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You're right,todays Europe,isn't christian Europe of let's say a century ago,that doesn't mean that europeans are going to turn to islam.Islam will always be a minority here,it just doesn't belong only a few deluded individuals like you seem to believe that.I'm not trying to spread anything,this is a military forum,people like you are turning discussions into inflamatory ones with this kind of posts.I know a few muslims only by name,they drink,eat pork,etc,many muslims who come here convert to the european way of life with a faith only by name but they don't really care about religion

You are talking nonsense as well just because I put you in place by simple arguments and sources and now you have a grudge and want to show off. Nobody insulted you here.

Well, you don't need to tell me. I have lived in Europe for a long time and currently do as well.

I already told you that Islam belongs in Europe simply because it has had a presence in Europe for 1300 years and shaped/influenced Europe in many ways. Some that you don't even think about. Nearly 15-20 % of all Spanish words have an Arabic root if we just talk about linguistics.

Islam is the second biggest religion in Europe, the fastest growing and is a religion that is followed by native Europeans and immigrants and their descendants alike. You can't change that no matter how much you would - which you would no matter how many "I have nothing against Islam" comments you make. I am able to read between the lines. In real person even better hence why I often figure out people easily.

Look Romanian, nobody started this discussion. You did by commenting on something an Indonesian member said. Not me. My only objection, which I successfully proved through sources and simple argumentation were you claiming that islam had no place in Europe and that no native European is converting to it.

Some Muslims might do that but you know very well that they are in the minority and that Muslims in general take their religion seriously and that it influences the life of many.

And even if that happened in the end they would be equal with the "Christians" of Europe who are only Christians by name.

Simple as that.

This might be a military forum but it is a forum mainly used and for Muslims since Pakistan is a Muslim country. Insulting Islam is not acceptable here. So don't even try.
Where did i insult islam?What are you talking about?I'm not saying it does not belong,obviously it already has followers here,nobody is going to chase them out but you're not going to conquer Rome,establish a caliphate here and all that nonsence..You're the only trying to make this a christian vs muslim discussion,i'm sorry that you get enraged just because i'm debuking your some times laughable ideeas.Pleas point out to me where did i insult islam,maybe i did it without knowing and i can correct myself.
Where did i insult islam?What are you talking about?I'm not saying it does not belong,obviously it already has followers here,nobody is going to chase them out.You're the only trying to make this a christian vs muslim discussion,i'm sorry that you get enraged just because i'm debuking your some times laughable ideeas.Pleas point out to me where did i insult islam,maybe i did it without knowing and i can corect myself

I guess you need to practice your English more since you don't understand what I am writing to you although I am using simple English.

Look, your initial claims have been debunked by me so don't try to change the debate. You claimed that Islam is "alien" to Europe and that no native Europeans are embracing Islam. Both are not correct.

I wrote "Insulting Islam is not acceptable here. So don't even try." That does not mean that you insulted it, does it?

Also, are you drunk or what? Nobody started this discussion but you. You replied to something an Indonesian member wrote and started to talk about Islam this and that. No other members even commented or thanked his post. So you started a debate here. To which I replied.

Already told you that but it seems you need to be reminded of the same twice.

Also nobody talked about conquering anything. Already wrote that once, so hope you got the message by now.

End of discussion.

Don't quote or reply to my post in hope of keeping this discussion alive. I made my points clear for everybody to see. Rest is a waste of time.
I don't get your point, so either USA sell arms to Israel or Arabs? USA have been selling arms to Islamic nations for decades and no one had problem with it. I could careless about Iran which has been stabbing us for decades. I will not forget how Iranians and their followers have been rejoicing over killing Syrians and calling them rats. Even Israelis sympathized with the Syrian victims, at least they tried to show it which has never happened with Iranians and their followers.
best example is Iranian
F-14 tomcats
P-3F Orion
Boeing 707 tanker
F-4E Phantom II
Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion
Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King
Bell 412
tow missile
cobra helicopter
MIM -23 howk
Panha 2091
Bell 206 JetRanger
. Bell 205 JetRanger

ETC which iran buy from USA and copy dozens of systems illegally :coffee:
Buddy I really think you don't know your history ,islam was brought "by the sword" in Europe,and for many centuries the VAST MAJORITY of europeans fought against it.Those are facts! I've never said "islam out of europe!" i've only debunked that "conquering Rome ,establishing a caliphate" stupidity.I've answered that particular indonezian member but you felt the need to swoop in with your religious prozelitism,attacking christianity(i didn't even mentioned it,you see i keep my religion to myself and don't shout this and that) and now you're playing the victim.No matter what some random youtube videos,say it there are no lines at the local mosques with droves of europeans waiting to convert,i should know because i live here and my job takes me around europe alot.
But just to shed some light on you,i've not started anything,just answered that guy with his wet dreams of conquering Rome.
Al-Andalus was not bought by the sword. It was the most flourishing part of Europe for 800 years and tolerance for both Jews and Christians was high. Ironically the Catholics who were busy murdering people in the millions, burning "witches" alive etc. kicked out all the Arabs and Jews after they reconquered the Iberian Peninsula. Never again to reach the same heights of tolerance, scientific advancements and cooperation until Franco was removed in the 1970's or the world reached modernity. The Spanish inquisition was first abolished 180 years ago! I know my world history very well. Secondly how do you think that you became Christian in the first place after being Pagans?

Nobody attacked Christianity here. Stop inventing lies just because I debunked your claims with sources. The discussion is visible for everybody to see so there is no way around it. Saying that believing in God having a Son and them being one person is absurd according to Muslims and Jews is hardly an insult. Just the fact. And that's the most central part of Christianity much like the monotheism of Islam and Judaism are the central parts. (Believing in one sole God)

Nobody plays the victim card because Muslims are not victims in my eyes.

Already provided a source that Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe and that many native Europeans are increasingly converting to it. So it's totally irrelevant how many times you have went outside of Romania to work like many of your countrymen before you.

Don't quote or reply to my post in hope of keeping this discussion alive. I made my points clear for everybody to see. Rest is a waste of time.
Al-Andalus was not bought by the sword. It was the most flourishing part of Europe for 800 years and tolerance for both Jews and Christians was high. Ironically the Catholics who were busy murdering people in the millions, burning "witches" alive etc. kicked out all the Arabs and Jews after the reconquered the Iberian Peninsula. I know my world history very well. Secondly how do you think you became Christian in the first place after being Pagans?

Nobody attacked Christianity here. Stop making lies out just because I debunked your claims with sources. The discussion is visible for everybody so there is no way around it.

Nobody plays the victim card because Muslims are not victims.

Already provided a source that Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe and that many native Europeans are increasingly converting to it. So it's totally irrelevant how many times who have went outside of Romania to work like many of your countrymen before you.

Don't quote or reply to my post in hope of keeping this discussion alive. I made my points clear for everybody to see. Rest is a waste of time.

"Brought by the sword" not "bought"...check again...Umayyad conquest of Hispania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...they weren't exactly floating on bed of roses when they came to Spain,weren't they?

Is the bolded part your pathetic attempt at an insult?:omghaha:...Well,excuses me and my countrymen for working,we don't all have the luxury of an oilwell in our backyard.
Stop stating the obvious. At that time everybody conquered everybody. Still the tolerance was much greater in Al-Andalus than everywhere else in Europe. Muslims, Jews and Christians lived side by side. This is widely acknowledged. Once the Iberian Peninsula was reconquered the Arabs (Muslims) and Jews were kicked out. Great tolerance, ah?

Don't they teach English in Romania? I just found your statement utterly ridiculous. Like you where the only person who had visited many parts of Europe, LOL. Guess what you are not. And even that is completely IRRELEVANT when I already provided A SOURCE that states the OPPOSITE of your initial claims. Whether or not you had even stepped outside the Romanian borders or been in every single town and village of Europe it would have no influence/say whatsoever.

Do you understand this? Or do I need to learn Romanian to get my points across without you "misunderstanding" them each time?
Stop stating the obvious. At that time everybody conquered everybody. Still the tolerance was much greater in Al-Andalus than everywhere else in Europe. Muslims, Jews and Christians lived side by side. This is widely acknowledged. Once the Iberian Peninsula was reconquered the Arabs (Muslims) and Jews were kicked out. Great tolerance, ah?

Don't they teach English in Romania? I just found your statement utterly ridiculous. Like you where the only person who had visited many parts of Europe, LOL. Guess what you are not. And even that is completely IRRELEVANT when I already provided A SOURCE that states the OPPOSITE of your initial claims.

Do you understand this? Or do I need to learn Romanian to get my points across without you "misunderstanding" them each time?

A few posts ago you berated me because the crusaders were trying to forcibly spread christianity ,now you have no problems because "At that time everybody conquered everybody".:omghaha:

Did you see me saying that islam is evil or that the catholics were a model of tolerance.Heck,we orthodox had a saying "better the sultan than the pope!" but this is not the point.You provided a link with a promiscuous site wich said that Liam Neeson considered to convert and 20.000europeans converted.20.000 aren't millions and in the end mr Neeson didn't convert.:)

You better stop with those Romania jousts,they were teaching english in Romanian schools when 99% of your countrymen couldn't write their own names buddy.Tread carefully.

Is this thread about arm sale or Islam in Europe? Sometimes I wish I was a mod albeit for one hour.:hitwall:
A few posts ago you berated me because the crusaders were trying to forcibly spread christianity ,now you have no problems because "At that time everybody conquered everybody".:omghaha:

Did you see me saying that islam is evil or that the catholics were a model of tolerance.Heck,we orthodox had a saying "better the sultan than the pope!" but this is not the point.You provided a link with a promiscuous site wich said that Liam Neeson considered to convert and 20.000europeans converted.20.000 aren't millions and in the end mr Neeson didn't convert.:)

You better stop with those Romania jousts,they were teaching english in Romanian schools when 99% couldn't write their own names buddy.Tread carefully.

Yeah, you English seems very limited. My comment regarding the Crusade was not for or against. It was a reply to your "what about we spread Christianity in Muslim lands". To which I replied that last time you tried you were kicked out (Crusades) and that today every person can learn about any religion they want just by looking at the internet. So yet again you make up lies/twist words.

You also missed the whole point. Tolerance was the greatest in Al-Andalus. More than anywhere else in Europe at the time. This is widely acknowledged.

I can provide you hundreds of sources but this is not the thread for it. You might do a quick Google search on your own. It's not dangerous.

Well, the Romanians I encountered could barely speak English and that goes for all Eastern European countries who were under communism. English was simply not a widely spoken language and the teachers were mostly miserable. Same thing in Spain, Italy, France etc.

It's mostly the Benelux and Scandinavian countries who master English on a very high level. Rest of Europe is lacking behind in comparison. This is also widely known and there are sources available that confirm that.
You don't even know the difference between "bought" and "brought",your posts are full of defficiencies regarding verbs,pronoums,putting it mildy,your english is laughable and attack others for their english skills.How ironic...
You don't even know the difference between "bought" and "brought" and attack others for their english skills.How ironic...

Well, little friend I think everybody can testify that my English is superior to yours not that it is any achievement by any means. That's called a typing mistake.

I am sure that you don't want me to point out all of your grammatical mistakes even though most of your replies have been one-liners while my posts have been long. Moreover I wrote them considerably faster than yours.

Convincing answer to my previous post btw.


Not going to waste more of my time with you.
Well, little friend I think everybody can testify that my English is superior to yours not that it is any achievement by any means. That's called a typing mistake.

I am sure that you don't want me to point out all of your grammatical mistakes even though most of your replies have been one-liners while my posts have been long. Moreover I wrote them considerably faster than yours.

Convincing answer to my previous post btw.


Not going to waste more of my time with you.

Buddy,you have serious issues,btw,only fools brag about themselves and their capabilities,you better do a quick check on your posts if you think you're some kind of supernatural english writer.
Please try not to waste your time anymore,your ideeas were after all beside the point of discussion,just the ramblings of a sad and obviously frustrated individual,i could do without your "Liam Neeson thinks about converting but in the end doesn't " scientific links.:omghaha:
Al Hasani you kicked his butt enough, no need to do any more. You're about to make him cry. :)

Flamer you were making some good points but where you went to demographics and migration/immigration is where you went wrong.

Nevertheless, lets get back on topic. :)

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