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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Yes your "response" is vary imprassive indeed.. no surgical satrikes, no threats, just 2 minute silences and skype meetings [emoji1787][emoji1787]
Sorry, honestly we don't care much about Pakistan.

China is more powerful so our response is different and action also.

Both countries are powerful enough to send each other to stone age.
got to disagree with him on this one (unless he meant in history up to his time).

America has been at war since the 40s and its wealth and empire keeps on growing


No one is more worried in the world than Trump is.
Good observation! Chinese "state controlled" media did report the incident, but without graphic images and inflammatory language, in contrary to their Indian counterpart, therefore, Chinese Gov won't succumb to or be hijacked by public pressure, which could have been potentially instigated or misguided by party with an agenda.

Being the winner of 1962 border war, Chinese do enjoy psychological advantage over Indians. In Chinese mind, India has never been the primary adversary. Chinese defense enthusiasts did discuss this incident in graphic details on some niche military forums though.
Which forums?? Could you kindly share the links
If this is true, Pompeo trolled India so bad

Sorry, we don't expect that US will send 7th fleet or something if war will happen between India and China.

US should stay away between China and India conflict.
Yes your "response" is vary imprassive indeed.. no surgical satrikes, no threats, just 2 minute silences and skype meetings [emoji1787][emoji1787]

No. Chinese will not let you actually.. They will tell " we will not disclose details of our side"
Sorry, honestly we don't care much about Pakistan.

China is more powerful so our response is different and action also.

This is the mind of the intelligent person.
For weak enemies, use force. For strong enemies, use wisdom.
Here is how the whole thing went down from the Chinese perspective. One of the construction workers involved posted online last night on Weibo.

  1. Chinese construction crew was building camp and bunkers in the disputed zone.
  2. Indian side arrived with anywhere from 60 to 80 men to disrupt project in the evening.
  3. Construction workers tried to run back towards China's line of control. Several got caught and was beaten by Indians.
  4. Workers that made it back to Chinese side summoned back two companies of troops, approximately 200 soldiers. The construction crew also went back with shovels and tools for the upcoming brawl.
  5. Troops attacked Indians with clubs, pipes and sticks. One Indian soldier was killed on the spot in the initial confrontation.
  6. Outnumbered, the other Indian troops tried to hastily retreat down a steep hill. Chinese troops gave chase and toss rocks down the slope at the retreating Indians. Large number of Indians fell down the cliff after being hit by rocks.
  7. By the time Chinese side stopped, it was already dark. Indian side did not send search parties until higher ranking officers from both sides negotiated a de-escalation process. By the time India sent search parties, several hours had passed.
  8. Some Indian troops froze to death in sub-zero temperatures, or died from their injuries after failing to receive first aid in time.
  9. Chinese side packed up camp and went back to its side of the line after being ordered not to further aggravate the situation. Those severely injured were evacuated by helicopter to field hospitals.
  10. Some Indians troops were captured after the fight ended. They were released quickly as China is not at war with India so it can't keep them as prisoners.
Chinese wounded in the fighting:
Makes sense...
what are the actual figures on both sides ? im not following this thread

The Chinese said they won't declare casualties as a sign of good will to avoid one side being called a loser while the other a winner, the Indians declared India suffered 20 dead plus (if I'm not mistaken) around a hundred injured, Indian media say the Chinese suffered a total of 43 casualties both killed & injured.
After Feb 27, 2019.

Sorry, i will give one more example...

1967 - we beaten to china but we never forget lost in 1962. compare to such a incidents...... 27th Feb even not a comparable to 1% of such incidents... for us, it's a very small incident..

bigger incidents are like 1962, 1965, 1971, 1984 and 1999 etc..
Sorry, i will one more example...

1967 - we beaten to china but we never forget lost in 1962. compare to such a incidents...... 27th Feb even not a comparable to 1% of such incidents... for us, it's a very small incident..

bigger incidents are like 1962, 1965, 1971, 1984 and 1999 etc..

indian too pussy to send jets to bomb chinese encampments anyway
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