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India lags far behind Chinese preparedness

yes in 2050 you will catch up the china of 2011

Not really,acc. to IMF India will reach that position by 2025 itself,but history had it, every time we are breaking their projection's by achieving the status yrs before.
India should write more of these kind articles so you can have more money invested on defense``then will see a new 'soviet union' in making``its gonna be real fun to watch it collapsing.

神油摸太多了,神经过敏``just relax nobody can afford a war these days

Sorry bro we are not communists. So no threat for us. and the second para is true. But that chinese lang not understandable.
You made a typo buddy. It's government sponsored TERRORISTS from the Islamic republic of Pakistan.

Dear Bro, we can wake the people who are sleeping, but we can't who are acting

---------- Post added at 01:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 PM ----------

Not really,acc. to IMF India will reach that position by 2025 itself,but history had it, every time we are breaking their projection's by achieving the status yrs before.

Let them dream bro, we break their dreams. That is for sure. (Every body know their economy is export oriented it is not stable)
Alright let me ask you then in the 1960's and 70's the same could have been said about China, but look where it is today.

You need GDP close to 25 for atleast 15 years to have any chance of catching up with china in 2050. you figure the rest out.

---------- Post added at 02:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 PM ----------

This is your arrogance talking & if all the Chinese are like you then it is really good for us....your arrogance & over confidence will not allow you to size up your competitor and in the meanwhile, we would be crossing all the bridges to reach our goal, while you will still be living in the past glory.

Different guy but the same wet dream.
I am wrong, but in fact, India will be superpower and most advanced country capable in order to destroy Pakistan and China within few days.

i.e F1 races successfully, Indian baby become 7 billion global population, moon, Bangladore best city, trains, Agni 5, Raol movie, and etc.

now happy?

Bangladore? :rofl: :rofl: how more stupid can you be? :D :D

I know that feeling, when Indian railways is making a profit, your railways is going to get shut down and BANGLADORE just opened its metro transit facility.
India should write more of these kind articles so you can have more money invested on defense``then will see a new 'soviet union' in making``its gonna be real fun to watch it collapsing.

神油摸太多了,神经过敏``just relax nobody can afford a war these days

Analysis points out that western media hype up
"threats from China" in order to bolster their
arms sales in the Indian market. And India tends
to accept this tone to seek excuses for its
military expansion. It's obvious that "threats
from Chinese military expansion" can create a
good environment of arms business for the west and India.
The topic is about "preparedness" of China and India at LAC. Why you guys heading again to the same rhetoric of China vs India with some Pakistani Masala supplements.

On topic, I don't think any knowledgeable person will deny with the headline of the topic. India is lagging behind that is a known fact, and India is trying to improve in this regard.
I am wrong, but in fact, India will be superpower and most advanced country capable in order to destroy Pakistan and China within few days.

i.e F1 races successfully, Indian baby become 7 billion global population, moon, Bangladore best city, trains, Agni 5, Raol movie, and etc.

now happy?

What are you talking???:lol: Looks like you are just nervous and saying whatever camoflouges of being caught as one...
See out of 10 odd things you have quoted you are not even close to one, but you are hurt when you see we are advancing../

Something is burning.
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