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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

The worst COAS ever !! JUST TERRIBLE, REALLY TERRIBLE COAS !!! And honestly, The Corps Commanders are also becoming a joke. Some one needs to tap on the shoulder of this COAS and ask him to retire !!!
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Yes, its generally the same as being discussed here. 9 martyred. Op with air and combat aviation support is going on since yesterday.

Typical Reactive strategy by the top brass
Sleep until somebody comes and catches you off guard
Then you put up a nice show for everyone to save yourself the embarrassment

Apparently one of the best armies in the world left their soldiers to die on a barren mountain somewhere at the hands of a group of rag tag cunts
20 years in and we still cant provide air cover to our troops

No point in conducting air ops now when the attackers had the luxury to slaughter our troops for 5 hours straight
They probably are laying low now waiting for this to blow over
Sir where was the back up ? The lions fought for hours and no back up I mean reinforcements arrived. Sir this matter of shame and disgusting and on top of that ISPR is busy showing footballer meeting COAS.
First of all, let me disconnect everything.

Leave the COAS, ISPR out of this (am not defending them of course, but then once you start the blame game, why dont you take names of all who are down the chain till the POST COMMANDER himself, the man who was well-equipped, enough manpower to hold his post.....its not fair to blame the COAS only....).

As a commander, you only tell your subordinates the concept of how you intend operating. It is upto the junior leaders, at all levels, to implement that to the best of their personal abilities.

Another fact, the nearest base to this unfortunate post is more than 30 kms away. Second, they are not connected by any road, motorway or anything. Its not a normal drive whereby you can reach there in half an hour. It takes balls that you are ready to stretch your outfit over such a vast area just because situation demands, logic doesnt demands.

Now if someone says that we should pour in more army troops, do please do simple math regarding deployments, let me know if you find any brigade or division freely available, doing nothing......if you find any, let me know.

As i highlighted before as well, troops to space ration is very unfavorable to us in Balochistan. FATA was a small area, we pumped in half of our army there and then achieved the desired results. Even then it took such a long time. Still we need to keep some chunk of our army there to retain what we got.

Balochistan, well its 44 % of our country's land mass.....imagine....almost half of total Pakistan....its true that militants number hardly hundreds, but looking for them in such a vast area is very difficult. Same goes for our deployments as well, since we are stretched too thin, so we have to make a hard choice of prioritising our assets.....we first secure our high value assets......

I am not into politics, so i will and cannot talk about PM etc....am simply not qualified for that.....however, regarding COAS.....well, all bastards getting hit across borders are being hit on his orders too.....there we dont give him credit.....and again, mind you, they are not even half of what is being done.

I told you before as well......we need to realize that we are at war.....for more than two decades.....and its not over, it will continue....its simply the new form of warfare where we are all alone....we will prevail InshaAllah, but not without casualties....thats the cost of freedom and victory.

No other country is physically helping us....and then we have the case of US, who supported by all her allies and latest equipment, could not prevail in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Learn to take casualties, war means casualties....the other side is also here to fight, time will tell who wins, but not without casualties.
Another fact, the nearest base to this unfortunate post is more than 30 kms away. Second, they are not connected by any road, motorway or anything. Its not a normal drive whereby you can reach there in half an hour. It takes balls that you are ready to stretch your outfit over such a vast area just because situation demands, logic doesnt demands.

Now if someone says that we should pour in more army troops, do please do simple math regarding deployments, let me know if you find any brigade or division freely available, doing nothing......if you find any, let me know.

As i highlighted before as well, troops to space ration is very unfavorable to us in Balochistan. FATA was a small area, we pumped in half of our army there and then achieved the desired results. Even then it took such a long time. Still we need to keep some chunk of our army there to retain what we got.

Balochistan, well its 44 % of our country's land mass.....imagine....almost half of total Pakistan....its true that militants number hardly hundreds, but looking for them in such a vast area is very difficult. Same goes for our deployments as well, since we are stretched too thin, so we have to make a hard choice of prioritising our assets.....we first secure our high value assets......

Same old excuses

The fire fight continued for 5 hours

How much time it would need to send a couple of these to that post?


Or these


Or even these:


Or we have told soldiers deployed in these posts that you are on your own since you are too far away??
First of all, let me disconnect everything.

Leave the COAS, ISPR out of this (am not defending them of course, but then once you start the blame game, why dont you take names of all who are down the chain till the POST COMMANDER himself, the man who was well-equipped, enough manpower to hold his post.....its not fair to blame the COAS only....).

As a commander, you only tell your subordinates the concept of how you intend operating. It is upto the junior leaders, at all levels, to implement that to the best of their personal abilities.

Another fact, the nearest base to this unfortunate post is more than 30 kms away. Second, they are not connected by any road, motorway or anything. Its not a normal drive whereby you can reach there in half an hour. It takes balls that you are ready to stretch your outfit over such a vast area just because situation demands, logic doesnt demands.

Now if someone says that we should pour in more army troops, do please do simple math regarding deployments, let me know if you find any brigade or division freely available, doing nothing......if you find any, let me know.

As i highlighted before as well, troops to space ration is very unfavorable to us in Balochistan. FATA was a small area, we pumped in half of our army there and then achieved the desired results. Even then it took such a long time. Still we need to keep some chunk of our army there to retain what we got.

Balochistan, well its 44 % of our country's land mass.....imagine....almost half of total Pakistan....its true that militants number hardly hundreds, but looking for them in such a vast area is very difficult. Same goes for our deployments as well, since we are stretched too thin, so we have to make a hard choice of prioritising our assets.....we first secure our high value assets......

I am not into politics, so i will and cannot talk about PM etc....am simply not qualified for that.....however, regarding COAS.....well, all bastards getting hit across borders are being hit on his orders too.....there we dont give him credit.....and again, mind you, they are not even half of what is being done.

I told you before as well......we need to realize that we are at war.....for more than two decades.....and its not over, it will continue....its simply the new form of warfare where we are all alone....we will prevail InshaAllah, but not without casualties....thats the cost of freedom and victory.

No other country is physically helping us....and then we have the case of US, who supported by all her allies and latest equipment, could not prevail in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Learn to take casualties, war means casualties....the other side is also here to fight, time will tell who wins, but not without casualties.

I have taken the time to read this thread and frustrations/tamper tantrums of grown up babies on the Forum.

I know the Baluchistan, I know the Terrain and difficulties involved, very good summation by you. I am sure that there will be an inquiry into the response and investigation.

May Allah Ta'ala accept their Sahadat (Ameen)
I have taken the time to read this thread and frustrations/tamper tantrums of grown up babies on the Forum.

10 soldiers killed

Post occupied by bunch of hillibillies

All the ammunition of the soldiers taken by the terrorists

If you think anger on this not justified then clearly there is nothing for which military leadership can be blamed

In 1971 we had enemy between the two wings so we couldn't sent backup or support

Fast forward 50 years later we can't send any kind of backup to our soldiers in our own territory

And people expect that we shouldn't be angry :)
Is there a reason behind the lack of air support at least? It is understandable that ground reinforcement would be hard. My belief is the issue lies in the lack of proper communication between the post and relevant units but that's just a guess on my part. @PanzerKiel
You can bookmark my post

Nothing would happen

You would be discussing more attacks of similar sort in coming months. I can tell you right now

Yeah one or two guys would be killed here and there. But no comprehensive operation or revenge
I dont think that. Something big will happen InshAllah
10 soldiers killed

Post occupied by bunch of hillibillies

All the ammunition of the soldiers taken by the terrorists

If you think anger on this not justified then clearly there is nothing for which military leadership can be blamed

In 1971 we had enemy between the two wings so we couldn't sent backup or support

Fast forward 50 years later we can't send any kind of backup to our soldiers in our own territory

And people expect that we shouldn't be angry :)
I only feel sad for this country. These great men sacrificed their lives knowing what did happened previously in the same areas where many of their comrades, our brothers were left to die without support. For five hours they fought valiantly whilst holding the enemy back without any support. Our enemies the ANA wish that their army stood five minutes like these men stood for five hours and gave their lives. The Indian army wishes they had the steel within their men to with stand the Chinese in Ladakh but they don’t. Alhumdulillah we are blessed with this from Allah. But this bravery is not endless. How do you think those in the post beside them would feel knowing when they are surrounded not to expect support for 5 hours or at all?

I also feel sad for this country that if it was a proper country and 10 brave soldiers died anywhere for it there would be a parliamentary committee that would grill the interior minister that would grill the Prime Minister that would grill the chief of army staff to explain how did this happen. What are we doing with the drones, what are we doing with our helicopters what are we doing when the same event happens again and again in the same areas. What has changed since the last event. What are the requirements so that this doesn’t happen again and that these men of steel don’t have to continue to add to do this.

If someone could figure out the closest airbase in Baluchistan that would be close to this event and then calculate how long it would take for a drone to get there a helicopter to get there even if it’s unarmed just so that we could identify these cockroaches who have attacked us and saw that to make sure that they would never ever attack again.

Until the snakes head is cut this will keep happening. The snakes head is not in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan the UK or Switzerland…..

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