete about that but one needs a strong & solid evidence as if it was deliberate or not. Not an easy thing to make such decisions way before than inputs, evidences & reports. Let's wait for it.
These poor souls are from FC Baluchistan,
There are no Pakistani security forces in Baluchistan,

FC Balochistan have no proper weapons, no good training, no air support and even they have bikes, instead Humvess, they are even vulnerable in check posts as no proper security.,

If news of causalities is true, then credit should be given to general and our khan,
These poor souls are from FC Baluchistan,
There are no Pakistani security forces in Baluchistan,

FC Balochistan have no proper weapons, no good training, no air support and even they have bikes, instead Humvess, they are even vulnerable in check posts as no proper security.,

If news of causalities is true, then credit should be given to general and our khan,
no they are not
I still can't believe it that the ambush was continued for 5 hours and there was no reinforcement sent by the command and control of that region to help them. This is disturbing and depict sheer lack of interest to secure that part of the land. Corps commander of that region should be immediately sacked. Militants perfectly knew that no one will come to support those soldiers. They seems to have better intelligence of the area then us. Tough times ahead if status quo remains.
It seems like i am writing this for 100th time that fighting foot soldiers is not going to solve this problem. A remote post can try to defend every attack but there will always be casualties.

A helicopter or drone can only kill the foot soldiers while the militant planner will continue to plan and execute their missions with relative success. Unfortunately, the IBOs are reactive in nature and that is why we continue to have these attacks.

Kech is near Iran hence the chances of terrorists moving to their safe heavens in Iran is high. Someone needs to ask the tough questions to Iran and if they don't budge, next time go in hot pursuit and let them know that we mean business.

A better equipped FC or a QRF cannot be an alternative to an IBO conducted in terrorist safe heaven.
First of all, let me disconnect everything.

Leave the COAS, ISPR out of this (am not defending them of course, but then once you start the blame game, why dont you take names of all who are down the chain till the POST COMMANDER himself, the man who was well-equipped, enough manpower to hold his post.....its not fair to blame the COAS only....).

As a commander, you only tell your subordinates the concept of how you intend operating. It is upto the junior leaders, at all levels, to implement that to the best of their personal abilities.

Another fact, the nearest base to this unfortunate post is more than 30 kms away. Second, they are not connected by any road, motorway or anything. Its not a normal drive whereby you can reach there in half an hour. It takes balls that you are ready to stretch your outfit over such a vast area just because situation demands, logic doesnt demands.

Now if someone says that we should pour in more army troops, do please do simple math regarding deployments, let me know if you find any brigade or division freely available, doing nothing......if you find any, let me know.

As i highlighted before as well, troops to space ration is very unfavorable to us in Balochistan. FATA was a small area, we pumped in half of our army there and then achieved the desired results. Even then it took such a long time. Still we need to keep some chunk of our army there to retain what we got.

Balochistan, well its 44 % of our country's land mass.....imagine....almost half of total Pakistan....its true that militants number hardly hundreds, but looking for them in such a vast area is very difficult. Same goes for our deployments as well, since we are stretched too thin, so we have to make a hard choice of prioritising our assets.....we first secure our high value assets......

I am not into politics, so i will and cannot talk about PM etc....am simply not qualified for that.....however, regarding COAS.....well, all bastards getting hit across borders are being hit on his orders too.....there we dont give him credit.....and again, mind you, they are not even half of what is being done.

I told you before as well......we need to realize that we are at war.....for more than two decades.....and its not over, it will continue....its simply the new form of warfare where we are all alone....we will prevail InshaAllah, but not without casualties....thats the cost of freedom and victory.

No other country is physically helping us....and then we have the case of US, who supported by all her allies and latest equipment, could not prevail in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Learn to take casualties, war means casualties....the other side is also here to fight, time will tell who wins, but not without casualties.

Sir G, could you ask those who are criticizing in the forum the situation with a blind eye without realizing the ground realities, to register them with the army and get nominated to defend a post in such an area with the same equipment against terrorists?
That's why such media is totally unable to understand the situation - this field is for professionals not for keyboard warriors who never smell the ammunition.
Including me, a maximum of those on the forum are jack of all trades but master of none. If we give some value to hard work/innovation in our own fields maybe our country/nation could be on another level.
Just a litmus test, could we compare ourselves with China? Where we are today after 74 years though China got independence after Pakistan, IMO even we are unable to justify ourselves even with Bangladesh.
I still can't believe it that the ambush was continued for 5 hours and there was no reinforcement sent by the command and control of that region to help them. This is disturbing and depict sheer lack of interest to secure that part of the land. Corps commander of that region should be immediately sacked. Militants perfectly knew that no one will come to support those soldiers. They seems to have better intelligence of the area then us. Tough times ahead if status quo remains.
See this is what happens when you start believing everything that gets posted on the social media.....while some claim that no reinforcements were sent while others are saying, reinforcements were ambushed thus resulting in more casualties. So it's best not to wash the soap before hands and wait for the official version of this tragic incident.
I still can't believe it that the ambush was continued for 5 hours and there was no reinforcement sent by the command and control of that region to help them. This is disturbing and depict sheer lack of interest to secure that part of the land. Corps commander of that region should be immediately sacked. Militants perfectly knew that no one will come to support those soldiers. They seems to have better intelligence of the area then us. Tough times ahead if status quo remains.

How do you know…. Were you reporting live from there ???
This thread is getting dumber by the second ….

Let me teach you some history and similar ambush scenarios.
keep in mind that this outpost had the entire Western world’s surveillance, artillary, drones, attack helicopters and planes support.

Ambush started at 3 am and reinforcements arrived at 7 pm despite all the fire power they used…… they still lost the outpost and it was over run.

Drones and helicopters can only do so much in such impossible terrain and close combat.

8 Americans died that day.


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