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  1. V

    Russia, China, India Among Worst Piracy Offenders, U.S. Trade Report Claims

    Quite Agree with it! Only issue I see in that is people, and even companies, who can afford are doing the same. Very few small companies use the 5-20% licensed versions and rest the pirated ones.
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    How many of us can write a proper sentence ?

    It's nice of you to point out the same. In earlier times, professors and professionals used specialist/assistant who do the final drafts of their letters; the reason being that professionalism and presentation of their correspondence had very high importance. Nowadays, even the chat words...
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    Venezuela brings home gold reserves

    If you get a chance read the history of the currency how it came into the existence. Till 1970, US allows to get the gold equivalent in amount to the currency; implying if you have $1 million, you can ask from US to give equivalent amount of gold at rate at that time. But in 1970s, US dropped...
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    Could India Go the Way of Greece and Italy?

    I am surprised that so many people bashing for/against India without looking at the economical perspective. Each time there is some thing comes up, members start showing graphs of X, Y, Z countries for a,b,c. Point here is at present the govt., especially RBI is more interested in containing...
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    U.S. Navy Ship Set for Alt Fuel Demo

    I have seen the documentary on the same few years back. Though algae is a feasible solution, but there are lot of drawbacks also with the large scale production of algae. It will affect the land fertility and also the food production land size. I guess there are lot of hiccups in the...
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    Why IAF does NOT need either Eurofighter or Rafale

    ^^ it is all about the timing. With the IAF depleting aircraft strength, vulnerability of the air space will be dire if we do not go ahead to procure MMRCA (4+). Till FGFA comes into the picture, the IAF needs the strength and capability to protect the indian air space.
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    China against setting artificial time limit for UN Security Council reform

    Thanks for enlightening us! Same rhetoric in all forums India - inferior in all aspects, poverty, third world, dependent, puppets of XYZ, decades behind, dumb, and so on so forth. Live the dreams away from reality! Acknowledging the opponent's capabilities is the best bet in the real conflict...
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    India may bailout Eurozone

    When you look at the picture of the global economics, it is apparent that markets in Europe still has significant importance. It is imperative for India to take diligent steps in stabilizing these markets that in the long run doesn't effect the goods flow (export/import). That is why FM has...
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    IAF to hold 'Exercise Maha Gajraj' with Indian Army

    It really amazed me how these guys come up with such names - very peculiar.
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    India plans 'safer' nuclear plant powered by thorium

    Finally, Thorium Reactor news! I have been waiting for quite some time for the news when the India will be able to utilize its abundant thorium resource. It is a good start. Hopefully, these steps become a significant contributor to the India energy requirement.
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    India lags far behind Chinese preparedness

    The topic is about "preparedness" of China and India at LAC. Why you guys heading again to the same rhetoric of China vs India with some Pakistani Masala supplements. On topic, I don't think any knowledgeable person will deny with the headline of the topic. India is lagging behind that is a...
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    US stops UNESCO funds over Palestine vote

    FYI, US aid is 20% of the UNESCO's budget.
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    US stops UNESCO funds over Palestine vote

    These is lot of debate happened in the past on the inclusion of emerging countries in the international organization permanently; the reason for the same is that developed countries, so called winners of the WWII, do not want to dilute their power that they have gained in the past century. But...
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    China plans 2012 manned space

    This is good news! the space race which started in cold era seems like starting up again. We don't know what future beholds for us, but it seems in future the confrontation is heading away from the earth's surface. This way some who like to expand and show strength have the new domain/erena to...
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    Indian tomatoes flooding Pakistan, pushing up domestic prices.

    You are right but in this context domestic prices is in regard to India. So, indian domestic prices are pushing up not pakistan's
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    China Currency Bill Passes US Senate

    Strong and Appreciated Yuan also implies costly export products from China. Unless China providing specialized products not available from the other markets, there is a big chance of loosing the edge over a period of time. Though the current scale of manufacturing is not available in any other...
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    Gulf Times: Indian Shipyard offers patrol vessels

    ^^^ It is good for the self sustainability of the sector; reason being that though it may delay or slow the process of IN procurements but in future it will be able to leverage the revenue for future production without significant reliance on the allocation of the budget. Albeit, the realization...
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    Chabahar port plan on fast-track

    In this forum everything is dragged to Indo-Pak discussions, which is irrelevant at this point India at this juncture finding it hard to engage with Iran on different aspects/projects, because of the sanctions. So I would say - 'Delhi door hai' [Long way to go] :unsure: Hindu has placed...
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    Militant Muslim group says it carried out western China attacks

    Care to elaborate on the bold part! Frankly, many economists are not in a situation to foresee US economy with or without China. This could be a blessing in disguise for USA though. What I mean to say here is that it could be bad or good that only time will tell. :azn:
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