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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

There will be no wake up call and there will be no worthwhile work carried out. @Areesh is absolutely correct here. All these non sense "ops underway" thing is an eye wash and a way for people to relieve them of the responsibility from the fact that they failed to act when it was the time to do so. I do not forget these attacks and neither should anybody for whom the lives of every soldier or citizen matter here. Does anyone remember the ambush on OGDCL convoy on Coastal Highway in 2020? The HD video that came out? The same guys who carried out the attack in broad day light captured visuals of those Bells and Seakings flying aimlessly. I am cent percent sure this one is no different.
Its business as usual for everybody. When all you prefer to get on your desk is a situation report that 10 soldiers lost their lives, Its merely another paper print out and a stat for you.
Frankly, I miss the time of RS when that guy never missed a single funeral prayer of a soldier who died in combat under his watch. Might be too much to ask of a 4 star but it actually must have given him the realisation that he has lost a solider for whom he is ultimately responsible. RS kept a framed picture of 144 kids martyred at APS Peshawar on his desk for the entire time that he remained in command. That's focus and priority for you.

Granted that there are ops conducted and terrorists neutralised and optics may be different when they hit back at us but the fact of the matter remains that in low intensity / counter insurgency / sub conventional warfare rule number one is to degrade the enemy's will to mount such audacious attacks. If you cannot break their will you are not doing your job. All other winning hearts & minds will come in later and much after you make it costly for these people even to assemble such attacks. Galula is everybody's favourite but nobody has the mind to actually implement Counter Insurgency in the heat.

About the blame game, granted there are safe havens for them on the other side of borders be it Iran or Afg but what about when they are on this side? How about when 40 50 terrorists are assembling to carry out an attack? How does that not get caught in any C4ISR net? Is it because the mechanism is flawed or does it even exist? That is what is needed to be done and stop blaming the other countries when we cannot dominate our own land. These reactionary ops gimmicks wont do any good besides just wasting fuel and toil of those undertaking it.

P.S. The debate over Army and FC troops being separate is also flawed. They may be different outfits having different internal dynamics owing to organisational culture of the troops but FC is under complete operational control of the Army. Where, when and how it is supposed to deploy and operate is dictated under overall plan of the army. It can be said that the level of training, equipment and motivation may be different for FC and Army but their employment is dictated by senior mil leadership.

In simple words

You want to beat BLF or BLA??

Destroy their morale

And I am pretty sure getting 10 of your soldiers killed without any backup is no way to destroy their morale

BLF would be using this attack for propaganda and is going to get amount of money and new recruits just because of this attack

IF we can't provide airsupport in 5 hours in our own territory then we should simply forget about fighting with Indian army and airforce. It would be a pipedream to fight against those guys with this level of competency
If we out them few keyboard warriors in Peer Bhambor area alone, I bet none will make it out in 2 days let alone talking about ops easily done on internet in Balochistan.
Carrying out such big ops also exposes the hidden enemy. I hope the Pak forces would leverage it fully....

Getting full control over a remote barren place is extremely difficult. Can technology replace manned checkouts? The terrorists will then lose the leverage too!!
Entire Army camp taken out by the militants. Embarrassing thrashing to over rated Pakistani army. If one army which should be best trained to fight gureilla war, than it should be Pakistan army since we have been dealing such situations for the last 20 years yet every now and then, militants shows up and smoke your soliders to death at will. This is happening when PSL is set commence from tomorrow and Australia is expected to visit your country after years.
14 pages of non stop rants and no one has managed to point to the root of the problem. Bloody Iran!!

Iranian mullah regime is clearly supporting these terrorists, giving them refugee and all sorts. Iranian soil needs to be bombed to the stone ages where these rats are hiding, grouping and training. Go for the jugular.
Entire Army camp taken out by the militants. Embarrassing thrashing to over rated Pakistani army. If one army which should be best trained to fight gureilla war, than it should be Pakistan army since we have been dealing such situations for the last 20 years yet every now and then, militants shows up and smoke your soliders to death at will. This is happening when PSL is set commence from tomorrow and Australia is expected to visit your country after years.
It also shows the enemy is getting desperate too for it's exhausting its energy as it sees no future....
Carrying out such big ops also exposes the hidden enemy. I hope the Pak forces would leverage it fully....

Getting full control over a remote barren place is extremely difficult. Can technology replace manned checkouts? The terrorists will then lose the leverage too!!

Pray Darvesh

There are solutions no doubt but expensive ones given our pocket and damn leeches in politics or be it Media. Unfortunately, we have to fight an enemy with gun on the ground and so we are fighting the sickened mindset, filthy liberals, the so-called democracy secured leeches and a barrage of disgusting mouthpieces as well.

Unfortunately again, there's a less of unity to get rid of terrorist's sympathizers in media, politics, educational institutes and damn NGOs. There's less of willingness since these leeches have to save their family politics or their assurance to power given the unrest.

Even politically inclined all Pakistanis don't even look at it differently and most of them will be found defending their damn corrupt leaders. As and when an action to take place, it will be regarded as attack on freedom of speech or targeting politically and above all, the Courts that chickens out having a habit to interfere into everything and becoming a defacto ruling institute of Pakistan.
14 pages of non stop rants and no one has managed to point to the root of the problem. Bloody Iran!!

Iranian mullah regime is clearly supporting these terrorists, giving them refugee and all sorts. Iranian soil needs to be bombed to the stone ages where these rats are hiding, grouping and training. Go for the jugular.
It's a tactic to keep Pak in check. Anyway, they'll fail for the conjectures are going against them and supoorting Pak. Pak needs to keep the cool and play smart....
It also shows the enemy is getting desperate too for it's exhausting its energy as it sees no future....

No they ain't getting desperate infact partially wining even when US has moved out from Afghanistan. When 10 of your soliders killed and entire camp destroyed than it means militants have gained ability to launch sophisticated attack on your forces.
14 pages of non stop rants and no one has managed to point to the root of the problem. Bloody Iran!!

Iranian mullah regime is clearly supporting these terrorists, giving them refugee and all sorts. Iranian soil needs to be bombed to the stone ages where these rats are hiding, grouping and training. Go for the jugular.

I have talked about it

These scumbags give threats to Israel and USA 365 days of a year

But their proxies only kill muslims of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, UAE and now Pakistan
In addition to long term military & political solutions, I think army can take some immediate steps starting with equipping all soldiers/units in the sensitive areas with bullet proof vests and armored vehicles. Re-enforcing checkposts with better protection & firepower.

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