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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

No one saying, it will not impact.. But manageable... As I said, its not going to stop immediately... We don't import food items as well

Look at your stock market for the day an incident important to nobody in the world happened, then talk.

Too poor pay. I earn twice what even ISI Dg earns.

They dont want to hire you. They want to pick you up.
chuttar suwarmi what is this obsession with numbers the only thing that matters is who controls the land!
Satellite images released by Reuters via planetlabs showed not a single Chinese unit across LAC so we still control land.

They dont want to hire you. They want to pick you u
They are nit strong enough to pick up a 6'9" tall guy
Chinese silence speaks volumes, they are a propaganda obsessed country, they would never leave a one sided outcome in a conflict vs India without utilising it thoroughly.

India can’t hide Its casualties cos we are a democratic republic, unlike the one party dictatorship that is China.
But I know for a fact that India hid the death counts in 1999 Kargil and many other conflicts.

Satellite images released by Reuters via planetlabs showed not a single Chinese unit across LAC so we still control land.

They are nit strong enough to pick up a 6'9" tall guy
okay india controls every corner of the world! bc perception internet keh aagaay tum log sochtay he nai!

chankya keh chumpo bas internet aur bukwas may jeetna hai!
so galwam is back in india ? lol
no .
Yes. Which is why no one a can spot a single Chinese position or vehicle or even a tent on Indian side of LAC in latest Sat images. The June 15 clash happened as Indian troops mistakenly crossed into China side of LAC
A moment of honesty, I used to think India actually is some mighty power.

But, first Doklam, then 27th Feb., and now this Galwan incidents have changed my mind.

They are pathetic. From Govt. level to military level to media to their people.
Look at your stock market for the day an incident important to nobody in the world happened, then talk.

Sorry, you completely don't understand what I am saying.

Let me take another examples, Pakistan is unable to stop medical import from India even government wants to do so?

Do you know why? Can Pakistan medical industry sustain without import?

The answer is very simple, everything is possible and there will be impacts as well.

The same reason it is being done by taking sometime! I already said that immediately no trade ban or anything but economy relationship will be worsen... For sure.. India will manage and China even can easily but China will loose Indian market.
Is colonel aur babu jesay Pakistan main garbage-collector hotay hain.



Good riddance. Vengeance of APS children has just begun.

Again, I find it very hard to differentiate between African and indian soldier.

India's girlfriend USA is not on the scene. Bhaag gayi.

Please refrain from such narrow minded observations.

I do wish Kashmir gets freedom from all Indian occupying forces but we must also remember that at the end of the day, the soldiers are doing what the babus in delhi are telling them to do. The policies of occupation and torture of local population are made in delhi's air conditioned rooms, these poor ground soldiers are merely cannon fodder.
I predict that this won't escalate any further. India will probably conduct a false flag operation and claim many chinese soldiers lives. Even china won't refute this as India still won't get Galwan Valley back. China have achieved their objective. Indian can chest thump all they want on the death of chinese deaths, it won't matter. Modi will sell this back to its population that we have defeated chinese by killing alot of them and their population will take it up, forget this ever happened. China will still retain an important strategic location like Galwan Valley.
Indian troops have managed to capture Chinese weapons means PLA got thrashed so hard they had to flee leaving their wepaons behind.

Weird Indian logic, if the Chinese were the ones being beaten to death to the point they couldn't even carry their weapons & had to leave them then how were the Chinese able to take dozens of Indian captives! Did the Chinese (while being beaten) just grab dozens of Indians & start running away with captive Indians on their shoulders from the rest of the Indians that were beating them!

a much more logical explanation would be ,for many (if not most) of the Chinese soldiers up there that was probably the first time they ever killed a person , and the first time they did it it was in such a barbaric way, killing a person with this weapon is probably far much more difficult (emotionaly) than killing a person with a gun or a bomb, the rods were probably covered with blood & little bits of flesh, so naturally some of the Chinese soldiers themselves were disgusted by their own weapon & just threw them at the scene once the engagement was over.
Yes. Which is why no one a can spot a single Chinese position or vehicle or even a tent on Indian side of LAC in latest Sat images. The June 15 clash happened as Indian troops mistakenly crossed into China side of LAC
So whats all this retaliation talk Modi was giving yesterday? According to you, India killed 43 Chinese. No Chinese on the Indian Side of the LAC. Why do you want retaliation?
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