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$10 Billion Arms Deal: Israel, UAE, KSA

Did not know that Turkey were such good friends with the West and that the West trusted them that much. This explains it.

The problem is balancing between USA and Russia. Also I would prefer to have the best ties with China the future superpower and only country who could topple USA from the number 1 position.

But every Arab country has ties to both USA and Russia instead of trying to develop/work together to start manufacturing/investing in advanced weapons on a bigger scale. This goes for all Muslims countries.

There is nothing wrong with buying the best weapons available right now (US weaponry) if you can afford it. But I would like to see less dependence in the near future.

This is why I salute the recent projects in KSA and UAE and I hope that it spreads to other fellow Arab countries and Muslims.
Did not know that Turkey were such good friends with the West and that the West trusted them that much. This explains it.

The problem is balancing between USA and Russia. Also I would prefer to have the best ties with China the future superpower and only country who could topple USA from the number 1 position.

But every Arab country has ties to both USA and Russia instead of trying to develop/work together to start manufacturing/investing in advanced weapons on a bigger scale. This goes for all Muslims countries.

There is nothing wrong with buying the best weapons available right now (US weaponry) if you can afford it. But I would like to see less dependence in the near future.

This is why I salute the recent projects in KSA and UAE and I hope that it spreads to other fellow Arab countries and Muslims.

That's true. Don't trust Russia or The USA. Develop your own identification systems and etc... But if you need help in this technology sector I would say go to China for that. Try to build relationship with them and maybe they could help KSA in some fields. In Gaza they're getting a lot of Chinese variant weapons which work better than the Russian variants in some cases.
In the future equipping UAE fighters agreement (‘Dassault Rafale’ or ‘Eurofighter Typhoon’). There will have ToT on fighter and all missiles with also, well obviously, our own identification systems. Conditions non-negotiable. ^^

A small taste. See here (all sub-links)…



Aside from UAE there is also KSA:


1000 military industry projects are planned to be constructed. It is great news.
.Islamic Army Will conquer India,Palestine & Rome/Vatican after the Coming of mahdi & before prophet isa come,,,,,,,,,,,Damascus will be the Future Islamic Khalifah HQ.....

After That The True Peacefull Earth Is Come.....

:rofl: :omghaha: I really hope to see you try that during my lifetime,after all this is your wet dream for over 1400 years,but the only thing you'll get will be a severe a** kicking...try to get it boy,europeans don't want your religion,we didn't want it in the past,we don't want it now! So please get lost! I'm not anti islam but when I see this bs i really get railed up,i really thought you got the general ideea after 1400 years of trying to impose an alien belief to our continent and constantly beeing rejected...
Really? Last time I checked Islam is by far the second biggest religion in Europe. Approximately 50 million Europeans are Muslims. Many European natives are Muslims and have been that for centuries.

They said the same about Constantinople until it was conquered.

Islam is moreover the fastest growing religion in Europe and the world.

Also I suggest you read about Al-Andalas and how the Arabs and Muslims helped Europe advance out from the Stone Age after ruling the Iberian Peninsula for 800 years and other areas in Europe.

Since you are a Romanian - Romania was an ally of Nazi Germany - then look and listen what Hitler had to say about Al-Andalus, Arabs and Islam in Europe.

"Only in the Roman Empire and in Spain under Arab domination has culture been a potent factor. Under the Arab, the standard attained was wholly admirable; to Spain flocked the greatest scientists, thinkers, astronomers, and mathematicians of the world, and side by side there flourished a spirit of sweet human tolerance and a sense of purist chivalry. Then with the advent of Christianity, came the barbarians. Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers—already you see the world had already fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing Christianity!—then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so."

28 August 1942
1.Those are imigrants in Europe,rest assure,native europeans aren't flocking to islam.
2.No need to point out to me what islam did,i was not bashing the religion,i know that islam was a good umbrella for science,literature,medicine,astronomy etc in medieval time but you didn't drag anything out of the middle ages in Europe,the byzantines we're doing just fine without arab knowledge,as for the rest of Europe i can debate all night and show you are wrong.
3.How did the al andalus adventure end up for you?Oh,yeah,the natives kicked you out ,guess they just didn't want all that "good" for them
4.The problem for some of you guys is that you still think to live in the middle ages.Grow up!
5.I repeat,i don't hate islam or its followers but you have to understant that Europe just DOESN'T WANT this religion,you don't see us bible in hand all over muslim countries,stop living a fairy tale,if the west wants it,it can obliterate your countries within weeks but modern societies keep to their own.
6.No need reminding what my country did in WW2 we allready paid for that and believe me,Im not a hitler admirer.
7.I thought this was a forum dedicated to armies,modern weaponry,but every 6-7 posts someone has to say how islam will be all conquerin bla bla...suit yourself,but don't come crying when other westerners will carpet bomb the hell out of you.

P.S.: If you couldn't convince the europeans to embrace islam when you had the advantege in technolgy,armies i sure don't see it how you're going to do it now.
1.Those are imigrants in Europe,rest assure,native europeans aren't flocking to islam.
2.No need to point out to me what islam did,i was not bashing the religion,i know that islam was a good umbrella for science,literature,medicine,astronomy etc in medieval time but you didn't drag anything out of the middle ages in Europe,the byzantines we're doing just fine without arab knowledge,as for the rest of Europe i can debate all night and show you are wrong.
3.How did the al andalus adventure end up for you?Oh,yeah,the natives kicked you out ,guess they just didn't want all that "good" for them
4.The problem for some of you guys is that you still think to live in the middle ages.Grow up!
5.I repeat,i don't hate islam or its followers but you have to understant that Europe just DOESN'T WANT this religion,you don't see us bible in hand all over muslim countries,stop living a fairy tale,if the west wants it,it can obliterate your countries within weeks but modern societies keep to their own.
6.No need reminding what my country did in

So all the millions of native Muslims in the Balkans, Russia (20 million there) and elsewhere do not count? Just because you said so, LOL.

About the natives ones then experts and statistics seem to disagree with your claim.

Europeans Increasingly Converting to Islam :: Gatestone Institute

Well the European civilizations of any importance where the Greek and Roman. The Byzantine Empire was basically a Greek empire. Anyway they all are nothing compared to those in the Middle East which are the oldest and most important civilizations in the world.

Al-Andalus's role is widely acknowledged by all scholars and their role of helping large parts of Europe out of the Dark Middle Ages.

So what? Just the same way the Ottomans conquered most of the Byzantine Empire, Anatolia and Balkans. Secondly Islam is still the second largest religion in Spain and 2-3 million Muslims live in Spain. The most famous architectural pearls were built by Arabs. Such as Alhambra.

Your 4 point is nonsense. All I was doing was refuting your initial claims which I have done already.

Well, you can try spread your Christian faith and see how that goes or if people are positive towards it. Last time you tried you lost in the Crusades. In several attempts. The main principle of believing that God has a Son and that they are one is absurd in both Islam and Judaism (Monotheistic religions).

Islam has a 1300 year old presence in Europe and that will continue whether you like it or not. Not only do millions of indigenous Europeans adhere to Islam and have been doing that for centuries the recent immigrants are in the millions and are not going anywhere.

Moreover Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe and that religion most people convert to.

All I have to say.

I am not interested in your reply nor is this the thread for the discussion.

Lastly you and others can believe what you want - I don't care. Hate Islam all you want as well. Free to do that. Just don't expect us Muslims to stay silent if you threaten us because Muslims have, are and will be as native as anybody else in Europe.
Its not that much possible to know how many muslims or christians there are in the world, you cannot look into peoples heads, many Moroccans here in europe are only muslims by name, weed > islam for many of them.
Just an example, no insult to moroccans specifically.

How could they know..
Its not that much possible to know how many muslims or christians there are in the world, you cannot look into peoples heads, many Moroccans here in europe are only muslims by name, weed > islam for many of them.
Just an example, no insult to moroccans specifically.

Major religious groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How could they know..

Well, that is right but if we go by that logic then how many Christians are there even in Europe? How many Christian Europeans are waiting to have sex until they marry? My guess is a tiny portion. So, the Moroccans who smoke weed or come from difficult backgrounds do not stop being Muslims just because they do things that are sinful. We all do that. Some more than others.

Most of Western Europe are not even religious anymore and only Christians by name and culture/tradition.

Also I am not interested in conquering anything. The fact is that Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe and that many find a appeal in it. Nobody is forcing them.

All the anti-Islam nonsense and exaggerations are ridiculous. There are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world and 99,9 % cause no problems - at least not more than any other religious group.

I am yet to met a European that is more than just a Christian by name.
Well, that is right but if we go by that logic then how many Christians are there even in Europe? How many Christian Europeans are waiting to have sex until they marry? My guess is a tiny portion. So, the Moroccans who smoke weed or come from difficult backgrounds do not stop being Muslims just because they do things that are sinful. We all do that. Some more than others.

Most of Western Europe are not even religious anymore and only Christians by name and culture/tradition.

Also I am not interested in conquering anything. The fact is that Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe and that many find a appeal in it. Nobody is forcing them.

All the anti-Islam nonsense and exaggerations are ridiculous. There are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world and 99,9 % cause no problems - at least not more than any other religious group.

I am yet to met a European that is more than just a Christian by name.

You're right,todays Europe,isn't christian Europe of let's say a century ago,that doesn't mean that europeans are going to turn to islam.Islam will always be a minority here,it just doesn't belong only a few deluded individuals like you seem to believe that.I'm not trying to spread anything,this is a military forum,people like you are turning discussions into inflamatory ones with this kind of posts.I know a few muslims only by name,they drink,eat pork,etc,many muslims who come here convert to the european way of life with a faith only by name but they don't really care about religion
Well, that is right but if we go by that logic then how many Christians are there even in Europe? How many Christian Europeans are waiting to have sex until they marry? My guess is a tiny portion. So, the Moroccans who smoke weed or come from difficult backgrounds do not stop being Muslims just because they do things that are sinful. We all do that. Some more than others.

Most of Western Europe are not even religious anymore and only Christians by name and culture/tradition.

Also I am not interested in conquering anything. The fact is that Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe and that many find a appeal in it. Nobody is forcing them.

All the anti-Islam nonsense and exaggerations are ridiculous. There are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world and 99,9 % cause no problems - at least not more than any other religious group.

I am yet to met a European that is more than just a Christian by name.

I do not think many Christians take their religion that serious these days, you can insult everything that has to do with Christianity and little people will care, not the same with Islam.
Your right you will find little real Christians here, in Italy and Spain you will find more but here it is dieing, people are not interested.
I don't know about the Moroccans, we all sin but maybe it is because my and their culture is so different, I find the Turks to be more into Islam then them.

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