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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Here is how the whole thing went down from the Chinese perspective. One of the construction workers involved posted online last night on Weibo.

  1. Chinese construction crew was building camp and bunkers in the disputed zone.
  2. Indian side arrived with anywhere from 60 to 80 men to disrupt project in the evening.
  3. Construction workers tried to run back towards China's line of control. Several got caught and was beaten by Indians.
  4. Workers that made it back to Chinese side summoned back two companies of troops, approximately 200 soldiers. The construction crew also went back with shovels and tools for the upcoming brawl.
  5. Troops attacked Indians with clubs, pipes and sticks. One Indian soldier was killed on the spot in the initial confrontation. I believe that was the Indian battalion commander that was killed. To give him credit, he led his men in front according to the guy that posted.
  6. Outnumbered and surrounded, the other Indian troops tried to hastily retreat down a steep hill. Chinese troops gave chase and toss rocks down the slope at the retreating Indians. Large number of Indians fell down the cliff after being pelted by rocks.
  7. By the time Chinese side stopped, it was already dark. Indian side did not send search parties until higher ranking officers from both sides negotiated a de-escalation process. By the time India sent search parties, several hours had passed.
  8. Some Indian troops froze to death in sub-zero temperatures, or died from their injuries after failing to receive first aid in time.
  9. Chinese side packed up camp and went back to its side of the line after being ordered not to further aggravate the situation. Those severely injured were evacuated by helicopter to field hospitals.
  10. Some Indians troops were captured after the fight ended. They were released quickly as China is not at war with India so it can't keep them as prisoners.
Chinese wounded in the fighting:

The guy also posted the rough casualty figure on the Chinese side, but obviously it might not be completely accurate since he was in the thick of the brawl and hopped up on adrenaline. PM if you want it. I am not going to turn it into a "kill ratio" contest here.
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Please refrain from such narrow minded observations.

I do wish Kashmir gets freedom from all Indian occupying forces but we must also remember that at the end of the day, the soldiers are doing what the babus in delhi are telling them to do. The policies of occupation and torture of local population are made in delhi's air conditioned rooms, these poor ground soldiers are merely cannon fodder.

No. In a democracy, soldiers sign up for military out of their own free choice. indian soldiers sign their own death warrants at the time of joining. There's no pressure to join army. Also they've a choice to resign if they disagree with the air condition walla's in Delhi. Communism is something different.

People are circulating bodies of Nigerian soldiers as indians, and its difficult to tell the difference between the two hence my comment.
Weird Indian logic, if the Chinese were the ones being beaten to death to the point they couldn't even carry their weapons & had to leave them then how were the Chinese able to take dozens of Indian captives! Did the Chinese (while being beaten) just grab dozens of Indians & start running away with captive Indians on their shoulders from the rest of the Indians that were beating them!

a much more logical explanation would be ,for many (if not most) of the Chinese soldiers up there that was probably the first time they ever killed a person , and the first time they did it it was in such a barbaric way, killing a person with this weapon is probably far much more difficult (emotionaly) than killing a person with a gun or a bomb, the rods were probably covered with blood & little bits of flesh, so naturally some of the Chinese soldiers themselves were disgusted by their own weapon & just threw them at the scene once the engagement was over.

Pp 15 claim by both countries.
And actually its a undefined border..

Actually, China is not occupied any India land but Chinese army present at pp15 check post is caused for tense situation at border..
There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare"
got to disagree with him on this one (unless he meant in history up to his time).

America has been at war since the 40s and its wealth and empire keeps on growing
Sorry, you completely don't understand what I am saying.

Let me take another examples, Pakistan is unable to stop medical import from India even government wants to do so?

Do you know why? Can Pakistan medical industry sustain without import?

The answer is very simple, everything is possible and there will be impacts as well.

The same reason it is being done by taking sometime! I already said that immediately no trade ban or anything but economy relationship will be worsen... For sure.. India will manage and China even can easily but China will loose Indian market.

You mix low politics with high politics. Not worth arguing.

Common sense. Not everyone deserted. Some fought. India is a vast and diverse country. India is a dinosaur.


Nature has a strange way to make dinosaurs go extinct.
You mix low politics with high politics. Not worth arguing.

Nature has a strange way to make dinosaurs go extinct.

Not at all!
I given Pakistan example for you reference only.

India and China relationship is just different. But this military conflict end with blow of economically and mutual trust which are between both countries from decades.
. India is a dinosaur.


lol - You really are embarrassing- dinosaur slow clumsy and extinct - what a stupid but comparison. Shall I give you a spade so you can dig a bigger grave for yourself.
Think about it - China still on captured land - India lose masses and still no action by big chested Modi? Does it burn you?
Not at all!
I given Pakistan example for you reference only.

India and China relationship is just different. But this military conflict end with blow of economically and mutual trust which are between both countries from decades.

Pakistan does not import medicines from india cause we cant make them but just that its more expedient to import them from whoever is offering for a low price. Private companies sell medicines to Pakistan, not GoI.

First make up your mind what you wanna argue about.
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Sorry, honestly we don't care much about Pakistan.

China is more powerful so our response is different and action also.

Both countries are powerful enough to send each other to stone age.

50% correct

There is no way in hell India is powerful and India could not send China to stone age.

But China can send India to stone age, actually anyone can do that, since India is already in stone age.

If this is true, Pompeo trolled India so bad

The meeting is about China's new security law in Hong Kong, not for China-India skirmish, which is a very minor issue.
Pakistan does not import medicines from india cause we cant make them but juwt that its more expedient to import them from whoever is offering forna low price. Private companies sell medicines to Pakistan, not GoI.

First make up your mind what you wanna argue about.

Do you understand example! Read properly, why your medical people ask time from imram to stop importing anything from India and why can't they stop immediately?
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