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10 Border Guards Martyred by Terrorists Near Pakistan Border

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RIP to the fallen soldiers .

guys for a moment get down off your high horse's and ponder over the fact that , who could reap the benefits of this terror attack when both Pakistan and Iran are exhausting efforts to re-vitalise their mutual relationship?

is it Pakistan ? He'll no! When the situation on both of our eastern n western borders are pretty much volatile ------

the learned folks know from the fact that there are some areas inside Afghanistan close to Pak n Iran, which have been used as safe heavens for these motherf***** . And it's highly probable that they came from Afghanistan did their action n went back .
Rest in peace!

I predict that next week will be very bloody for Saudi soldiers other than the already weekly casualties on Yemen borders in retaliation for Saudi actions from so called Pakistan!

No offense for good Pakistani brothers but there is no such thing as Pakistan now but a forward Saudi base on Irans eastern borders!

It will be dealt with and Pakistan deep state will pay but what makes me sad is that Pakistani people have nothing to do with it!
Being a kuwaiti how does it impact you ? Kuwait itself is a part of alliance fighting in yemen.
And who will do this ? (mentioned in bold) ?
Does it have to impact me directly so I could post in this thread?

First paragraph of my quoted post is a sensible prediction!

The second paragraph is describing the situation in the forward Saudi base called Pakistan after old and deep analysis of the situation in Pakistan!

Third paragraph will happen but who will do it,I don't know!
Yes it has impact when your are neither Iranian nor Pakistani.
Again Pakistan is forward base how ?Who did this deep analysis ?
Kuwait is a practically forward base of US and NATO who can't defend itself .There are no soldiers and military station in Pakistan like of Kuwait.
You are writing something on your own wish and you don't know who will fulfill it.
Officers say: Terrorists groups like TTP and BLA were supported by RAW (KY episode) using Afghan and Irani terrorities. Some of these BLA guys were sheltered by Uzair Baloch in Karachi. He had contacts with RAW and Irani agencies. Irani agencies were given critical info about Pakistan's sensitive militiary installations and Armed forces officers by UB. UB flew to Iran after Rangers initiated operation in Karachi. He then met Irani intelligence official there and was given sheltered by Iran. He then flew to Dubai on Irani passport and the story continues.

What to believe and what not to. :(
May be Uzair Baluch accommodate Jan boys. UB came in seen years ago. Used to drive bus in Karachi street. PPP made him lyari king and become con artist ... guy doesn't have much brain cell to run hug killing rings on international level. But, let's see what he speak out...
One of Lieutenant of UZ
All these kids got killed in Ranger operation few weeks ago.
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Officers say: Terrorists groups like TTP and BLA were supported by RAW (KY episode) using Afghan and Irani terrorities. Some of these BLA guys were sheltered by Uzair Baloch in Karachi. He had contacts with RAW and Irani agencies. Irani agencies were given critical info about Pakistan's sensitive militiary installations and Armed forces officers by UB. UB flew to Iran after Rangers initiated operation in Karachi. He then met Irani intelligence official there and was given sheltered by Iran. He then flew to Dubai on Irani passport and the story continues.

What to believe and what not to. :(

What a fanciful narrative. Btw do you write fan-fiction as a hobby?
Yes it has impact when your are neither Iranian nor Pakistani.
Again Pakistan is forward base how ?
You don't tell me what to say and what not to say I'm an adult and I have my own point of view of the bad guys like deep state pakistan and good guys like the martyred soldiers today!

To find a satisfying answer for your question you can make a search on Pakistans history and history of its relations with Saudi Arabia and how Saudis infiltrated and what they control in Pakistan and who is on their payroll and many other details!

I thought you knew those facts as you are Pakistani and I'm neither Pakistani neither Iranian!
You don't tell me what to say and what not to say I'm an adult and I have my own point of view of the bad guys like deep state pakistan and good guys like the martyred soldiers today!

To find a satisfying answer for your question you can make a search on Pakistans history and history of its relations with Saudi Arabia and how Saudis infiltrated and what they control in Pakistan and who is on their payroll and many other details!

I thought you knew those facts as you are Pakistani and I'm neither Pakistani neither Iranian!
Yes i certainly do know more and that is why i am saying you being a kuwaiti is wrong as your own country has forward bases.We don't have any..We are not in yemen but your country is.So certainly your deep state is bad guy..
I feel sorry for you as you have to request Bazurg shaitan to defend your country..What an irony
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Brothers it doesn't matters whose blood is spilled, we are all part of a big family. My hearts goes out to all the Muslims who lost their life due to the terror attacks. Never forget we are all brothers we may have got differences but it must not divide us. Have a civilized debate and try to narrow down the differences and not let the terrorists win that should be our bottom line. Brothers we need to start a forum where no one should point the finger at anyone but give ideas how we can over come our differences and unite our selves. Am sure their are plenty of brothers with brain cells to share ideas. For me that will be an Eid day when Saudi, Iranian, Kuwait or any other country with differences have a dinner together at the same table and shake hands afterwards and say to each other we are one family. Question is why Europeans can sit together at the same table and discuss their continent development after their World war and we can't and what will make us able to do that. Why are we are so divided and how can we end that??????
What a fanciful narrative. Btw do you write fan-fiction as a hobby?
RAW's fan but unable to find achievements other than spreading terrorism in neighbouring countries and killing innocents in Kashmir. :')

iran should build a wall along Pakistan border, so we Pakistani get rid of this daily drama of Pakistani doing this and that.

Meanwhile we are seeing Hizbollah Pakistan chapter, terrorist recruitment among shia for syria.. People doing rallies with pics of Khamenai, Hassan Nasrullah as sign of open state sponsered interfarence in Pakistan let alone small issues such as Uzair and KY, yet i never faced any apologetic Iranian, few Pakistanis are beheaving here so apologetic as if we owe them something or we are guilty..

Pakistan should send few f-16 to home of Jandullah and Jaish al Adl in Iran[as none of them was born in Pakistan] where they are born so we can get rid of these trouble makers.. At return our f-16 should perform a sonic boom over HQ of Iranian border guard to keep those bloody looser awake who let them run into Pakistan at first place...
While some Pakistani members on PDF constantly whine about Uzair Baloch and that Indian spy whose relations with Iran are still in a cloud of doubt, we have been hit by terrorists coming from Pakistan for nearly 15 years, losing forces (and killing many of them).

While some Pakistani members threaten to nuke Tehran when Iran shells those terrorists inside Pakistan, we are the one who has actually paid the price fighting terrorists launching attacks from the wild west, aka Pakistan's Balochistan.

And at the end, we are the ones 'backstabbing' Pakistan every now and then. Dignity and decency is something that's not easy to find these days.

Approximiate location of the attack:

View attachment 393202
Your graphic evidence deserves an Oscar mate ...
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