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10 Border Guards Martyred by Terrorists Near Pakistan Border

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i think you didn't read my previous comments... ISIS was created by blackwater & by powerful jewish inside U.S..
ISIS is using salafi label because sunni are majority in muslims.. ISIS has nothing to do with islam

Salafis have nothing do with Sunnis and Islam. And I am saying the Salafis and Wahhabis are in league with the Zionists.
Pakistan have 10 times more check posts on border then you lot. Stop passing the buck to Pakistan, take responsibility of your own soil first and foremost and build more border checkposts and stop externalising your internal issue. Giving sunnies their due share would be a good start.

It's your internal problem, deal with it. Pakistan is in no mood to clear someone else mess.

Your are a third grade country with third grade military power.

I hope your military planners are not as stupid as you are because we in Pakistan will do what yanks and Israelis have been reluctant to do, which is to wipe Persian civilization. You don't go about challenging world fourth biggest nuke power and it's sovereignty.

Whatever is happening in Sistan is part of greater geopolitical chessboard and I hope the Persian mullah are not dumb. Clear your internal mess and stop externalising your own issues.
Both countries have same problem. Our governments just think about themselves not their peoples.
Then don't try to compare yours with ours or which is doing better.
Sounds like somebody here has taken a liking to the trump doctrine:rolleyes1: ie:"we`ll build it and we`ll make them pay for it too",where I come from we call that a "shake down" or as its more commonly know an extortion racket,but then again maybe thats just how pakistan does business:sarcastic:
I for got to mention, once you are done with all set preconditions, than we'll discuss your request in our parliament as we always does and things would move slowly if the vote is in favor of your request.
Take it or leave it.
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Salafis have nothing do with Sunnis and Islam. And I am saying the Salafis and Wahhabis are in league with the Zionists.
The Salafi movement or Salafist movement or Salafism is an ultra-conservative reform branch or movement within Sunni Islam
Some people over here talk in a way as if it was their border guards whom were ambushed and killed from Iranian territories not vice versa ... I really dunno what would be their reaction if it be the real case ...

They're just ignorant Pakistani nationals that are afraid of iran conducting retaliation strikes on Pakistan soil. Thats really all it is.

How's the meeting between Iran and PakiStan going so far though? I heard called up A Pakistani envoy of some sort and Deghan said iran reserved right to strike back if need be.
The Salafi movement or Salafist movement or Salafism is an ultra-conservative reform branch or movement within Sunni Islam
First thing first you need to fathom is the notion and roots of Salafi movement in Islam and in the region:

The Salafi movement or Salafist movement or Salafism is an ultra-conservative reform movement within Sunni Islam that developed in Egypt in the second half of the 19th century, against a background of European colonialism. It advocated a return to the traditions of the "devout ancestors" (the salaf). Some scholars define this movement as Modernist Salafism.
For example Rashīd Rida an Islamic scholar who formulated an intellectual response to the pressures of the modern Western world on traditional Islam.:

"...He was concerned with what he considered the backwardness of the Muslim countries, a circumstance he believed resulted from a neglect of the true principles of Islam. He believed that these principles could be found in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and in the practices of the first generation of Muslims, before corruptions began to spread among the religious practices of the faithful (c. 655). He was convinced that Islam, as a body of teachings correctly understood, contained all the principles necessary for happiness in this world and the hereafter, and that positive effort to improve the material basis of the community was of the essence of Islam.

To realize a political and cultural revival, Rashīd Riḍā saw the need to unify the Muslim community. He advocated the establishment of a true caliph, who would be the supreme interpreter of Islam and whose prestige would enable him to guide Muslim governments in the directions demanded by an Islam adapted to the needs of modern society. His ideas were foundational to the establishment in 1928 of the religious and political organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood..."

Therefore the idea of political Islam or in other words Islamic state in our age has been a matter of debate amongst Islamic scholars for centuries at least since 18th century it's been profoundly influenced in Egypt by the writings of Muhammad Abduh , Jamal al dīn al afghani (asad abadi) , Rashīd Rida and later on Sayyed Qutb and also Hassan Banna to name a few ...

Moreover such an idea doesn't just origin amongst aforementioned scholars in Egypt but also you can find its traces in Indian subcontinent inspired by Shah Waliullah Dehlawi and also Deobandi (a revivalist movement within Sunni ,primarily Hanafi, Islam) . resulted in Ulama (body of religious scholars) in Pakistan led by Fazlur Rahman , Maulana Sami ul Haq (Father of the Taliban) and his Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam , besides Lashkar-e-Taiba , Jaish-e-Mohammed and Sipah-e-Sahaba ....

The next place after India and Egypt is Saudi Arabia :


Sayyid muhammad Qutb died in Saudi Arabia in 2014.

Sayyid muhammad Qutb was arrested a few days before Sayyid (on July 29, 1965) for his alleged co-leadership along with his brother in a plot to kill leading political and cultural figures in Egypt and overthrow the government. His brother died on the gallows in 1966, but Muhammad's life was spared and he, along with other members of the Muslim Brotherhood took refuge in Saudi Arabia.

Actually the story begins here , a false interpretation of Sayyid Qutb by his brother in Saudi Arabia ignited what we see now ... Sayyid Qutb divided and categorized governments into 2 groups first Islamic society and secondly ignorant society and believed governor should be a divine one and any government that doesn't enjoy such a privilege is considered as an ignorant society .. to solve the problem he suggested two solutions first immigration and secondly Jihad ... his whole point was against corrupted governors not Islamic sects and he didn't takfir any one expect governors ....
Bin Ladan was one of the muhammad Qutb followers and students and if you look what he did in Afghanistan in 80s you'll noticed at first they didn't target people and other sects like what we see right now ....
What happened was this a takifiri interpretation of Sayyid Qutb notion of Jihad against corrupted governors ... you can see it how Boko Haram kidnapped girls students because we didn't have western school in early Islam ... groups like Boko Haram in Nigeria , Al shabab in Somalia and Ansar Al-sonnat in Algeria are all the same ,,,

In fact Afghanistan accelerated this when Indian/Pakistani branch of Salafism met its counterpart Egyptien/Saudis false interpretation resulted in creation of ALQ and now ISIS.
Giving sunnies their due share would be a good start.

It's your internal problem, deal with it. Pakistan is in no mood to clear someone else mess.

Your are a third grade country with third grade military power.

I hope your military planners are not as stupid as you are because we in Pakistan will do what yanks and Israelis have been reluctant to do, which is to wipe Persian civilization. You don't go about challenging world fourth biggest nuke power and it's sovereignty.
OOHHH!! Pakistan you sooo STRONK!!:pakistan::guns:
By the way dont you think it a little bit odd that both israel and the us despite both being nuclear powers and despite all of their many,many threats they still never once attempted anything militarily against iran over the last almost 30 years,maybe they know something pakistan doesnt.;)
Iranian guards kill Pakistani soldier near border
1 FC personnel killed and three injured after Iranian guards blow up a FC vehicle back in october 2014

The most important thing about that incident was its timing; when Indians and afghans were firing on us across their respective borders ,Pakistan was embroiled with protests and Pakistans high command was changing we got something we least expected.what would have we gained back then by making our three frontiers hot?? So was it some sort of backdoor collusion? If not did Iranians question their guards who killed an innocent and injured his three fellows? Islamabad lodged protest back then and nothing happened .

Then there was another one from last year.

'Unprovoked' mortar fire by Iran's forces kills one in Balochistan's Panjgoor
Iranians failed to prove this innocent and two injured ones were militants.And again the timing. Our LOC with India was severely hot around that time when Indians opened fire on kashmiri kids.

10 children injured, driver killed as Indian troops target school van along LoC

We know there are groups hostile to shia iran regime that operate from the border area of not just Pakistan and Iran but also Afghanistan. they strike and move fast across.And we admit in past we left our side unguarded because of constrained resources which is not the case now. UAE used our baloch region while India used your region.I think
Back in 2014 General Raheel Sharif proposed Rouhani to share intelligence and have border forces from both sides work closely but looks like nothing has happened which goes to show either both countries are not serious in mending ties or need some sort of assurances . From Pakistans end they requested Iran to probe into the matter of Kalbhushan Yadav and Uzair Baloch,Iran might have requested to probe on jais- e-adl .Looks more like a deadlock no one wants to make the first move.Meanwhile only the outsiders benefit from this confusion and make attacks such as these to fuel ayotollahs concern in the wake of this 40 country alliance move.
Furthermore if you dont share any information before any preemptive strikes/cross border raids like in past it means you dont trust the Pakistani officials and if you dont do so it should be made public rather than through a MP or a police chief..

@Serpentine @AmirPatriot @raptor22 @mohsen @Iranm
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Iranian guards kill Pakistani soldier near border
1 FC personnel killed and three injured after Iranian guards blow up a FC vehicle back in october 2014

The most important thing about that incident was its timing; when Indians and afghans were firing on us across their respective borders ,Pakistan was embroiled with protests and Pakistans high command was changing we got something we least expected.what would have we gained back then by making our three frontiers hot?? So was it some sort of backdoor collusion? If not did Iranians question their guards who killed an innocent and injured his three fellows? Islamabad lodged protest back then and nothing happened .

Then there was another one from last year.

'Unprovoked' mortar fire by Iran's forces kills one in Balochistan's Panjgoor
Iranians failed to prove this innocent and two injured ones were militants.And again the timing. Our LOC with India was severely hot around that time when Indians opened fire on kashmiri kids.

10 children injured, driver killed as Indian troops target school van along LoC

We know there are groups hostile to shia iran regime that operate from the border area of not just Pakistan and Iran but also Afghanistan. they strike and move fast across.And we admit in past we left our side unguarded because of constrained resources which is not the case now. UAE used our baloch region while India used your region.I think
Back in 2014 General Raheel Sharif proposed Rouhani to share intelligence and have border forces from both sides work closely but looks like nothing has happened which goes to show either both countries are not serious in mending ties or need some sort of assurances . From Pakistans end they requested Iran to probe into the matter of Kalbhushan Yadav and Uzair Baloch,Iran might have requested to probe on jais- e-adl .Looks more like a deadlock no one wants to make the first move.Meanwhile only the outsiders benefit from this confusion and make attacks such as these to fuel ayotollahs concern in the wake of this 40 country alliance move.
Furthermore if you dont share any information before any preemptive strikes/cross border raids like in past it means you dont trust the Pakistani officials and if you dont do so it should be made public rather than through a MP or a police chief..

@Serpentine @AmirPatriot @raptor22 @mohsen @Iranm
Huh, yeah i believed it.
You NATO's piece of shit, get the hell out of this thread.

Jundullah is a common threat for both sides.
I suggest you Pakistani Muslims, instead of excuse making with zero proof, come and work with us in that boundary. The safe passage for terrorists is on your side and i know that Pakistan is suffering from the same threat as do we. Together, we can easily eliminate them within a couple of months .
This is a mutual threat IMHO, if you let them go that easily and abandon and threaten Iran of not taking actions against those terrorists, they will spread their operations to Quetta, Lahore, Islamabad etc. They have no place on our side, will be hunted immediately.

Notice, we have nothing against Pakistan and will have non. So stop accusing us of non existing attacks on your villages or soldiers. You have no proof for it so don't spread propaganda. It deeply hurts me when i see we are the victims in this. Those innocent kids were mostly from pre-university students that are passing their 2 years military service, full of hope for life.
I hope you understand my meaning. And if we conduct an operation in our boundaries, no one can stop us, kindly and sincerely
Huh, yeah i believed it.
You NATO's piece of shit, get the hell out of this thread.

Jundullah is a common threat for both sides.
I suggest you Pakistani Muslims, instead of excuse making with zero proof, come and work with us in that boundary. The safe passage for terrorists is on your side and i know that Pakistan is suffering from the same threat as do we. Together, we can easily eliminate them within a couple of months .
This is a mutual threat IMHO, if you let them go that easily and abandon and threaten Iran of not taking actions against those terrorists, they will spread their operations to Quetta, Lahore, Islamabad etc. They have no place on our side, will be hunted immediately.

Notice, we have nothing against Pakistan and will have non. So stop accusing us of non existing attacks on your villages or soldiers. You have no proof for it so don't spread propaganda. It deeply hurts me when i see we are the victims in this. Those innocent kids were mostly from pre-university students that are passing their 2 years military service, full of hope for life.
I hope you understand my meaning. And if we conduct an operation in our boundaries, no one can stop us, kindly and sincerely

Forget about Jundullah....Talk about Kulbhushan Jadhav, Uzair Baloch, baba ladla etc
Forget about Jundullah....Talk about Kulbhushan Jadhav, Uzair Baloch, baba ladla etc
9 kids were killed in Jundullah operation, cannot forget it till the end of my life. Those dogs will be hunted like insects, no matter on our side or on the other sides.
As far as i know, your mentioned bastards are your heros that have given you good excuse to close your eyes on death of Iranian kids. As an advice bro, get the hell out of my sight. At least for 1 hour, thank you
Stop blaming Pakistan or even those terrorists for God's sake .

We've kept making an *** out of ourselves for decades and this painful tensency is the Islamic Republic's sole strategy .

The pimp mullahs in the Islamic shitty republic whose kids are either showing off in up town or banging hot chicks keep sending poor and undertrained soldiers to the borders and since they have no shortage of free manpower they'll give no shit when dozens are slaughtered every once in a while .

The question is , why not using professional forces ?

where are those crappy UAVs they reveal every week to detect and hunt these guys ?

why after getting hundreds of innocent soldiers killed in the eastern borders the bastard Mullahs still refuse to equip these poor guys ?

I watched several videos of the ambushes laid by the terrorists . In all of them the terrorists used light weapons and the main reason of the slaughters are using vulnerable pick ups to transport the forces . Why shouldn't our border guards be equipped with a proper armoured vehicle to save them ?

Is this country poor ? Is getting Humvees etc very expensive ?

How much will bullet proof vests and helmets cost ? are they more expensive than an Iranian youth life ?
We will have our revenge.

Are you willing to sacrifice your relationship with pakistan over revenge? You're stuck between a rock and a hard place. React and you'll sever a relationship, don't react and they'll take it as a sign of weakness and continue to attack you.
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